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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectYou're confusing two different things
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38023
38023, You're confusing two different things
Posted by mcdeezjawns, Thu Mar-30-06 09:40 PM
Which really doesnt surprise me at all...considering

>they DO think he's the Kang!
>you said yourself he was the only player considered bigger
>than the sport itself!

Being bigger than the game, and being the home run king are two totally different things...It's not a shot at Hank, actually it speaks volumes about his character...He was not the type of person that would not end up being bigger than the game, because he was the type of guy who went out everyday and did his damn job....He was a consistent player for a very long time, but he didnt seek out the fame and camera's that Babe did...Babe was like the first "Limelight" dude...The first dude out for the camera's, rockin the furs, drivin the cars with bitches all over the place...Hank wasn't like that
See, you seem to automatically equate "yt" stating the fact that Babe was bigger than the MLB with white people saying he was the greatest home run hitter ever, which is just not the case...Like I said in my first post

Show me where these are people that are saying Babe ruth is the real home run king

That's all I'm fuckin askin, and as usual, it's too much for you fools