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Topic subjectI can't believe 12 year old girls like yourself even bother posting here
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38019
38019, I can't believe 12 year old girls like yourself even bother posting here
Posted by mcdeezjawns, Thu Mar-30-06 08:42 PM
>>Regardless of Aaron's record( which is the most prolific in
>>ALL of sports, and should be celebrated that way)
>you must mean all American sports
American sports, yes...the only ones that matter

>is that right? odd. babe ruth didnt mean a damn back in the
>day to the colored community. doesnt today. i look forward to
>bonds kicking him down the list. mainly because of the esteem
>you euro-americans seem to hold him in

That's fine...you can look forward to that all you want...See, the funny thing is, I have ALWAYS been a Bonds defender...Yet, at this point, only morons will try defend him with all of the evidence staring them in the face...Then there are cats like you...THE Worst kind...The one's who want to see Bonds pass Ruth simply because Bonds is black and Ruth was white( though that actually remains to be argued up to this day)
Oh, and "we euros" don't hold esteem in the babe because of his skin color...BASEBALL FANS hold him up because, for more than the first half of the century he was the biggest thing in baseball...
With a mindset like that you are not a true sports fan, and I am actually embarrased for you

For you to try and claim that Ruth was not bigger than the game also shows just how fucking completely out of touch with reality you are

>>It simply cannot be argued.
>oh yes it can
OK tough guy...Go Ahead...Argue it...With 1 stipulation
Leave see if you can leave the terms black and white out of your argument.....
G'head kiddo

>take the L on the integration argument
Take The L on this entire post....

So...go ahead...Address the issue without allowing your bigotry towards whites to take hold of your argument....
Take your L and get the fuck out of my face
Clown ass fool