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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectIf a 'roid freak/dickhole passes 755, it's a disgrace.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38006
38006, If a 'roid freak/dickhole passes 755, it's a disgrace.
Posted by LiquidDope, Thu Mar-30-06 11:05 PM
And if said 'roid cock uses his "blackness" (and I use that term loosely when associated w/ Barry Bonds) as a defense mechanism in the process, that's an even bigger disgrace to Hank Aaron.

Hank Aaron received death threats on top of death threats every day for years leading up to his breaking of the record because people didn't want to see a black man become home run king. It would've been perfectly understandable for him to give up and retire while still in pursuit of the Babe if he chose to do so. But he persisted, thanks in no small part because of what it ultimately meant to black America to see one of their own become MLB's all-time leading home run hitter. In contrast, Barry Bonds wants to retire short of the record because "the media's taken all the fun out of the game" for him and "made life a living hell for him and his family".

Just his very definition of a living hell serves as proof that Barry Bonds is a giant pussy and completely undeserving to be in the same class as Hammerin' Hank.