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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectTo the Barry Bonds anti-defamtion league, I'll only say this once
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=37959
37959, To the Barry Bonds anti-defamtion league, I'll only say this once
Posted by LiquidDope, Thu Mar-30-06 05:40 PM
The home run record does not belong to Babe Ruth. The home run record belongs to Hank Aaron (who is black). Hank Aaron went through HELL to get that record. People wanted to literally kill Hank Aaron to prevent him from becoming the holder of that record. The "struggles" Barry's going through right now are sissified compared to what Henry Aaron had to endure throughout the early '70s. The "witchunt" is not to protect Babe Ruth. It's to protect Hank. Henry Aaron deserves MUCH better than some surly, 'roided up piece of shit to steal (yes, I fucking said STEAL) the record he so rightfully deserves.