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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectBarry is still the Greatest,nothing is Proved
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37650&mesg_id=37801
37801, Barry is still the Greatest,nothing is Proved
Posted by mistermaxxx, Tue Mar-07-06 08:53 PM
the Racist Media coming out to bash on Bonds what else is new? has He tested negative for a drug test yet? nope. they say 5 years,well He dominated in 04&he has always been watched. dude is a Great Player period. no matter what.this is so tacky because these so called journalist didn't even go to the san francisco journal no they ran to SI to profit off the Man again. so this shit don't mean nothing to me. Barry Bonds is still the Greatest Player Ever. Ask Willie Mays about the Greatness of Barry Bonds&those in the know already know that Bonds is the truth. Willie Mays already said that he told Barry to put numbers up long ago.He knows how great Barry is.