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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectRE: Liver failure, my bad.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37650&mesg_id=37688
37688, RE: Liver failure, my bad.
Posted by 3xKrazy, Tue Mar-07-06 05:10 PM
>And the sideeffects are all commisorate with the amount of
>cycles and range of drugs you're taking.


But he was/is supposedly on testosterone and GH, right? Your liver wouldnt be affected much by those two drugs.

>If it's like these
>two author's are saying, he'll start showing signs very soon.

I didn't read the article. But that's really not true, if that's what they said. How the fuck would they know what he took, or what each individual drug does/causes? Like I said, the ones that he's at least accused of taking wouldnt be a problem. But they're baseball writers - what would they know about steroids?

And in regards to your assertion that Bond's will suffer from liver failure within 10 years is really, really not true as well. Your liver is a fucking tank. It can take A LOT of abuse. The whole notion that steroids cause extensive liver damage came under false pretenses. Basically, when they first started doing tests on drug using bodybuilders, they found elevated aminotransferase levels (liver enzymes, AST/ALT's specifically). So, they made the leap in logic that steroids=liver damage without doing any further investigation. What they failed to realize at the time was that exercise-induced muscle damage (ie. lifting weights) alone can cause a rise in aminotransferase levels. More thorough indicators of liver damage need to be performed (ie. GGT) when attempting to distinguish between exercise induced muslce damage and drug induced liver damage (steroids or even more notably alcohol).

