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Posted by BarTek, Fri Jan-10-03 05:31 PM
aight, whats up poets and emcees, the day has finally arrived. thank you everyone for participating and being patient.


There are no restrictions. I want everyone to come hard with their style so write as you normally would. (This will change for ROUND TWO)

You and your partner will combine styles to create ONE PIECE of work. You may to this in many ways:

PARTNER A: 1 longer verse.
PARTNER B: 1 longer verse.


PARTNER A: 1 short verse
PARTNER B: 1 short verse
PARTNER A: 1 short verse
PARTNER B: 1 short verse


PARTNER A: 1 line
PARTNER B: 1 line
and so on...

This is entirely up to you. Let your style shine. We want fire, not sparks. There is no line limit but take in mind there is a lot to read so pick QUALITY over QUANTITY.

ROUND ONE: ONE piece from TEAM A (Partner A/Partner B) ~VERSUS~ ONE piece from TEAM B (Partner A/Partner B)

THIS IS A COLLAB TOURNEY and the team that embraces teamwork to the fullest will win. LISTEN to your partner, take suggestions, leave your ego outta this. Rookies, listen to your VETS because most of them have participated in tourney's and know what they are talking about. We are all equal, but experience is knowledge. Do not forget this, another key to success.

IMPORTANT: YOU MUST indicate which verse or words belong to you, and your partner must do the same. Try to have a roughly equal amount, this is very important.

Write with passion. You may begin NOW! get those pens and make fire. Find your battle below and respond to THAT thread. DO NOT HIT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE. I have provided the topic and a qoute for inspiration and knowledge. Please only post your work when it is complete. Between you and your partner, have one of you post the final piece. Use your inbox, use email, make sure this is fire and take the full time period to do this.


6510, 1)
Posted by BarTek, Fri Jan-10-03 05:32 PM





"Kill them all. God will easily recognize his own." Amalric: To simon de Montfort, at the massacre at Beziers, 1209.
6511, Religious Peroxide
Posted by KnowOne, Sat Jan-18-03 04:41 AM
When I was a kid, I thought it was cool the way the peroxide bubbled and foamed when it was poured on a cut to clean it. Later in random science classes I learned that it doesn't just kill the germs and pathogens.
It Kills Everything.
The whole basis of its cleaning power is the simple assumption that: There are more of your own cells, than there are of the pathogen. So simply, kill all of it until the bad stuff is dead, and there's still some of you left.
How much, though, is left to be seen.


Religious Peroxide

sirens sang of sebacles
to this cultic congregation.
alluring songs of lust and luster;
water splashing into blind eyes.
never seeing past the guise
while on their knees
begging "o' gawd pleez
may the ghosts come down
and purge this dirty host."
ever so full of
the parasites
the truth
ebbing away
at their insanity, weakening slow.
little mites that bite and gnaw
the deep sinew of the lifebeat so raw
as the ghosts come down
and purify the body of all its ills
as a wound thats filled with peroxide.
and the men then knew. the ghosts had lied,
watching as their children died.
the once righteous denomination
has now ensured certain condemnation,
as the water drains from their eyes
and they find their way through
their own torturous demise.


What's the meaning of being religious?
Is it a ritual, a need to get up, make a fuss
is it defeating dishonesty, pride, greed and lust?
Is it up to us? What does it mean when we say "In God We Trust?"
When I think on the topic I sometimes feel hushed-
it's humility that quiets me, to speak honestly
I felt weak to see that the topic was He.
how could I not be when I think on his Glory?
Without him I'd be incomplete
like a sheep without fleece or an aunt without a niece
or a child without father, in the desert without water,
He's the one who inspires martyrs, hires friars, forgives liars,
my lord and Sire, and when times get dire
it's to him I turn and from him I learn a lot
and I conclude with this thought:
It's from him that I get any skill
be it big be it lil be it weak be it ill
If I win it's through him if I lose it's his will.

6512, 2)
Posted by BarTek, Fri Jan-10-03 05:32 PM
3rd i




"Freedom" is a grand word, but under the banner of Free Trade the most predatory wars were conducted; under the banner of "free labor" the toliers were robbed." - V.I. Lenin: What is to be done?
6513, The Accent on Free...
Posted by ThaAnthology, Tue Jan-21-03 10:46 AM
We are part of this continuum
Interpreting through sound-writing
And the copulation of consonants & vowels
Griot passions erupt
Extracting formulas & equations
Exposing ideologies & intuition
Reaching out & forward
To open souls

For some may call us fools or even naďve
Expressing this Love
Even when reciprocity isn’t guaranteed
So we ignore despair
Forfeit certitudes
And allow ourselves
To sometimes suffer
To go through sorrow
Aspiring to create something
Coz nothing does nothing, is nothing
Becomes nothing, when you risk nothing

We are God's highest choir
pronouncing love through
baby's breath
We are the solstice which illuminates
we be

thought through sound
with profound connectivity
Right Minds
in Left Ashes
riding coattails of M-Dashes
Universal translators
with our past procreating your future
so ascend with us
dear people
glide into ideas
and find them fitting
a comfortable consort
to awkward agendas

Be we with words
as we be air with sound
be us as ours
be with freestyles
be poets, emcees
philosophers without fear
be whoever you be-
with the accent on free

6514, RE: The Accent on Free...
Posted by Semplisstech, Thu Jan-23-03 11:57 AM
Freedom lost...In the form of an aborted fetus
(this is a 1 on 2...because 3rd i said she'd be able to compete, she just said at the last minute for me to finish the whole thing....so this is all Semplisstech)

The environment around me seems sheltered and tranquil
Heard talk of how she wished she had taken the pill
Peaceful, balled up waiting for my next meal
When all of a sudden panic is the only thing I feel
My host's heart begins to race
Never experiecnced this short life of mine at this furious pace
Thumbs and fingers press my living space
Seemed that an unfavorable future is what I'd surely face
Just wish that my point of view could be clearly seen
Shortly my life would be gone, but so would her self esteem

Clinical nurses seemed as ominous as executioners
Figured she want to end my life, so she wouldn't waste hers
I could sense that with tears, her eyes began to swell up
When the doc said "Point them knees high and get those legs up"
The opening in my life cell was now overcome by illumination
For this moment in her life that would never see erasing
Bit my tounge, swallowed pride...as she prepared for the strife
I'm barely 16 weeks concieved, why am I seeing the end of life?

Instruments grabbed my near formed foot, felt sharp and cold
Clamped around the heel cause I had yet to grow toes
Then in one fierce jerk and pull to the south
The air stung my body as I opened my mouth
Gasping for a breath which was rightfully mine
But my brain waves and heart rate were quickly falling behind
Fear turned to anger as I saw my mothers eyes
She seemed shocked for certain, how could this be a surprise
YOU MADE ME, now, I'm being taken from this earth
I hope you live every day questioning your self worth
Right before my eyes closed I heard her say she felt sore
She'd wont ever know the feeling of death on a hospital floor
It killed me to know, that with this last thought of my own
With one office visit she turned my beating heart to stone.....

6515, RE: 2) P.S.
Posted by Sampaguita, Tue Jan-21-03 12:26 PM
Sampaguita - (1-8) & (9-19)
ThaAnthology - (20-26) & (27-40) & (41-48)

Enjoy Everybody!

Peace & One

6516, 3)
Posted by BarTek, Fri Jan-10-03 05:33 PM




"Men are especially intolerant of servings and being ruled by, their equals." - Beneditc Spinoza
6517, 4)
Posted by BarTek, Fri Jan-10-03 05:33 PM




"Revolutions, as a long and bitter experience reveals, are apt to take their color from the regime they overthrow." - Richard H. Tawney: The Acquisitive Society
6518, 5)
Posted by BarTek, Fri Jan-10-03 05:34 PM


Instant Axis


"To aim to convert a man by miracles is a profanation of the soul." - Ralph Waldo Emerson: Nature
6519, miracles....
Posted by LaXyDaZiCaL, Wed Jan-15-03 09:33 AM
Talkin to God

Instant Axis-

word ayo 34th street dialect jumpin hurdles watchin my frame sweat..............im lookin for somethin, ayo somethin deliver me heaven without chains
holdin my body, huggin my frame, promises go unnoticed, i need, i need,......................graspin my head swollen dedicated hard workin but constantly foldin/let me switch on the motion____________________________________

i need a rare feed, rare find
untouched jewel
the struggle hits me like instant impact
im talkin impact of a screamin fly touchin up a winshield
god needs to drop some supernatural shit my way
spontaneous, make it happen for me
bad credit never existed.........did it?

word ayo, take me out the trenches heavy breath fist clecnhin, teeth grinding feels like the twin towers im benchin.........collpased, relasped, reformed, everything surrounds my head like irritating families on new borns/

somethins gotta give
i need that unexplained phenomenon
you aint gotta explain that shit
just bless me
bless me
im standin on the frontline
numerous times
neck stickin out, head use to stand upright
you got me hunched over lookin for this
that just might be my problem tho
wrong direction
gotta stand erect
feel free to slap me at ya own will

son, its your pops and i hear ya plea/ but it seems ya forget theres more then the scene your eye can see/ im sorry for the days when the path feels longer, but the ends and outs you endure were designed to make ya stonger, and i never forget my kids.....

Perhaps you need guidance
or a breeze to blaze your embers
rendering kings helpless
beside myself, your's self, centered
what you looking for?
a check to fall from the sky and leave ya paid?
askin for the massive, but you ignore the little aids ive made

and when the goin gets tough, the tough get smart~ eyes on the prize, but you dont realize where to start... instincts, you in deep, and NOW you get spiritual/ but if i gave em to everyone you wouldnt call it a m________...

From guadalupe to fatima to my very kid's heads
to sunrises, sunsets, to sons born in hospital beds
ive supplied more if you could just uncover the masks
ive been given you em before you even started to ask
so while you slam stacks to kills anxiety attacks
i aint gonna slap ya wit it,
more so pat ya on the back
Black, so no more grief, dreams come true if you believe.
but more importantly:
ask and you shall recieve


6520, RE: 5)
Posted by gsquared, Fri Jan-17-03 02:06 PM
Uncle Climax:
"To aim to convert a man by miracles is a profanation of the soul." - Ralph Waldo Emerson: Nature

the thing came up out of the ground
uproarious audacious prideful
a head dressed in angelwing feathers
a body that sits on the tongue
and dissolves in the presence of saliva

the wings were pruned
and obscene
to the commonman

little glints
tiny millions offshooting from a bigbang of light
out of dark deep mantle earth
sliding slithering corpus
its wings for show
its body a buffer
its tail wrapped the sky
around the azure bubble
the long white ethereal tentacle explicated its own grace
smirking, using the mere sky as a backdrop to the spectacle

it granted clemency
gained strength with every set of eyes that witnessed and believed in the same instantaneity of glance
and enveloped usurped and threw away titles and epithets
swarming the earth as if a trillion tiny gnats
gadflies jerking into and out of noses ears eyes mouths
until all men recognized its mass
its sheer elegance
its unfuckwitablitity
because its propensity for provoking souls to see power within transformed profundity to profanity in a reflex

i enjoy long night walks on pacific oceans
wearing moonbeam slippers
tussling with tidal waves
replacing current events with currents
purging spirits
sincerity gauging
placing pedestals on pedastals just so they can measure up to me
racing with the sun to see
who can praise who, extol the other's virtue to the greater degree
hereaftergrapplers who've won wave to me thankfully
as i pass them, having touched them, taking shits on their contemporaries' customs
and paying them with my graces in one lump sum

I'm the one
of a kind too sublime
to be mentioned without mentioning Him
cuz I'm Him drunk in cheap bottles of gin
I'm in grins
that ascend
and become whirlwinds that turn tides
and burn pride
when i've come and then i've gone
you live just to learn why
g2: I never die

6521, 6)
Posted by BarTek, Fri Jan-10-03 05:34 PM
the light



"Three things are necessay for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe; to know what he ought to desire; and to know what he ought to do." - St. Thomas Aquinas: Two Precepts of Charity.
Posted by BarTek, Fri Jan-17-03 04:39 PM
the city block,
riddled with concrete and mechanical trees,
women and men with no place to go fill the side streets and contemplate hope,
salvation heated in spoons hands out eviction notices where purity once lived,
glass tubes,
clean like washed windows reflect images of burnin traditions,
salvation is not without rituals,
what is salvation?
a new born babe openin her eyes to the world escapin her cacophony of tissue,
a dying man countin every beat his heart is etching into his chest cage,
holdin his walking stick in amazement thankful for these last days in the park,
observin young families pushin strollers,
a new generation of philosophers discussin such concepts as to send this old man to his death bed,

where does salvation begin?
on the surface of our skin where mosquito's drink?
or the sky, touched by the breeze flowin in smoke like patterns as mother earth prepares for her bath,
rivatlizing her children with showers,
buddin flowers turning their shy faces to be kissed by the sunlight,
opening their arms welcoming the dialest spoken by singing birds and rustling leaves,
perhaps salvation lurks in natural places,
like this.

journeying my cerebral path eating from the vines of positivity and love,
perhaps salvation here,
is no more,
perhaps it just becomes life,
i cannot be sure for i have not stayed this road long enough to truly understand,
or maybe salvation is just tryin my best,
i am thinking...
creating rivers and beautiful sands muddying my perception with rising hands,
swaying to the rythm of beat rumbling in the stomach of storm clouds marchin across the sky transporting life in their arms,
under the watchful eye of the moon find salvation in my burnin beedie playing with smoke patterns and stars,
picking the sky apart,
creating geometrical shapes in awe of the precise placement,
i aspire to be an architect,
i dream of buildin temples in the sky connectin life from one seed to the next,
here is where i shall store my salvation,
away from the reach of unworthy hands, away from.
i dare dream this dream tonight,
and someday when i have left my breath behind in my final exhale,
i shall release my soul in this gasp,
embracin the likness of a storm cloud,
i shall send wet kisses to mother earth's flower bed where my body rests,
this shall be my salvation.

In the lane well trodden by memories’ feet
I stand beside my failed potential, staring at
The mirror image of the man I claimed to be..
For Destiny’s broken promises was never pain to me ,
Too cold to appreciate the warmth of the ‘morrow’s sun
My salvation swiftly ended the second it had begun

And where does salvation end?
At the tip of the last whisper of a dying promise?
In a world where holy wars pay homage to ungodly losses?
Or at the core of an Axis of Evil that an unsteady globe revolves on?
It’s winter..and I’ve got my gloves on,
Screaming “Fuck the World!”..before second
thoughts could fornicate with nostalgic pussies
giving birth to past sins..

Can a lost soul be saved before it is found?
Submerged in the lord’s baptism at the spot
where faith drowned…I saw salvation in
the eyes of my yet to be born son..
even with mistakes clinging to
his toddler curious grasp, my future laying within
the lanes crisscrossed along his palms..
where memories slowly crawled..
chasing salvation

6523, RE: 6)
Posted by the Light, Mon Jan-20-03 11:52 AM

Fuck it, I'll post on my own. :-)

"There must be some kind of way out of here"
said the joker to the thief
with steadfast belief
that he could climb
through fear's loopholes
as he does inebriated through windows
desperate not to disturb
Everyday cares
dare not arise whilst his craving
for deliverance wears its nicotine patch
he argues, "I would not need saving
if I knew what I ought to do"
Theories spew
in determined defence of his case
but propensity for pessimism permeates
previously protected passages,
where action potentials pace impatiently
searching for their cerebral hotel rooms

He, searching
fetal positioned behind bathroom door
hide and seeking salvation
from something still unsure
Back of his mind
the playground
his hiding place-
The sun has always found
frost hiding in the tree's shadow

You cannot hide from what does not disappear

Death is escape from life's perpetual fear
yet too self-aware of selfishness surrounding suicide
he regresses to a time
when closed eyes equalled invisibility
world blind to emotional tides
Fingers pushed over eyelids
kept him occupied
creating colours temporarily serving
to numb the mind
He always knew they lied-

Distraction is not salvation

And he cannot be delivered
from his own manifestation.

6524, 7)
Posted by BarTek, Fri Jan-10-03 05:35 PM




"IT (lust) subverts kingdoms, overthrows cities, towns, families; mars, corrupts and makes a massacre of men; thunder and lightning, wars, fires, plagues, have not done that mischief as this burning lust, this brutish passion." - Robert Burton: The Anatomy of Melancholy
6525, . . .::A Boy with Fingers:.. . .
Posted by backbone_flute, Fri Jan-17-03 07:14 PM
we posted our poem here to preserve the spacing and indentations.

flute (1-11, 26-33)
g_love (12-25)

6526, 8)
Posted by BarTek, Fri Jan-10-03 05:35 PM




"I almost believe we are all of us ghosts! It is not only what we have inherited from our father and mother that haunts us. It is all sorts of old, dead ideas, all kinds of old, dead beliefs, and so forth. Thay have no life, yet they cleave to us, and we cannot shake ourselves free from them." - Henrik Ibsen: Ghosts
6527, _______GHOSTS CHAPTER ONE!__________________________
Posted by Pairawyze, Thu Jan-16-03 10:48 PM
GHOSTS (PART I) - by Pairawyze

Revived/ the past comes alive/ with every breath we take/
why?/ do the ghosts haunt our minds with everlasting hate/
or do they teach us, wait!/ investigate I must/
as I recall the past/ I blow off the pages to free the dust...

at last

I'm taken into a world that's hidden/ one outside the living/
the ghosts have ruled this place/ with ever morbid grace/
I'm smitten by an amazing presence/ it's Napoleon and Hitler/
playing a deck of cards against Lenin the hero of the peasants/
inviting me to the forth chair while I haven't even realized the essence/
of this chapter, it says here, "these gamblers always bring disaster"/
"every time I'm summoned after", joking leader said in laughter/
"I bring new hate in men but from a different standpoint/
and as they played on/ there something that my argument was based on/
"why did you guys waste so many faces, gone?"/
"it's in the cards," said Lenin, "I'm but a messanger, a pawn"/
"just play along son and it will dawn"/
and with that phrase the game was won/
by somone else/ I flipped page one/
what was the reason wars were spawned/
was it the same ghosts on and on?/
repeating what they knew was wrong/
it couldn't be true so I lifted my head and took another view/

as I looked all around me I knew it was true/
history would repeat and there was nothing I could do/
a neverending brew/ that's why I flow with thoughts anew/
I'll battle ghosts untill I'm blue/
untill the last cell in my mind has withered dead my wit expired/
I'll keep a watchfull eye for thee/
until my heart stops beating tired/
I'm back to make things right again/
but I choose to save the book from fire/

and flip the hourglass of timeless sand...
6528, Ghosts.Chapter2.it doesn't end here.
Posted by LaDeeDeF_99, Fri Jan-17-03 10:30 AM
time is a force
that pushes and pulls
that pushes and shoves
time will wear the strongest man down
to grains of sand

the agents of time's warchest...are ghosts

being molded and shaped
by history
carving into my personality
forming that chip on my shoulder
has taught me
that we are indeed all ghosts
ghosts of the past
living in the present
anticipating the future

we live in these moments
clinging to life
rushing from nowhere hoping to get somewhere
we really are wanderers
with leftover spirits
and no destination

ghosts come out at night
ghosts come out to haunt
ghosts come out to remind
that your errors of the past
will surface
and like the sun burning off the morning fog
a revelation will come
and pierce through your blissful arrogance
if you do not learn from

over-confidence will not scare away these ghosts
ghosts feed off of insecurities
looking into mirrors
and admiring your reflection
will only multiply your ghosts
and morph them into

learn humility
learn to bow
learn to give real advice
resist the temptation to
elevate yourself so high
that you have no choice but to shout to those below
shouting will only arouse your ghosts
from their slumber

and sleepless nights with ghosts
circling in your thoughts
will make
sanity insane

(writer's note: id like to say peace to my partner,Pairawyze. thanks for your hard work. best of luck in the future)
6529, conscious ghost
Posted by Ezzsential, Fri Jan-17-03 10:50 AM

Non-existent subliminal imperial
Surreal hardens and shells vague material
Somewhat a conscious weakening
Speaking to me throughout the layers of midnight
Popping through transparent skin
Needling slithering illuminated fingertips
Dripping penmanship fear to guilt's choir
Callused in haunting art
These shivering fiends
Seethe and mate to the asphalts steaming pallets of memory
Slamming from the spatulas
Slabs are angry and glowing… ambidextrous with their meddling
Reaching from many angles .. they bangle the plot to taint me
Readily simmering pots of sewage within thoughts nucleus
Placed in the center plates of pumping hearts mural
Rotating condensely in wombs bruising with time
Spirits dart their flames out from the crevices of
Hands formed to steeples and cathedrals
Hovering still… they wait… with packets of laughter and flavor crystals of shrills
Chuckling hollow betrayal as black as funerals
lifeless and distraught …ashy mouths filled with a film
Sticky and bellowing
Squeaky organ barnotes
Routing as riot signs.. . multiplying to stadium filled intimidation
Rising their vice in matted white transparency
Bubbling wild eyes arrow
Piercing and sinister
Beating bones of skeletons
Pocketing pain as blisters


ghosts of the past haunting my path daunting with wrath
of god type fury fear flesh burnt to the ash
and all that remains on these urban landscapes of pain
are the seperated spirits of slain
these streets aim to take us under swallow us whole
ghosts hover over faded chalk outlines at times you can see the souls
holding court on corners where they met their last days
over debts or dugs mistakes or just they fast ways
living for cash dying for nothin
never looked back cuz most too busy frontin.


I'm a H.E.R.B.
Holotyped Existance
Rhetoric Bound

"Claimin' omnipotent positions, makes me question individual meridians.. what lingers inside simplified minds? Why does confidence lose sight and take flight to designate towards heavenly heights, my fingertips liquify the surface... ripplin' through my personal deviated splurges, ways of certian wordin'.. befriending amongst the cushion that supports the curves, bending..
I am ashamed on the ways i glance towards the skies to shape my imaginary only to escape, in search for sheer enamels that coat me, invisible.. yet protectin' the openings.. envisionin' fate.. i faint... in a twisted...spiraled... casted slow motion dreams of pastures green penetrate my flesh sensating burning coals, within the folds,,, unexpressed.. im froze in corrosion... flowing amoungst the rest.. lightlessness resting in the mesh.. breaths are gasps from past carry along.. remained was the same position.. i am posing for catalogs"
Linguistical, physical individual.. ahha j/p.. peace to linguistics

fortified with the essential vitamins and minerals

Posted by BarTek, Fri Jan-10-03 05:37 PM
6531, ear
Posted by Pairawyze, Sat Jan-11-03 10:56 AM
how about to avoid confusion, let the team listed first
post first
I'm gonna drop something with La_dee_def99
but I guess the first piece will be from ezzs and jr214
good luck, you're gonna need it
6532, RE: ear
Posted by BarTek, Sat Jan-11-03 11:02 AM
nah, no worries. you guys got a week. make it happen.

6533, ear
Posted by Pairawyze, Sun Jan-12-03 08:55 PM
hold your horses, stop the presses,
Just to let you know,
I've already cooked up a fat idea on the topic
just getting a confirmation from my partna La_ so just
sit back I'm gonna be droppin something fat,
this tourney is about to begin....MUHAHAHAH...
we're right here, ready for this
6534, how can i get in on it?
Posted by bakari7, Mon Jan-13-03 09:04 AM
6535, can someone inbox me or sumtin????
Posted by bakari7, Tue Jan-14-03 09:52 AM
i want in, too.
6536, ....
Posted by LaXyDaZiCaL, Wed Jan-15-03 09:37 AM
isnt your name listed first? im confused... i say just drop when your done.. this aint a battle so it dont matter...
6537, RE: ....
Posted by gsquared, Wed Jan-15-03 11:52 AM
..the thing is if I know that my partner is gonna be out of town until the 21st, and he says he is, I have no hope that he will post his by the deadline on friday...I wrote mine the first day Bar posted the topics and sent it to my partner then...it's not fair to you and everyone else to wait for him to get back on the 21st to post his verse...
6538, RE: ....
Posted by Instant Axis, Wed Jan-15-03 01:37 PM
well, if they can extend it, get you a new partner, i got no problem with it and im sure Lax wont care either, definitly not the way cats wanna win by default and shit, peace.
6539, my partner? new partner?
Posted by gsquared, Wed Jan-15-03 11:30 AM

My partner said he would get me his verse before he left town...he said he will be away from today, the 15th, til the 21st, and posting is the 17th, and he hasn't sent anything, so, I am lookin' left out to dry...could you give me another partner, a rook is fine....?
6540, RE: my partner? new partner?
Posted by guest, Fri Jan-24-03 11:31 AM
need a partner i am ya nigga just holla t me and i aint no rook

Posted by BarTek, Fri Jan-10-03 07:10 PM
IF your partner is not responding to you and 3 days have passed. You will receive a new partner and a 3 day extension.

oh, and Anth, is it possible to get an anchor on this? Thank you.

6542, up^
Posted by BarTek, Sun Jan-12-03 11:57 AM
6543, cracks knuckles... nm
Posted by backbone_flute, Sun Jan-12-03 05:20 PM
6544, UP...yo this needs to be a little bit more sophisticate
Posted by TheProdigiousPoet, Sun Jan-12-03 12:35 PM
I mean #1,2,3,4,etc. could be replaced by the usere's names for one...but my main thing is the length of line they are supposed to spit..."1 long verse, 1 short verse', maybe you should be a little bit more specific like....20 bars 10 bars shit like that...
hopefully you can get an anchor or something...
6545, RE: UP...yo this needs to be a little bit more sophisti
Posted by BarTek, Sun Jan-12-03 01:07 PM
I didn't want to restrict anyone from their styles. So each participant may write as much as they like, in any form as they like. Round ONE is a free write if you will, I just want people to bring their styles, Round TWO will be more "sophisticated".

6546, RE: UP...yo this needs to be a little bit more sophisti
Posted by Instant Axis, Sun Jan-12-03 02:32 PM
its really not that hard, get together with ya potna, smash on the topic and post, real easy shit, nothin to fuss over, its basic yo, cats will smash on it a then votes come in, peace.
6547, Aight...
Posted by TheProdigiousPoet, Sun Jan-12-03 03:02 PM
I feel what yall are saying but u see the lack of response so far...hopefully these mufukas will smash and do it quick...but I'll keep a loockout so this shit doesnt sink...
6548, RE: Aight...
Posted by Instant Axis, Sun Jan-12-03 03:09 PM
sho you right Pro, aint no poppin off but thats where ya potna needs to come in, we should send our verse to our teammate and then they can smash there verse and post it and speakin of teammates, ayo, Lax is ya mans, wheres he at!!!!haha
Posted by PG, Tue Jan-14-03 08:32 AM
Never heard back from my partner....... DAMN he said he was down in your last thread but he never got back at me in hotmail or my PM so unless he speaks now hit me up with another partner I WANN RIP THIS SHIT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6550, I think your partner......
Posted by KnowOne, Tue Jan-14-03 10:51 AM
was scared of by the level of comp!
*LOL* just joking!
6551, what happened to you being the artists of the month...
Posted by TheProdigiousPoet, Tue Jan-14-03 11:30 AM
That yit was up for like 2 days then all of a sudden got taken off...
6552, RE: what happened to you being the artists of the month
Posted by BarTek, Tue Jan-14-03 11:51 AM
We are devoting the Artist of the Month to the 2 winners of the Tournament. We discussed this with the mods and everyone has agreed it was a good idea.

6553, I think he means....
Posted by KnowOne, Tue Jan-14-03 12:01 PM
for this month. The tourney won't be over till at best next month. I think he was refering to this month. (As you notice there is not Jan. AOTM) I had problems logging in & was unable to start the artist of the month thread. Then when I finally got in, I forgot to start it. (I know...I suck *lol*) So we were all debating what should be done about it. I did'nt want to start it late because that would be unfair to the winner to have only 2 weeks to shine. So I was asking for ideas, but nothing came of it. BTW when do you for-see this tourney ending?
6554, RE: I think he means....
Posted by BarTek, Tue Jan-14-03 12:08 PM
yah, end of the next month sounds about right...

6555, so that would make.....
Posted by KnowOne, Tue Jan-14-03 12:17 PM
the winning team the March Artists Of The Month......
6556, huh????
Posted by KnowOne, Tue Jan-14-03 11:52 AM
come again? I've been MIA for the past 6 days or so, so you'll have to bring me up to speed........
6557, in yr absence...
Posted by Foneticcus, Wed Jan-15-03 10:18 AM
Lunchboxxx made an AOTM thread. the AOTM? KnowOne.

that was created w/in the last week...it stayed up 4 maybe 3-4 days & then suddenly it's disappeared. i think they regrouped & decided on another plan...

but yeah, u were the january AOTM for a few days, KnowOne.

yr 15 minutes of fame right there...

6558, and of course I was not here to see it.......
Posted by KnowOne, Wed Jan-15-03 10:26 AM
just my luck.....day late & a dollar short....the story of my life. I did'nt even get to post any pieces. I really would'nt mind, except for the fact that I doubt I'll ever actually get "voted" as AOTM, so that was probably my only chance. *lol* Oh well......
6559, now that's
Posted by PG, Wed Jan-15-03 10:41 AM
funny! and who says Irony is dead?!

6560, they did you durty dawg...
Posted by TheProdigiousPoet, Wed Jan-15-03 05:47 PM
I would have voted for you though...

6561, done...
Posted by LaXyDaZiCaL, Wed Jan-15-03 09:41 AM
yo we first to post, and its WEDNESDAY!!! stop sleepin yall. im hurting for this shit to get started. wake up~!

and pg, hit me up and tell me about the tourney info please. thanks dog...

6562, RE: done...
Posted by PG, Wed Jan-15-03 10:44 AM
First up eh?! Well your team is stacked and I've seen you operate on a few of these animals so I question your rook status?


no worries just riding ya

The Battle Tourny Stage twoo will be posted this afternoon so wait for it!

6563, RE: done...
Posted by LaXyDaZiCaL, Wed Jan-15-03 06:20 PM
ill take that as a compliment, even tho i still do consider myself the rookiest of the rooks. well maybe not the rookiest, but still pretty rookish... nevermind.... i gottalot to learn. but yeah, axis is a good partner for me... hopefully cats wake up so we can see out competition cuz it should be good... thanks money..
6564, yo tek
Posted by eternalist, Wed Jan-15-03 12:01 PM
i havent herd from war lock, lock where u at

"only believers of death will die"saul willams
6565, where is everybody????
Posted by KnowOne, Fri Jan-17-03 11:34 AM
soon as I her back from my partner, our piece should be up.....but where is everyone else? Seems like only a few of us are actually posting.......then again maybe everyone is waiting till the last minute. (like I did *lol*)
I hope peeps support this........
6566, RE: where is everybody????
Posted by BarTek, Fri Jan-17-03 11:45 AM
yah, i figure everyone is last minute, we about to post also. im not worried yet! haha. come on everyone! drop your pieces.

6567, RE: where is everybody????
Posted by LaDeeDeF_99, Fri Jan-17-03 01:33 PM
i told ya so....

come on people. DONT SIGN UP IF YOURE NOT 100% COMMITTED!!!

6568, RE: We're still down...
Posted by Sampaguita, Fri Jan-17-03 05:44 PM
Peace & One

Posted by BarTek, Fri Jan-17-03 10:58 PM
Congratulations to everyone who dropped their topics. Thanks for stayin dedicated and most of all, i'm diggin the respect, I did this for y'all. We can't move on without everyone else so we gonna wait for a min and see what happens. Everyone came real nice, I saw many artists break through their artform and drop some beauty.

Posted by the Light, Sat Jan-18-03 03:05 AM
I aint heard from my partner since tuesday, my half is written and I sent it to him, but I dunno where he at????

::d~land is on the go::

"seems in vogue to be a closet misogynist homophobe" - Tori Amos

"my purpose is to make my soul rhyme with my mind" - Saul Williams
6571, props to Tek, respect to all y'all
Posted by gsquared, Sat Jan-18-03 09:11 PM

...just want to say thanks to Bartek for putting in the time and effort and love to try to put this together...you should feel nothing but good about your straight-up positive effort bro....and to everyone who posted a piece I thank you sincerely for showing one another the respect that you'd expect from an extended family of poets who need to support one another...I won't be checking this thread again cuz the sooner I forget it, the better, it's disappointing that the peeps who agreed to be involved left us all out here to dry...not because the slam meant sooo much, just the lack of respect--that being said back to work making music...peace all, g2
6572, werdum up
Posted by Ezzsential, Sun Jan-19-03 03:54 PM
yeah bartek.. thanx man for the time u put in most def!
i was feelin those quotes.. they really helped me with the topic..


I'm a H.E.R.B.
Holotyped Existance
Rhetoric Bound

"Claimin' omnipotent positions, makes me question individual meridians.. what lingers inside simplified minds? Why does confidence lose sight and take flight to designate towards heavenly heights, my fingertips liquify the surface... ripplin' through my personal deviated splurges, ways of certian wordin'.. befriending amongst the cushion that supports the curves, bending..
I am ashamed on the ways i glance towards the skies to shape my imaginary only to escape, in search for sheer enamels that coat me, invisible.. yet protectin' the openings.. envisionin' fate.. i faint... in a twisted...spiraled... casted slow motion dreams of pastures green penetrate my flesh sensating burning coals, within the folds,,, unexpressed.. im froze in corrosion... flowing amoungst the rest.. lightlessness resting in the mesh.. breaths are gasps from past carry along.. remained was the same position.. i am posing for catalogs"
Linguistical, physical individual.. ahha j/p.. peace to linguistics

fortified with the essential vitamins and minerals

6573, hey tek....
Posted by freakwhensee, Tue Jan-21-03 06:52 AM
now that mom's sitution has settled down and all.....if you need a rookie replacement, consider me in!
6574, RE: hey tek....
Posted by the Light, Wed Jan-22-03 09:11 AM
Your situation was a shame, cuz my replacement partner deserted me! If only you could have stayed in this...if the next round ever happens, and I'm still a part of it, then you're welcome to join me again if you want :-)

"seems in vogue to be a closet misogynist homophobe" - Tori Amos

"my purpose is to make my soul rhyme with my mind" - Saul Williams
6575, RE: hey tek....
Posted by harmoni_representative_002, Tue Feb-11-03 03:46 PM
yo im pretty new on the boards but i can repersent so if you want another partna holla at cha boy

6576, PLEASE drop your pieces.
Posted by BarTek, Tue Jan-21-03 01:01 PM
Come on everyone, we can do this, get after your partner!!

6577, RE: PLEASE drop your pieces.
Posted by Semplisstech, Thu Jan-23-03 02:05 PM
in case no one noticed, i responded on my part to The Anthology and his partner about freedom....except its on the solo tip...3rd i just wasn't feeling the tourney anymore, but i had to rep....so just know, I did respond....
6578, UPDATE
Posted by BarTek, Thu Jan-23-03 02:39 PM
Hi everyone, we will wait till everyone completes before moving on to round 2. please get at ya partner and keep competing.

bakari7 replaces 3rd i because she just dropped out.

6579, RE: UPDATE
Posted by eternalist, Fri Jan-24-03 08:34 AM
yo tek my partner war lock backout i guess but i am still in if u got a partner???? jus get at me i guess

"only believers of death will die"saul willams
6580, no one.....?
Posted by eternalist, Thu Jan-30-03 11:33 AM
somoe one pm me we can hook up for this....

"only believers of death will die"saul willams
6581, so um...
Posted by Ezzsential, Wed Feb-05-03 07:28 AM
when is the votin thread going to be posted?


I'm a H.E.R.B.
Holotyped Existance
Rhetoric Bound

"Claimin' omnipotent positions, makes me question individual meridians.. what lingers inside simplified minds? Why does confidence lose sight and take flight to designate towards heavenly heights, my fingertips liquify the surface... ripplin' through my personal deviated splurges, ways of certian wordin'.. befriending amongst the cushion that supports the curves, bending..
I am ashamed on the ways i glance towards the skies to shape my imaginary only to escape, in search for sheer enamels that coat me, invisible.. yet protectin' the openings.. envisionin' fate.. i faint... in a twisted...spiraled... casted slow motion dreams of pastures green penetrate my flesh sensating burning coals, within the folds,,, unexpressed.. im froze in corrosion... flowing amoungst the rest.. lightlessness resting in the mesh.. breaths are gasps from past carry along.. remained was the same position.. i am posing for catalogs"
Linguistical, physical individual.. ahha j/p.. peace to linguistics

fortified with the essential vitamins and minerals