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Topic subject'dub Invitational Week One: Zin vs. Sikstyle....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=18108&mesg_id=18108
18108, 'dub Invitational Week One: Zin vs. Sikstyle....
Posted by hdub, Fri Feb-10-06 08:06 PM
...in case you didn't know today is a sad day for this music were supposed to be celebrating with this


i was gonna kick this tourney off anyways but it just doesnt feel like the right vibe to get this started with

i'll post the verses in here after the sign up deadline tomorrow @ noon

check back in then to see the full tournament schedule and a hot battle

for now please take at least the time you would have spent listening to the verses and spend it on some thoughts and prayers for Dilla and his family and friends

RIP Jay Dee