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Forum nameFreestyle Board Archives
Topic subjectfirst so mos def not last
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=17720&mesg_id=17722
17722, first so mos def not last
Posted by marijane, Wed Nov-02-05 01:51 PM
Hello agaion to all my friends i'm glad you came to play....

My name is marijane on the mic and by the pen but GOD told my parents to name me Banakayi (child of the world). i live life like I was created to with purpose and intent. I've been writing since i coud and i love to prove that femcees are often the most talented and the least recognized. I think that I am known as the OKP most unwilling to conform to any box. i have MANY cultural/racial blends, and no nationality because although I was born in Hayward California, I do not relate to American nationalism. I speak Fench fluently and conversatioal Spanish. i love Durette Tyler and am impressed constantly by my kindred Lauryn Hill. LOVE and like always Keep shining!

Now let's get writing...

funny my OKP ptofile says i love controversy but I cannot think of my first topic.