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Topic subjectdef poetry & paperdollpoet.
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15139, def poetry & paperdollpoet.
Posted by paperdollpoet, Thu Jun-23-05 10:30 AM
sidenote: thank you because most (if not all) of my growth as a poet can be traced right back here to you.

it airs tomorrow @ 11:30PM(est) on hbo.

i haven't seen the edited verison...so i'm not sure how i'll look or if the poem will flow with some of the sections they had to cut out due to time constraints.

but yeah, if you happen to be home and watching tv...check me out.

here's the rerun schedule: http://www.hbo.com/apps/schedule/ScheduleServlet?ACTION_DETAIL=DETAIL&FOCUS_ID=620949

and here's the unedited piece i did:

Same cell
(a love poem for women in prison )

time don't move
like tina's hands can
it don't even try to move like i do
while her pale brown lips pinched shut
manage to squeeze out a

"bitch, i said don't move" whisper

that takes up my half of the bed
with her freshly filed fingers finding space
in a prison hole not big enough for 2
not big enough for 3
yet she manages to fit her penis envy in
and she's got rhythm like a man
'cept her two step last longer
because she's not trying to cum

she trying to run

trying to find power in pussy
that belongs to neither of us any more
but i let her
continue to search for days on a calendar she scratched inside of me
she’s hoping to one day reach my womb
by her hands
so she can feel close to her children
without glass in between
she trying to touch her children
in me
not realizing that i left my eggs at home too
but I let her
because eventually she’ll stumble around my clit
and if i find the right angle to look at tina thru
then squint my eyes slightly
she starts to look like
one of them fine high yella boys that usta whistle my name
then i get quiet and pretend that one of them is loving me
with old spice heavy on his neck
and malted lips that i take to the head
drowning out my moans with silence

because dyke still ain't dick

regardless how much i imagine it to be
I am not a dyke
i just need someone to hold on to
to remind me what the world feels like
and i betcha tina wasn't no dyke when she was free
she probably didn't even like the smell that fell
past her knees
when she bent over for a love
she'd end up shooting
and now she's looking in pussy for a past time
because love has fucked up her memory
so much
that she calculates her children's ages by
the number of times she seen their faces
and one of them has been 2 for too long
but tina still holds on
to baby pictures faded at the edges with push pin marks at the top
to remind her
how many times she was up for parole
how many times she was packing her stuff to leave
and how many times she ended up pushing pins
back in
to these walls

so, yeah i let tina search in me
because we're in the same cell
made of the same plea bargains
that got denied before we tried
to explain to justice that we too were blinded
we two are binded
trying not to be bound
in past tense
because we're still young enough to remember what old is
and that’s why
i let her leave salt on my nipples as she tries and taste life again
let her find prayers on her knees
that stay between me and her
not worrying bout if gods/or guards are listening
or watching
because we got our eyes closed
grinding pussies
to the tune of time
hoping that if we rub them right
we'll get our wishes
or at least cum
closer to turning
moments into days.

Copyright © 2001 Aulelei Love. All Rights Reserved.

15140, RE: def poetry & paperdollpoet.
Posted by delrica, Thu Jun-23-05 10:31 AM


I don't have HBO, so I won't be able to see it. But if you can tape it, I'll buy a copy of the episode just so I can!
15141, pay for it?
Posted by paperdollpoet, Fri Jun-24-05 10:47 AM

inbox me your mailing address.

15142, I don't know you but
Posted by Shakeet Lokh Em, Thu Jun-23-05 10:40 AM
Congratulations for real. That is awesome. I just seen the last one with Alicia Keys and John Legend on there. I'll be sure to watch that tommorow night. Congratulations again. ~one~
15143, PROPS!
Posted by hdub, Thu Jun-23-05 10:47 AM
wonderful to hear about freestylers doing their thing off the boards

dont got HBO- but i'll be cheering you on- there's a lot of cats in the other boards who put up show videos and i usually see them talking about def poetry

maybe we can try to get a link to this?

15144, RE: def poetry & paperdollpoet.
Posted by Nowachaoticthing, Thu Jun-23-05 10:54 AM
I don't have HBO either, and I'm sad to be missing out on your big moment... this is incentive to upgrade my cable package...

The poem you performed is stellar work though... you gave me a diffrent perspective on prison life... one that I would never have envisioned on my own.
15145, RE: def poetry & paperdollpoet.
Posted by the_best_part, Thu Jun-23-05 12:18 PM
i'll be watching. and im so happy for you. congrats and keep doin ya thing.
15146, RE: awesome :) peace
Posted by BarTek, Thu Jun-23-05 12:37 PM

BE' (c)Common Sense

Supporting The L♥ve Movement;
15147, *stands up and applauses*
Posted by blak_yukon, Thu Jun-23-05 12:41 PM

<<----inbox me for one-----

15148, RE: def poetry & paperdollpoet.
Posted by SmalleyeriZ, Thu Jun-23-05 02:15 PM
woww......amazing imagery & wordplay...... i really could feel myself in the cell in this one..congrats on your debut on HBO....Keep doing your thing Queen!
15149, ARCHIVE...
Posted by morpheme, Thu Jun-23-05 02:50 PM
ur world is about to unfold for u
in all the ways ur words open mine
15150, CoSizzle!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by KnowOne, Thu Jun-23-05 03:32 PM
15151, Retention: Recommended
Posted by Nowachaoticthing, Thu Jun-23-05 03:39 PM
And I believe that makes 3...
15152, amen and amen nm
Posted by the perfect mistake, Fri Jun-24-05 05:50 PM

Pinwheels and Hula Hoops: my book


15153, WOW.... Congratz! And if...
Posted by KnowOne, Thu Jun-23-05 03:33 PM
you think we helped you grow as a writer..... just try to imagine what you have done for us......

peace sis'....
15154, WOO WOO!!
Posted by LaDeeDeF_99, Thu Jun-23-05 03:35 PM
YAY!! :)
15155, wow!
Posted by BassyJazzy, Thu Jun-23-05 03:57 PM
word up
15156, get on down with ya bad self. one time. CONGRATS! nm
Posted by poetx, Thu Jun-23-05 04:08 PM

peace & blessings,


sigless for the summer, y'all.
15157, : )
Posted by eclipsedInI, Thu Jun-23-05 04:20 PM
u bad
15158, *stops feeling sorry for self and applauds*
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Jun-23-05 04:29 PM
yo...i must be peeping this one...

ms. lips on tv???

*tivos def poetry*


15159, HUGE props lady... truly.
Posted by Phenomenality, Thu Jun-23-05 04:43 PM
im so proud of u, blessed one.

Breathe E.Z.


....:I'm Focused, Man:....
15160, RE: def poetry & paperdollpoet.
Posted by PhotoSynthesis, Thu Jun-23-05 05:02 PM
You don't have to be on T.V. for "us" to know that you're our (((shining))) star -- :) -- But the fact that you "WILL" be on T.V. lets the rest of the world know that you're A (((SHINING))) STAR! -- ;)

~C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S~

And best of luck in all future endeavors ...

(((Shine On)))

15161, i'm so glad this is the one u did :-)
Posted by the perfect mistake, Thu Jun-23-05 05:15 PM
u already know love...

many congrats!!!!

Pinwheels and Hula Hoops: my book


15162, RE: a very powerful and beautiful piece,
Posted by BarTek, Thu Jun-23-05 06:21 PM
thank you for sharing it. i have to see this, i promise i will do my best. i have no hbo but i'll find a way. this is wonderful news.
15163, RE: def poetry & paperdollpoet.
Posted by ASIEM, Thu Jun-23-05 07:35 PM
there is a brother i know i always tell him he brings the stars a little closer to all of us...you have in this piece done that for me. I mean yes the verbal will be ausome i know cause you got that kinna flow i feel you but the written here deserves some "high regard" yes POET LAURETTE paperdoll do the damn thing baby gurl...hurl this to the flame that inspired it and know we are blessed by every painful pleasurable moment...this reaches across morality, religion, sex, prison into something still quiet in most of us, compassion. only an empath could have written this.
no doubt feelin you
"Kuun fiyah Kuun" Quran
(Be and it is)
" A writer takes his pen to write the words again that all in love is fair" Stevie Wonder
checkout these sites
15164, An Idea...
Posted by Nowachaoticthing, Thu Jun-23-05 08:06 PM
Perhaps, one of you PC-media-savy cats can turn Papardollpoet's performance into a wav file??

At least it's worth exploring, right?
15165, dope
Posted by Toothpick, Fri Jun-24-05 01:25 PM
both the piece you wrote and the fact that you are getting the shine you deserve.

somebody get 3030 up in Freestyle for a second.

15166, amazing!!
Posted by , Fri Jun-24-05 06:37 PM
you are an incredible writer and have been such a wonderful cheerleader over the past (rough) year for me!!

it couldn't have happened to a better person and i'm so happy for you!



♥♥::do the interns get a glock?::♥♥
15167, Eye'll B Watching.....
Posted by Seven, Fri Jun-24-05 07:52 PM
...the re-run though...Where i'm at tonite...there's no HBO...

Proud a you girl
15168, this is gonna be on demand right?
Posted by hdub, Fri Jun-24-05 11:04 PM
...cause if it is then i can see it when im home next week

i really wanna peep

apparently im missing it as we speak

once again congrats!!
15169, and she did the damn thing
Posted by the perfect mistake, Fri Jun-24-05 11:09 PM
with style, finesse, and strength and power in her words....

go head sunshine. u know. i'm too proud of u :7

Pinwheels and Hula Hoops: my book


15170, RE: and she did the damn thing
Posted by ASIEM, Fri Jun-24-05 11:51 PM
yes she did...is it me or did anyone else feel like my own family was just on TV reprazentin...aluei ale is that spelled right? paperdoll i started writing again cause i saw Queen Sheba on Def poetry years ago. tonight i just saw you someone who shows me love in this place a few months ago i met queen sheba here in baltimore...maybe one day i will proliferate and find my own place among the stars
"Kuun fiyah Kuun" Quran
(Be and it is)
" A writer takes his pen to write the words again that all in love is fair" Stevie Wonder
checkout these sites
15171, my family *nods* i agree w/ ya.
Posted by the perfect mistake, Fri Jun-24-05 11:53 PM

Queen was on there years ago? get out... wow.

Pinwheels and Hula Hoops: my book


15172, standing O
Posted by morpheme, Fri Jun-24-05 11:27 PM
15173, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Seven, Mon Jun-27-05 10:37 PM
I just caught the re-run.....
U did your thing young lady.....

I wanna be like you when i grow up

How do u feel about the performance???
15174, i thought
Posted by delsbrothergeorge, Tue Jun-28-05 12:56 AM
you looked incredible.

and you really brought the thunder with the performance.

15175, can you inbox me your autograph?....
Posted by hdub, Tue Jun-28-05 01:22 AM
...lol cause i finally saw that shit and it was ridiculously tight

first off lyrically it was amazing-- sections that rang in my ears and the story of the whole thing- how it unfolded

was she bi a lesbian- straight- and then bam prison i was not expecting that

so glad i didnt read this first and spoil the surprise

also your description of what they got from their encounter revealed so much about your characters and society as a whole

plus your energy as a performer you really inhabited this i was riveted-- you conveyed a lot of emotion without being over the top (a problem i have often seen in spoken word)

if you were nervous i couldnt see it at all-- you owned it


i just wish i could see more of the poets on here read their work like this-- theres no substitute for that
15176, wish I could have seen it....
Posted by KnowOne, Tue Jun-28-05 08:11 AM
any one know if jose was able to grab it?
15177, archival reminder
Posted by morpheme, Wed Jul-06-05 12:09 AM