15009, RE: Ewwwwwwww ... Posted by PhotoSynthesis, Thu Jun-16-05 03:28 PM
You're right -- It's not that bad! -- :P
>Im a verbal uni-bomba eating emcees like jeffory Doma/
*Jeffrey Dahmer*
>I raised hell like teens playing wit weegie boards/
*Ouija Boards* I know it don't look like it's spelled -- But it ain't "WEEGIE", aaiight?
>U couldn’t call round three dialing 1-800 Collet/
*1-800 Collect*
But it's like this sweetie -- When you're writing on the bullshit -- Just freestyling and whatnot -- You ain't gotta polish yo shit and make it shine, cuz you're just bullshittin' and having fun.
But if you call yo'self being in a "TOURNAMENT" -- You need to dot all your "i's" and cross all your "t's" and be SURE that there aint' NO REASON for your work to be scrutinized or held ^UP^ to a magnifying glass for disapproval.
Your work NEEDS to be the BEST THAT IT CAN BE in an arena such as this! -- Like you're taking a final exam -- *Like during the school year you can jack around and make "C's" & "D's" -- (If you ain't applying yo'self) -- But come TEST time & report card time, you betta get yo shit str8 and make a damn 100%! -- *chuckles*
You're right tho -- You didn't have "THAT MANY" spelling errors this time -- I've seen worse -- :9