14971, *Sheeesh* Posted by PhotoSynthesis, Wed Jun-15-05 06:38 PM
This is a hard one!
Both cats was scratchin' the surface -- But neither one got any ~DEEPER~ than the other IMHO!
I have to agree with hdub tho -- Nuke used the word lyrical -- a bit much!
lyrical prison/ lyrical kittens/ lyrical victim/ lyrical system/
I guess they were s'posed to rhyme in some way, but they were a lil' off base -- :(
And the spelling errors deterred from the solid~ness of the joint -- (It threw dirt on a somewhat polished flow)
Never~the~Less -- I really enjoyed the flow~stream of Nukes pCe ...
Prolif's verses were corrosively compacted with tiny bits of bombastic blasts -- *Kinda ate through Nuke's explosions, nahmean?*
Lif's flow was str8 -- (And that's the truth) -- Even if the personality issues may not have been true -- (Based on dub's knowledge of him from a personal perspective *since he actually knows him*) -- But these lines wrapped it ^UP^ fa' me with a big fat shiny ribbon:
>and if u live through this bout, then go gel wit' mom's bruh/ >cause u barely made it out, like this was Hotel Rawan-da!/
Ummmmmmm -- I could call a DRAW -- Cuz I really like BOTH flows for different reasons -- But I'mmma go with Prolif -- Cuz his verse was short/sweet/& to the point!