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Topic subjectMarch COTM: In Your Own Words.....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=13037
13037, March COTM: In Your Own Words.....
Posted by KnowOne, Sun Feb-29-04 07:32 PM
You may remember a piece I did about a month ago entitled "In Your Own Words". It was a piece created entirely from the words of others. (I posted a copy below in the 1st reply as an example) This month's challenge is to create your own version of "in you own words". The rules are simple...

1)The piece must be atleast 4 lines.
2)The lines can only be words written by others.....lines found in any current or archived piece in the freestyle forum.
3)Put the author's name next to each line.

Have fun......
13038, In Your Own Words (EXAMPLE)
Posted by KnowOne, Sun Feb-29-04 07:35 PM
Obviouls many of the post these lines were taken from have fallen off the board, but you get the point...

This was made up by taking a line from almost everyone who had a current post at the time. Thus the words in this piece are not mine…but actually yours….I just used them to paint a picture… I put the names of the authors in ( ) beside each line. I did not get to use everyone, but almost. Check it out & tell me what ya think!

Remember my name (3rdi)
LISTEN TO ME...D/L ME...LOVE ME (Ricochet)
im the hypocratic hypocrit healer (jayare214)
one of the first to blend that (blak_Yukon)
grandiose pain with a pen (Ezzsential)
enough to stir your fantasies and move your imagination (Natalie)

i grew up much the same as every other cat dealing with the friction (WILDOUT)
my soul is forever blind to limelight (k_rockah)
Now splender is the occasion of love (Chaste_Souls)
over extending your welcome (BarTek)
that you were kind enough to share (Spread)

i'm sick of this (otto)
Is there any solution to being lonely (Sage)
Do you know of any? If so, can you post em please? (illmeta)
Feeling this way for a reason (deepthought74)

Behind the words a battered soul (HannahTall)
Like every sad song that ever was (lunaeco)
You might here this and cry but I don't care (TheProdigiousPoet)
meddle hearts with metal barriers (MiracleRic)
Listen not to whimpers of madness, (shybutcurious)
I would elaborate. But (scholar)
No good can come of this (Nowachaoticthing)

I wrote this poem for this minute………. (Nikky Nak)
i dont know i just wanted to put something in writing cause (harmoni_representative_002)
I breathe through their existence (eyo)
I gave myself permission to go inside (mindful)
a place where even the smoke is dirty and inconsiderate (InspiredFree)
where the knees bend (Morehouse)
holding my palms open (masego de jah)
in dangerous spots and positions is where you will find (HavoK07)
many echoes are screaming me to leave (presyzion)
Yet my third eye says I aint (sun_das_ill)
The rest is just a blur (LunchBox)
Faces and names and dates escape me (Mahogany5952)

the music reminds me (lunaeco)
Together we make sadness sound like harmony (Hartford_Locura)
flipping pages different chapters from tears
to laughter to shouts form whispers truths (rukudzo)
until your throat bursts (HardGroove)
then the directions splinter (gsquared)
but i feel like there is clarity in all this madness. (melchizedek)
balance, space, and time redundant companions of respect (nappiness)

Time to shine on now. (bluetiger)
With no fears, i make that split decision, to do anything i can (cyberwulf)
dancing around in circles and steppin light (robynwildchild)
sketching designs of my desire helplessly (Sober)
Hope my life and future get better with time (Quest4Knowledge)
But, I refuse to harp a requiem within (soulchild)
Memory seldom replaces vision, and I (BarefootAquarian)
Just wanted you to see how rollin' & elevating above the norm really feels (PhotoSynthesis)
-© 2004 All Of The Above Player's

13039, RE: In Your Own Words (EXAMPLE)
Posted by revion, Sun Feb-29-04 09:52 PM
this is a quick one...is this how it's supposed to be like
and can you use the same writer more than once?

i want me a 100% class type of girl (tonywashington)
not bitter or sweet kinda sorta in between (Swol_Belly)
I won't put up any fuss (thoughtprocess)

i realize (Soledad)
you need not know what to make of my love (Morehouse)
cuz i aint affectionate all the time (3rd i)
my passion is misdirected and my pride in control (jayare214)

As sad as this may seem (Zin)
i can never bump into you try as i might (bonitaapplebaum71481)

13040, yup....
Posted by KnowOne, Mon Mar-01-04 03:14 AM
thats how you do it...and yes you can use the same person more than once, but try to use as many different people as possible. Oh and good job....nice piece.

Keep Flowin'.....
13041, RE: yup....
Posted by revion, Tue Mar-02-04 10:44 PM
nice concept by the way...it made me read work from people that i would normally skip...

and for that...it's a great idea

Keep it up...for sure
13042, WoW! Very
Posted by Chaste_Souls, Tue Mar-02-04 03:43 PM
Well put together, it all blended well together and I'm pleased

13043, Question
Posted by soulchild, Mon Mar-01-04 11:34 AM
Can we use a title of a piece, or only the lines within it?


...The caged bird sings
with fearful trill
of the things unknown
but longed for still
and is tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom...

- Maya Angelou
13044, hmm.....
Posted by KnowOne, Mon Mar-01-04 03:24 PM
I guess you can use the title too.
13045, RE: March COTM: In Your Own Words.....
Posted by Morehouse, Mon Mar-01-04 01:55 PM
a colorfilled dream (ASIEM)
the wind persists and I wonder to myself (Toothpick)
what words do i use to describe new love (cza_adonis)
we had no idea what we were doing (Annabanana)

its simple (onedrop)

you say you want a (delrica)
life (lunaeco)
shiny glistening layers (idle)
reflecting from a jagged prism (fear and loathing)

so now i'm offering u my handout it aint gonna be (3rd i)
with mad imagination (Nathaniel)
becoming morning rain arrival, anticipating in denied (deepthought74)
not bitter or sweet kinda sorta in between (Swol_Belly)

has our blazing arrow no light left? (k0la)
No long soliloquies, no hyperbole's just facts (Gdchil1)
Let's be serious, (HardGroove)
somehow when you smile I freeze frame (marijane)
when our voices don't follow (morehouse)

these thoughts-- (presyzion)
growing tired of not being able to transform (robynwildchild)


exist in limbo.

"we are accidents waiting to happen" -radiohead

"Poetry is a kind of distilled insinuation. It’s a way of expanding and talking around an idea or a question. Sometimes, more actually gets said through such a technique than a full frontal assault." -Yusef Komunyakaa

"The Black Artist's role in America is to aid in the destruction of America as he knows it. His role is to report and reflect so precisely the nature of the society, and of himself in that society, that other men will be moved by the exactness of his rendering and, if they are black men, grow strong through this moving, having seen their own strength, and weakness; and if they are white men, tremble, curse, and go mad, because they will be drenched with the filth of their evil."

-Amiri Baraka, from "State/meant" in the essay, "Home"

"My love is my soul's imagination. How do I love thee?...Imagine." -Saul Williams
13046, i'm famous...lol..
Posted by Nathaniel, Tue Mar-02-04 02:54 PM
Nice idea..but i just got outta headbussa exam in bio..i have neither the time nor inclination..so I won't mess up your thread you know..later
Nathaniel is a 25 year old singer and songwriter from Brooklyn. He graduates this May 2004 with a bachelor's of english. He is in pursuit of a recording contract and/or freelance writing opportunity.

For more info: http://angelfire.lycos.com/musicals/bksoulchild
13047, RE: March COTM: In Your Own Words.....
Posted by Natalie, Wed Mar-03-04 06:04 AM
i like the way this one flowed :)
13048, RE: March COTM: In Your Own Words.....
Posted by marijane, Thu Mar-25-04 05:48 PM
wow that fit better than all the originals including my own I love it. Keep shining!
13049, RE: March COTM: In Your Own Words.....
Posted by PhotoSynthesis, Tue Mar-02-04 03:12 PM
your smile makes music and. i'm punching. Holes in walls. - (OTTO)
but pain is pleasure -- never-the-less – (CHACHO)
skin deep travel'n underground -- emotions run'n around nervous system – (FREEDOMFIGHTER)
locked up for hours, gone, chasing around castle sky abyss – (DEEPTHOUGHT74)
back to mortality, a new reality...experiencing the minds of mortals...emotions creating portals – (HAVOK07)
driftin, like oceans frozen by the parchment of the arctic, stedfast – (BARTEK)
Needing air before getting to dive too deep...I'm afraid I'll inhale and die... – (CHASTE_SOULS)
because you set the perfect example of a life that i can never, but will always strive to live up to – (NAISERIE)


13050, the..
Posted by KnowOne, Wed Mar-24-04 07:41 AM
two opening lines set the tone perfectly.

Keep Flowin' Sis'......
13051, Are you listening, My Son? (in your own words...)
Posted by soulchild, Tue Mar-02-04 04:21 PM
To my son... (zin)
I bared you to the world (Nathaniel)
and planned to exist in (zin)
endless fields of dreams, (k0la)
watching sunrise from mountains range (Asiem)
& vast rivers along which honey flows (k0la)
for the you that lives in my eye (delsbrothergeorge)

but how shallow i was (moenay)

from the beginning of creation, (HavoK07)
from the very start (HavoK07)
here on earth, (UncleClimax)
the tree that grows where the ground once opened (delsbrothergeorge)
its beauty has been neglected (UncleClimax)

in this same location, (tremahne)
once upon a time, slaves were sold. (k0la)
And now my soul re-lives the flash backs (Chaste_Souls)

this is the decadent land where (k0la)
my voice is an unheard neanderthal grunt (jayare214)
behind the hands, that penned books so potent (jayare214)
they were torched, (jayare214)
a glass of kerosene and lit a match. (otto)
crackle like bent leaves fallen (gsquared)

From the rich born to the street, (Black Tongue)
All sides have blood on their hands by default (tremahne)
hidden behind the walls of wealth (HavoK07)
Where the depraved hide their filth (Knowone)
With perfect smiles, picket fences, and neatly trimmed hedges, (Knowone)
For it’s a snow globe existence we live in (gypsyojos)

Poisoned by this hate filled world (CarNaVor)
we're growing up just to kill and fight. (CarNaVor)
the weapons of warfare (UncleClimax)
sparks all with tinges of paranoia (k_rockah)

To my son... (zin)
life is a knife serrated with jaded teeth (MiracleRic)
Your smiles will turn to tears (gypsyojos)
moments manifest into years, (gypsyojos)

someone like you, (Morehouse)
a dream, creeping into the real, (Morehouse)
I bared you to the world (Nathaniel)
The world and its chloroform around your nostrils (k_rockah)
my arms lay scarred and outstretched (3rd i)
because your life means more to me, (robynwildchild)
loss of all my blood is nothing (robynwildchild)
my redemption means nothing (RatpackSlim)
if i can't pass on the lesson (RatpackSlim)

To my son... (zin)
u must listen... (truth)
a beacon of freedom is a street lamp (MCEsher)
to change the world, (delrica)
You can pierce the sky (UncleClimax)
give life with your sword (UncleClimax)
and inspire no cries of agony (UncleClimax)

I hope you got a good poker face (zin)
showing the limitless potential of where the mind can reach. (jayare214)

To my son... (zin)
I bared you to the world (Nathaniel)

are u listening? (truth)


...The caged bird sings
with fearful trill
of the things unknown
but longed for still
and is tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom...

- Maya Angelou
13052, ay soulchild this one was nice. n/m
Posted by LaDeeDeF_99, Tue Mar-02-04 08:18 PM
13053, ah man...
Posted by Natalie, Wed Mar-03-04 06:25 AM
i know this is made up of everyone's words, but this was so beautifully put together, soul. truly. just goes to show we are all contained within each other.


13054, how long
Posted by rgv, Wed Mar-03-04 10:38 AM
did that take??
13055, took a little bit
Posted by soulchild, Wed Mar-03-04 01:12 PM
i did it over the course of two days
but, while i was working on it, probably should have been doing my homework!!! *smile*

...The caged bird sings
with fearful trill
of the things unknown
but longed for still
and is tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom...

- Maya Angelou
13056, Next "Artist Of The Month"?!?
Posted by PhotoSynthesis, Wed Mar-03-04 01:20 PM
Yayyyyyy soulchild! -- *smiles*

13057, RE: Are you listening, My Son? (in your own words...)
Posted by gsquared, Sat Mar-06-04 10:13 AM
13058, that was hot
Posted by delrica, Wed Mar-10-04 01:52 PM

13059, amazing....
Posted by KnowOne, Wed Mar-24-04 07:57 AM
simply amazing.....
13060, True Stories
Posted by WILDOUT, Wed Mar-03-04 05:04 PM
EDIT: its kind of long..but like most true stories..everything adds up..check this one fam.

Razor blades in apples
Syringes in cans
You always have to wonder
What the devil has planned (tremahne)
Persuading the ever wading tide of mindless killing
To invade the minds of poets who now make millions
By selling genocidal audio messages, is kind of chilling (GdChil1)
He reaps our lives.
Blanketing all with a meaning so intense,
So intense that it can only be fathomed in a state,
In a state of non-being, conscious of nothing. (Mahogany5952)
Concocts Elaborate Schemes
And Does Dangerous Things
And tries to Build a Future
On Dope Fiends; (smoothlikehoney)
Erratic acts we read are tragic, Acts of dismissal magic, Mother frantic, now her baby's a statistic..
What kind of sadistic culture.. Media's vultures create sculptures of what it is to live (Black Tongue)
Now I stand alone with your child in one hand and a knife in the other
Thinking should I use it feed my son or cut my rists (Nikky Nak)

As sad as this may seem
I’m here to tell you things change
And ‘cease to remain (Zin)
the sensation sometimes becomes too much
discovering what was what
then another thirteen moments later
its forgotten once again (robynwildchild)
The days get short-
And the nights get even shorter-
Wit me- (harmoni_representative_002)
i didnt want to bleed honesty
or believe (Decstar)
so i poured you
a glass of kerosene
and lit a match. (Otto)

The fact is
I hold back my own tears
when I hear yours are back (TheLoveDrStrange)
wandering thru my memories there are
dark paths i am not ready to travel... (3rd i)
On the real, you don’t know what I’ve been through
I can count on one hand the number of places I’ve been to
Niggas in third world countries is starving, dude (HomerILLiad404)

still don’t know
what life wants from me (lunaeco)
i anticipate encores
and ballads to intro me
to a world that never knew
but when they find out
what will they're response be?
to me
and how I do it (Nathaniel)
Like a lost element I remain unfound (got2livefree)
there is no fear worse than
that of a man uncertain in himself
when faced with the certain disbalance of someone else (WILDOUT)

But differently this is how things should be
In fact this is how they’re meant to be
Euel must have had them sent to me (CarNaVor)
they are iron sharpening iron
steel reinforcing steel (RatpackSlim)
still dont define me
it's about keepin to your grind, nevermind
whats around (blak yukon)
I made my decision
hug it
kiss it
fuck it
eat it
digest it
shit it
and be
with it
Now I’m
Or at least free (Imagination_7)

I see that he's trying to fool ME (HannahTall)
"he's alright but he's not real...." (jayare214)
Pitiful has become his name.
And I pity him. I pity more than just his name— (Literary_Revolt)
trust greed, to lead a man that must feed
off the pain of those he blames
for the flames of purpose stolen, (Miracle Ric)
I'd be closer to you but I can't be (Chaste_Souls)
You may be hyped but you feeble (PG)

here is an offering of myself, (BarTek)
So I seek quiet places in secluded spaces
Where I can absorb the infinite rays of ~ME~
U See --
I've soaked up enough of the iLLs of humanity (Photosynthesis)
The thin line that intersects
The will to choke you out (Nowachaoticthing)
“Stupid kids don’t know anything about how bad life really is.
What a waste of time.” (Knowone)

let the carnage end
sever no limbs
and inspire no cries of agony
give life with your sword (UncleClimax)
trace at ease
and in your pleasure
the scars
that add to
not mar
my history
each one telling
a story
of who i am
and where i’ve been (Natalie)

everywhere i turn i see the walls of my inner chamber
13061, this sounds ill on the
Posted by WILDOUT, Wed Mar-03-04 05:21 PM
ill put it up soon enough

....yeah im open to the

dont even think about it, comments too


but i think it would do us all justice
13062, I'M DIGGIN THIS!!!
Posted by MUSE, Fri Mar-05-04 02:46 PM
never knew... nice flow in here...

i'll be back

13063, desire seeks its own release
Posted by jolena, Mon Mar-08-04 12:38 PM
desire seeks its own release (robynwildchild)
and i wish (Otto)
You and i were one (kisszion)
all over again (mindful)

-- -
"shoot the j, shoot it!!!"
13064, RE: desire seeks its own release
Posted by soulchild, Mon Mar-08-04 01:00 PM
short, but complete


...The caged bird sings
with fearful trill
of the things unknown
but longed for still
and is tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom...

- Maya Angelou
13065, RE: desire seeks its own release
Posted by Morehouse, Wed Mar-10-04 06:23 PM

good job.


exist in limbo.

"when my love comes to see me it’s
just a little like music,a
little more like curving colour(say
against silence,or darkness…" -e.e. cummings

"we are accidents waiting to happen" -radiohead

"Poetry is a kind of distilled insinuation. It’s a way of expanding and talking around an idea or a question. Sometimes, more actually gets said through such a technique than a full frontal assault." -Yusef Komunyakaa

"The Black Artist's role in America is to aid in the destruction of America as he knows it. His role is to report and reflect so precisely the nature of the society, and of himself in that society, that other men will be moved by the exactness of his rendering and, if they are black men, grow strong through this moving, having seen their own strength, and weakness; and if they are white men, tremble, curse, and go mad, because they will be drenched with the filth of their evil."

-Amiri Baraka, from "State/meant" in the essay, "Home"

"My love is my soul's imagination. How do I love thee?...Imagine." -Saul Williams
13066, short yet...
Posted by KnowOne, Wed Mar-24-04 07:40 AM
the perfect length. Nice one....
13067, RE: desire seeks its own release
Posted by marijane, Thu Mar-25-04 05:53 PM
my favorite so far. keep Shining
13068, dredging the archives
Posted by naiserie, Fri Mar-12-04 02:27 PM
so i've been working this one over on and off for too long, just time to post and be done with it

too much delight in reading rereading the archives and again, so i need to stop now or i never will

lemme know what you think


my eyes have drowned many tomorrows in beautiful's behalf (Rogue)
i have maliciously fucked despair (3rd i)
Me, simply playing sadist & masochist simultaneously (Vet)
never quite sure if i should be proud that i ain't got nothin to do today,
happy for the quiet of solitude, or sad that i'm alone (Tsakemo2)

How many white men do you know worry about being (shaolin2000)
a concrete structure of expectations (Warlock)
And get injured by the violence of choice... (TheProdigiousPoet)
fears and the worst of my own insecurities (WILDOUT)
the narcissist is pissed, and shouts (MiracleRic)

a trademarked eternal kingpin (Ezzsential)
how could all this be in one beings body (enoch)
still an enigma with a stigma attached (shadrach)
Acquired the taste of knowledge for self (Natalie)
i want not 2b afraid that fate's choosin' me (Foneticcus)

I'm ambiguous, my ambitions prodigious, damn bitches (TheProdigiousPoet)
I give you those type of nightmares that leave renewable stains in the morning (Untitled)
The silence is deafening & the serenity drives me mad (KnowOne)
i mean,i have nothing to worry about,right? (blak_yukon)
but now i think it’s a little too late for that (RatpackSlim)

I’ve got no time for sappy
Melodramatic love sonnets (mute)
Not really a foreplay kind of guy (mute)
but trace my cheeks (guerilla_love)
I still quiver (posted by Delrica, orig by Jan Haag)


America's ill but so is Bill

Bill for president in 2004
13069, RE: dredging the archives
Posted by WILDOUT, Mon Mar-15-04 11:11 AM
i like this..
sorta got me thinking..
how lost are we in ourselves?

13070, RE: dredging the archives
Posted by robynwildchild, Mon Mar-15-04 02:21 PM
yo this idea kicks some ass.. bout how much we all feel different things but all these feeling can run together to create something larger.. eww.. i'm starting to scare myself.. got the chills ladie's and gents..

i'm gonna have to work on my presentation.. ...
13071, RE: dredging the archives
Posted by KnowOne, Thu Mar-25-04 06:21 AM
very well done....nice to see some names that I have not seen in awhile.

Keep FLowin'............
13072, We Dance Forever...
Posted by Pluto, Mon Mar-15-04 07:28 PM
The Tides Rise (Miracleric)
Come. (Mahogany 5952)
I’m in the spotlight (tremahne)
Spiritual enlightenment (tremahne)
twice. (ratpackslim)
with a fistfull in full stride (Instant Axis)

I want to hear the jazz of this moment (EclipsedInI)
As night slowly takes flight (Photosynthesis)
I want to hear the jazz of this moment (EclipsedInI)
easy to be lost in it (AG Thoughts)

Away from the madness (Deepthought 74)
Children raise their hands (Soulchild)
in the cold corners
of cobblestone drive,(mindful)
We dance all night til the morning light, (chaste_souls)
today is sunshine
water moistens the grass
as a new warmth drops hints (gsquared)

The Tides Rise (Miracleric)
Come. (Mahogany 5952)
I’m in the spotlight (tremahne)
Spiritual enlightenment (tremahne)
twice. (ratpackslim)
with a fistfull in full stride (Instant Axis)

13073, RE: We Dance Forever...
Posted by AG Thoughts, Tue Mar-16-04 04:00 PM
i like this. the repetition is well used.
and i like the title.
13074, last words
Posted by AG Thoughts, Tue Mar-16-04 03:33 PM
this was far more emotionally taxing that i thought it was going to be. i hope you can feel it.

last words(for the man i have yet to meet and love the rest of my life)(a. glover)

Lying here, (double entendre)
I’d whisper slowly (prophetictusks)

some of us (paperdollpoet)
won’t be here for long (midnight goddess)
i already know it (instant axis)

You are so precious. (Mahogany5952)
i am (humblemumble)
with every breath (naanaa)
Loving you,
forever (deepthought74)

Tears stream down his face as he says (atlas)
i miss you (righttobehostile)
13075, RE: last words
Posted by Pluto, Tue Mar-16-04 03:56 PM
feeling this playa. nice dig from the midnight goddess piece...
13076, Back4More
Posted by wingznburr, Wed Mar-17-04 03:11 AM

i keep wandering through like i always do-robynwildchild

Causing ripples and turbulent motion –tremahne

My soul no longer burdened but rather on an eternal respite.- bonitaapplebaum71481

I close my eyes and feel myself sink deep inside of you, one last time-Nowachaoticthing

I am a warrior-poet…
I fight battles with words
Which fly as strange birds
Into the darkness.
-Edna Yaghi

13077, A Complex situation
Posted by robynwildchild, Wed Mar-17-04 06:52 AM
complex is my make up
a mental landscape of diversity (AG Thoughts)
I’m a no strings attached type of girl now lets get to the ejaculation…
it was a hesitant penetration, free of ease and deep emotion… (nostrildamus)
every man wants to be a king
every girl a queen
no one wants to be inadequate
but no one wants to admit the half of it (WILDOUT)
Why are we living in fear?
Scared of commitment and a strong supporting system (deepthought74)


you ever been opened up and then shut down before you climbed.....ive been cornered
behind fear..distracted years.....adjusted to those maneuvers quick shooter and froze tears....ice blocks of cold cats.....marchin fast..... (Instant Axis)
But I curse this game
How can you stick with a game when rules keep changing?
Fuck it! (PhotoSynthesis)
attracted to the walls that
I attempt to hold up the structures
that i lack
which is why i try to climb so high and only 2 backtrack (robynwildchild)
i'll f-ck him here to my heart's content…. (bonitaapplebaum71481)

13078, RE: A Complex situation
Posted by WILDOUT, Wed Mar-17-04 10:24 AM
the flow was a lil..offbeat
but by the end u kind of feel like your watching a movie
and a spirit is talking through a whole bunch of different people
and only when the edit where the little pieces are shown together does it finally make sense.

i like it R.

13079, CoSign
Posted by KnowOne, Wed Mar-24-04 07:40 AM
13080, the perfect piece....
Posted by KnowOne, Thu Mar-25-04 06:20 AM
is it possible for me to get in on this? i would like to try. (bonitaapplebaum71481)
I'm asking because I don't want to start off if I'm not sposed to (Mindful)
i have a story but one without words (humblemumble)
Word is it sounds better/crazier in the headphones (PG)
the simplicity gives it that much more impact (AG Thoughts)
all i can say is the concept is chilling (Ezzsential)
the darkness in the piece is overwhelming (paperdollpoet)

Aight... the emotion of this piece was inspired by (Nowachaoticthing)
powerful words... (Bartek)
lines that bounderies couldnt climb (Instant Axis)
the deception of the day (Decstar)
as i embark on a style of life involving change(Seis Fifth)
thats kinda nice and raw n grtty (jayare214)
the unknown has always been fascinating (Mindful)
Sometimes, I stare at Darkness, with my eyes, obliviously closed (Soul Child)

existence seems legendary but unspoken of (clarion)
within my heart's chambers, (k0la)
i walk glowing full of questions and remarks (can’t remember who. LOL)
self appointed outcast watching a world thru a shattered mask... (3rd I)
I can argue, I can scream, I can stress, I can run (Nikky Nak)
but i (otto)
been writing every since I could form letters. It's the type of thing that just came to me. (OkayPlayerChic)
treasures that man has searched for centuries to find.
Therefore, I am fortunate. (Otto)

13081, RE: the perfect piece....
Posted by soulchild, Thu Mar-25-04 04:15 PM
cool, Know. I really like this one.


...The caged bird sings
with fearful trill
of the things unknown
but longed for still
and is tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom...

- Maya Angelou
13082, from the mind of blak_yukon
Posted by delsbrothergeorge, Wed Mar-31-04 08:20 AM
look at her ("niggerish")
soft lips
full hips ("imagining the pussy")
hoodrat with high end taste
moody,not yet mad ("niggerish")
this a dime and a few
pennies of many setbacks ("a proper hello and thanks")
they say who?
invisible ("blak like me")
i got time on my hands to kill ("laundry mat pimpin'")
focusin'in on those lower regions ("Prune&Cranberry(PSA)")
that of a criminal smooth how he do ("blak like me")
know all sides of my game ("agility")
every word applied science ("agility")
succint, subliminal, minimalist ("crass?")
because of chiefin' ("back than to now")
ill advised manuevers against the time tested ("a proper hello and thanks")
so if i say things
or do things a bit vulgar
is to drive home a point ("crass?")
faith is at the root to which all else will
and has stemmed since,y'know
so anything else is like...whatever ("steppin'razor")
right here and now
under the gun of doubt
thought dispossed
accumlated debts
behind wit
lurks short nerves and even shorter breath ("steppin'razor")
devote to code of silence ("agility")
i hold tight before leaving
been told,man
it happens for reasons
my calm gives them
habits for sleeping ("agility")
somewhere while in the midst of the party
gotta call upon the flip ("Mae Culpa")
obstacles conquered
its possible ("back than to now")

13083, dbg's on some ish too
Posted by blak_yukon, Wed Mar-31-04 08:52 AM
in a small ohio town
on the second floor (god's son)
one word
5 letters
started the conversation (bonus:say word)
and none of us matter (a poem called “_______”")
two voices boomed from above (bonus:say word)
The body on the other side of the cold cell bars
did not stir
as the head nodded affirmation ("Happy Birthday")
but here i sit
cursing my own dna
for 78 inches
instead of the 84
that would have been celebrated ("just my imagination")
used to come
at a time
too much of
one love
was not enough ("monogamied")
what good does an open window do?

when a ray of sunshine warmly intrudes,
is it not a cold reminder of what could be? ("open windows")