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Topic subjectKing O the Ring (Round ONE)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=12651
12651, King O the Ring (Round ONE)
Posted by Zin, Mon Apr-05-04 08:47 AM
Okayplayers, here we go I am going to post your name and your opponent’s name in the subject header you have until 4pm on Tues to put ya verse in my inbox …remember it’s only one round so you lose you out ...a day to post a day to vote until we get you the King of the Ring (make sure you vote)
I will post both verses when they hit my inbox ..if ya late you get no post …so you lose ..

Remember ..No gay jokes and No Killing ...all Wits!!!

Otto VS. jayare214
Dash VS. MiracleRic
Frosted_Flake Vs. Instant Axis
BarTek VS. KosherSam
Cza_Adonis Vs. PG
Gsquared VS. Soulbrotha

12652, RE: King O the Ring (Round ONE)
Posted by Zin, Mon Apr-05-04 09:04 AM
lets make this clear i did not say no violence ...just no i'mgonna shoot you in the head type issh

12653, RE: King O the Ring (Round ONE)
Posted by Zin, Mon Apr-05-04 09:41 AM
no min. lines but think about ya max. who's gonna read something long a drawn out

12654, RE: King O the Ring (Round ONE)
Posted by Instant Axis, Mon Apr-05-04 06:01 PM
ummmmmmm......my verse is in bitches!!!!
12655, thats cuz a writer writes.
Posted by jayare214, Mon Apr-05-04 11:02 PM
just dropped mine
12656, ditto
Posted by Frosted_Flake, Tue Apr-06-04 06:11 AM

12657, RE: King O the Ring (Round ONE)
Posted by illusionary, Tue Apr-06-04 04:01 AM
can i get someone to chew on?
12658, RE: King O the Ring (Round ONE)
Posted by BarTek, Tue Apr-06-04 04:08 AM
My verse may be a little late, I'm swamped at work. peace.
12659, RE: King O the Ring (Round ONE)
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Apr-06-04 06:09 AM
mine might be a bit late too, all this passover shit...
12660, RE: King O the Ring (Round ONE)
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Apr-06-04 06:35 AM
nevermind, its in...
12661, aight...punch the clock.
Posted by PG, Tue Apr-06-04 05:45 AM
Was wondering when this was going to drop... I'm taking 10 mins right now...

CZA_Adonis? where you at you gonna have yours in by deadline?


EDIT: Done and submitted...
12662, RE: aight...punch the clock.
Posted by cza_adonis, Tue Apr-06-04 07:49 AM
yeah i had mine in yesterday i'm good
12663, really? You should send it again.
Posted by PG, Tue Apr-06-04 08:15 AM
Cause Zin would have put our battle up if he had it... did you hit the private message to user or email to user button? make sure you hit the send private message....

Ayo ZIN what's up you got our verses or what?!!!!!
12664, RE: aight...punch the clock.
Posted by cza_adonis, Tue Apr-06-04 08:36 AM
yo i think i did send it to email check your email zin i'm sure thats where it is my bad man
12665, RE: aight...punch the clock.
Posted by Zin, Tue Apr-06-04 09:13 AM
nah son and i gave you extra time to send me something ...got to keep it moving ...if you can send it before i leave i put it up ...but i gave good directions cause everybody else did it right ...
12666, CZA.. Paging CZA_Adonis....
Posted by PG, Tue Apr-06-04 09:17 AM
hit zin with it... if you miss him just drop it yourself... you'll be disquaified but that don't mean shit to me let's just see what you brought.
12667, Sent mine last night.
Posted by Dash, Tue Apr-06-04 06:02 AM
There is a symbol that explains life....A DASH. The punctuation between the dates that represent one's birth and one's death represents their life. Your life, one punctuation. Everything you've done in your life from birth to passing is that. Read any obituary....look at any headstone....look at that DASH. That is those peoples lives. The dates printed are not them, they only explain the years. Its that DASH that divides those dates that is you. Your entire life reduced to this: -

I am the life line
12668, Dash Vs. Mric
Posted by Zin, Tue Apr-06-04 06:18 AM
To vote reply to this reply ..with winner's name in the subject header...thanks...Zin

Dash's verse

I’m about to blow yo mind, like u sniffin a crack line/
then send a vertical context down yo back through yo spine/
I have to spit tragic mashing this cat wit acidic Dashed spits of monsterous madness/
So watch how Ric be grabbing a Bic quick, while I'm still statistically inkless/
any battle riskless, effortless I spit this knock out and stay on the grind/
In the nick of time raise a rhyme and blaze all ya feble lines/
The Dash man was born to fulfill the okay prophecy/
the rhyme prodigy, skilled in arts of dark philosophy/
speak atomicaly, as my furious flow lingers,/
thermonuclear spits consume ya scripts as I grip the Sun with 5 fingers/
ya wanna enter & battle me?....what for?/
its suicidal might as well hang yaself with a mic cord/
and I'll ressurect you with my underground creative flows/
obviously and cleverly show disrespect and get beat ebony-n-indigo/
So stay aloof or get abused when I come of the top like a sun-roof/
school ya like a youth and put ya body in check like a Nike jump-suit!/

Ric's verse

I pop-eyes when amped off rhyme spinach,
sprinkle Mrs. Dash’s ashes within the time limit,
im vintage, like shirts with Cassious lines in it,
"I'm too pretty", i do pity, the fool,
if there really was a "rap city" i'd rule,
king zin? I pawned him,
burnin MC’s like my mic, had no condom,
causin dash cervical damage,
have u servin a sammich,
for ruben studdard,
he said he wanted a Rubin… Buttered,
im eatin like an American Idol,
cuttin bitches like i read the ceasarian bible,
look at the power of easter, my leans’ like the tower of Pisa,
my rhymes harder then Osama tryin to aquire a Visa,
this is the hour to feast ya…eyes, on sonic images,
the weak MC pays me homage through demonic phonic hemorrhages,
quickly shit on dash without wiping,
put a scalpel to his adams apple if its not ripened,
at my chapel sacrificing lyrical virgins,
all rise, here come the Miracle Surgeon,
my flow is like slave spirituals mergin
with Bossa Nova, lost composure,
could cost exposure to my phallic soldier
fuck a vote, Ric is Czar, the ballots over

12669, MiracleRic
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Apr-06-04 06:54 AM
close battle though, hot verses from both...
12670, Dash (reason)
Posted by Zin, Tue Apr-06-04 06:57 AM
Ric you talking about me too much ...i'm not in the tourney
12671, Mric
Posted by Instant Axis, Tue Apr-06-04 07:15 AM
he took this actually rather easy in my eyes and i was expecting alot more from Dash...he just didnt bring it like i thought he was going to. this line was hot tho......

"So stay aloof or get abused when I come of the top like a sun-roof/
school ya like a youth and put ya body in check like a Nike jump-suit!"

that was just hot right there but i didnt see really anything that got at Ric or really hit him directly.

"quickly shit on dash without wiping,
put a scalpel to his adams apple if its not ripened,
at my chapel sacrificing lyrical virgins,
all rise, here come the Miracle Surgeon,
my flow is like slave spirituals mergin
with Bossa Nova, lost composure,
could cost exposure to my phallic soldier
fuck a vote, Ric is Czar, the ballots over"

that shit was just stinkingly niiiiiice....haha...Ric was more aggressive in this battle and just laid it on dude...gotta give it to Mric...peace.

12672, Ric by a toe
Posted by PG, Tue Apr-06-04 07:23 AM
Nice verses from both of you but not enough punches.. so much filler in there I thought you guys were my aliases or something LOL.. naw

Ric had a more complicated rhymescheme... he came very close to disqualifying himself with his Exposure of his Phallic Soldier ..

Dash I liked your Ebony & Indigo line I would have really like you to get imaginitive and rhyme something wild on that ... "I beat you Ebony and Indigo.. yaou gainst me's like Kenny G gainst Wendigo" ya feel me?

Personally I think the no biting(not seeing each others verse) stipulation of this contest really got in both of your ways.
12673, I must agree with
Posted by Dash, Tue Apr-06-04 09:26 AM
>Personally I think the no biting(not seeing each others
>verse) stipulation of this contest really got in both of
>your ways.

Just shows how much work and growth I have ahead of me.

There is a symbol that explains life....A DASH. The punctuation between the dates that represent one's birth and one's death represents their life. Your life, one punctuation. Everything you've done in your life from birth to passing is that. Read any obituary....look at any headstone....look at that DASH. That is those peoples lives. The dates printed are not them, they only explain the years. Its that DASH that divides those dates that is you. Your entire life reduced to this: -

I am the life line
12674, RE: Dash Vs. Mric
Posted by cza_adonis, Tue Apr-06-04 08:09 AM
i got to go with dash on this one
12675, ric
Posted by Ezzsential, Wed Apr-07-04 12:39 PM
i give it to ya but...

eliminate the cartoon antics and i can take you more seriously.


dash's avatar was more stimulatin =X

sorry =X


www.3kingsmusic.com < for spiritual hiphop
www.enneagraminstitute.com < for self-analysis
www.poetry.com < for haiku's/poetry contest, to copywrite your poems
www.hiphopinfinity.com < an awesome ughh site
I'm a H.E.R.B.
Holotyped Existance
Rhetoric Bound

You have the strength of Beowulf but cripple it because of your affinity for the monster
You have been sustaining yourself on the gruel of self-destruction for so long your stomach rejects the ambrosia of life
While the hero of your mind stands by without action while the monster of your emotions sever friendship like arteries under the knife~PG

"fingertips of sun
trace the edges of this room
I turn my face so
your leaving does not eclipse
your kiss on back of my neck"~Ambergirl

someday I won't have to tell myself the obvious
or pretend to be oblivious

"pain is usually the source of my work. the way i have dealt with mental adversity is by embracing it, and allowing certain ideals to wash over my consciousness so that i could purge my pain."-tek

The new me is like: A woman killed in ruffles; falling to the ground with her hair spread out; her wrist secreting ambiant neon blood
Juggling the moon and stars in palms; with the flecks in the eyes turning globes confetti like yearns of non-existant love...
Running in barefoot brooks; with the moon arching its reflection up the aching backs where he holds onto my hips and sways me
my dreams are:
Renewing again amoungst the mating mossrocks stay satiated coining a pith in a breathy palms; so so sappy drenching dreary destiny to bloody toned walls
my heart calls: callused and waving kites colors hues meshing, please feel me- I'm so-so soft- scratching like cat napes, round and female with sun-dresses blowing passion.. kiss the wind swiveling tears on cheeks, the light beams behind my curls, I pose and bleeeeeeed with pain on my sleeve...
engulf: anger,sadness, happiness changing to squared rolling wheels, penetrate the projections of emotional mattresses... I feel open.. constantly.. dream of my transparent body unzipping my skin and stepping out of me.. and I run to cotton-candy padded fields and glow with bliss, and he will wait with his arms open- like that of jesus and view me- patiently...cuz he knows I tripped on my way there and I'm all bruised... ~ me

12676, a little late on the draw there...
Posted by Frosted_Flake, Wed Apr-07-04 12:41 PM
make sure you check out the 2nd round tomorrow :)
12677, Cosign on Ric.
Posted by Natalie, Tue Apr-06-04 08:21 AM
nice from both. i just like ric's better 'cause he had me cracking up :)


12678, Ric, but just barely....
Posted by KnowOne, Tue Apr-06-04 09:10 AM
both were good but Ric had a slight edge.
12679, MiracleRic, but just barely
Posted by Frosted_Flake, Tue Apr-06-04 12:32 PM
first... Dash, that was some sick wordplay. a couple lines dragged
but otherwise it read AND sounded well (I read 'em out loud).
my first time seeing you on here and I was duly impressed.

Ric... more sickness, coming from you that's pretty standard.
your lines weren't quite as memorable (I can still see Dash holdin the sun)
but they definitely flowed well.

I would call this a tie, but Ric brought more lines to the table.
4 more nice lines from Dash and I would call this one even.
12680, RE: Dash Vs. Mric
Posted by Phrenologist68144, Tue Apr-06-04 06:28 PM
I was definitely feelin' it more-Dash did come correct though
12681, Nice battle Ric
Posted by Dash, Wed Apr-07-04 02:38 AM
You blazed me. Do your thing in the next round.

There is a symbol that explains life....A DASH. The punctuation between the dates that represent one's birth and one's death represents their life. Your life, one punctuation. Everything you've done in your life from birth to passing is that. Read any obituary....look at any headstone....look at that DASH. That is those peoples lives. The dates printed are not them, they only explain the years. Its that DASH that divides those dates that is you. Your entire life reduced to this: -

I am the life line
12682, Instant Axis Vs. Frosted Flakes
Posted by Zin, Tue Apr-06-04 06:21 AM
To vote reply to this reply ..with winner's name in the subject header...thanks...Zin

Ax's verse

the verdict is in...south paw...left jab...you need text raps...go call Lef Raks....i bend backs and spines......scolioze (scoliosis) ya mind.....soul control ya rhyme...you couldnt hold this line.....play back position.....Frosted temperatures...now listen...you bitten by a snake in the grass....i quicksand Flakes of dandruf and leave ya frame in the past.....dead last and always the runner up....you younger fucks should politik the wisdom before Zin sets you up.....ima vulture checkin ya carcass....no guns...no bullets....just a carnivore in your pockets....so dont get mad at me....i understand you get picked on more than teens with acne.....actually.....i was just playin there dawg....cause you aint hit puberty let alone pubic hairs on ya balls....unprepared in this brawl...its lights out tony.....i'll shut down the boards cause Know One really knows me....you holy...then tightin ya knittin skills...i baptize cats with rhymes and these spittin thrills...if shittin kills....you was dead when the verdict came in...im the judge..the jury..the cell that you servin 10.....if birds could swim....i might save ya bitch ass.....but this aint bay watch and Zin paid for no gay laughs...slay that....i think not Frosty....you cocky....play ya position cause im Bertuzzi in hockey...these newbies is awfully quick with the tongue....jabber mouth individuals with no consistancy brung....is it he hun...yes it is...Axis...rotation center stage splittin ya wig....basically......im just gifted kid!!!!

Frosted's verse

conjugate Instant Axis he's the opposite of AI
artificial, synthetic, superficial or otherwise
Zin said we gotta do this with nothin but 'all wits'
one round... over in a minute... I'm makin instant grits
hope you ate your Cheerios cuz I (h)am making you break fast
messin up your Lent taking you from first down to pay class
nothing personal, it's business, would you care for a cracker?
or how bout some Coke... you kicked the habit?... hardly matters
I kick it with this Hardy Boy rapper, cuz you know we down, right...
Incredible Inc just called Instant and said he got downsized
now I be down-wind and say 'yo Ax take a shower!'
flipped him a bill cuz they shut down his water and power
he packin minimum-wage punches splashin collateral damages
I feel bad so I buy the audience Ace bandages
advantage Frosted, served my time in court
but somehow I got left payin Frak's girl child support
I keep my tongue in cheek, my fingers on keys
turned the wheel saw Ax on the corner say 'nickle, please...'
he lost his dollars, but more important lost his dime
hip-hop's riding shotgun, our kid in the backseat of the ride

12683, WoW this shit is crazy!!!! (tie)
Posted by Zin, Tue Apr-06-04 06:39 AM
been a long time since i seen shit like this ...this is what it's all about ...got to be one of the hottest battles
12684, RE: WoW this shit is crazy!!!! (tie)
Posted by cza_adonis, Tue Apr-06-04 08:20 AM
this was a little to close to call i think istantaxis won though
12685, CoSign....
Posted by KnowOne, Tue Apr-06-04 09:11 AM
I wanna say tie but if I had to pic one I would give Ax the edge.
12686, Instant Axis
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Apr-06-04 06:45 AM
But damn close... great verses from both of y'all
12687, Frosted Flakes but...
Posted by PG, Tue Apr-06-04 08:13 AM
this cat is somebodies alias.... I swear it... wish you came under your original name.. but it think maybe I'm figuring it out.

Anyway you killed it with the child support line

I almost voted Tie because as per usual Axe brought his patented heat and he gets mad props from my vancity heads for that Bertuzzi line

I think the alias gave Frosted a slight advantage but I know Frak don't need no favors or saviors
12688, cosign
Posted by clarion, Tue Apr-06-04 05:03 PM
there were several lines that hinted to that..but these lines floored me:
I keep my tongue in cheek, my fingers on keys
turned the wheel saw Ax on the corner say 'nickle, please...'
he lost his dollars, but more important lost his dime
hip-hop's riding shotgun, our kid in the backseat of the ride

12689, Frosted Flakes
Posted by Dash, Tue Apr-06-04 09:26 AM
There is a symbol that explains life....A DASH. The punctuation between the dates that represent one's birth and one's death represents their life. Your life, one punctuation. Everything you've done in your life from birth to passing is that. Read any obituary....look at any headstone....look at that DASH. That is those peoples lives. The dates printed are not them, they only explain the years. Its that DASH that divides those dates that is you. Your entire life reduced to this: -

I am the life line
12690, Instant Axis
Posted by MiracleRic, Tue Apr-06-04 10:05 AM
i only liked the beginning of Frosted's verse, that part was heat, the rest reminded me of stuff i wrote when i first started, but still this part was pretty solid:

"conjugate Instant Axis he's the opposite of AI
artificial, synthetic, superficial or otherwise
Zin said we gotta do this with nothin but 'all wits'
one round... over in a minute... I'm makin instant grits"

that was almost ill enough for a tie since ax's beginning of the verse was just as hot, but both of u trailed a lil bit, except for that bertuzzi line, but i just liked the overall flow of axis way better...it was a close one

12691, Frosted Flakes
Posted by gsquared, Tue Apr-06-04 10:29 AM
12692, RE: Instant Axis Vs. Frosted Flakes
Posted by BarTek, Tue Apr-06-04 06:32 PM

yo, frosted has a pretty ill style, but, what is the dude saying? yo, its like im in egypt, and i blink im in england eating expensive hot dogs. yo, make a cat go crazy tryinna go from supermarkets to incredible inc. i ain't digesting.

yo, ax by a landslide. we talkin wits. lay down a flow and walk it.

12693, I.A.
Posted by Phrenologist68144, Tue Apr-06-04 06:36 PM
almost too close to call-both hot as hell
12694, congrats holmes
Posted by Frosted_Flake, Wed Apr-07-04 09:43 AM
and good luck :)
12695, Gsquared VS. Soulbrotha
Posted by Zin, Tue Apr-06-04 06:24 AM
To vote reply to this reply ..with winner's name in the subject header...thanks...Zin

Soul's verse

T.H.R.E.A.T.S beat plays in the background
Look ‘ere mayn, I mean all I’m sayin’ is..ahh you so wack
They couldn’t even get another word that was wack enough
To describe yo’ wackness know’hmsayin?
I mean this..this..this..ahh…heck naw..
this ain’t a game toad, who you think you dealin’ wit?
I make sure you never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever evvverr!
Grow enough guts to hold a microphone in yo’ greasy hand..
WHAT lil sucka, WHAT?!

Time to square off, G you’re a square airhead
trying to fit into absent in-crowds, realize homey, no one’s there
You must be lyric impaired, the way your words just slurr
All over the place, got your adverbs all tired from the wear and tear
How dare, you, step to my face
Your career on here’s just dust on furniture
I’ll wipe that off till this place’s a clean slate
Must be on a mean wake, maybe you’re just unperturbed
Your whole style’s a mistaken grade, just not deserved
The possibility of you even coming close to nearly beating me
Is further than miniature mannikin’s on pedestals touching Lady liberty
I-mean-let-it-go-G, please-literally,
‘cos this liturgy will riddle your Little league literature with leverage
that’ll belittle every thing you are most definitely,
by lexicons that make mincemeat of dictionaries, just so you know you can’t riddle-me,

(Hesitating….awww..naww..heck naw (live audience holds back SB’s hands)) beat fades

‘cos even with those fifteen it’d be enough to diminish your non existent self esteem
for the chump change your flow’s worth,
the nerve of this weird herb tryin’ to be heard with thug words wearin’ a Pokemon shirt?!
You’re a words-th-less quirk, never O.G.
just the same chipmunk with the tweeked voice whose poise got spoilt by these bars,
the only sickness you ever spat was when your saliva was soulfull of SARS

Gsquared's verse

My comp is my bro, so, it's about the flow, yo
it ain't about the diss it's about this
the madness in the heart, the passion for the art
the total show, the way you grow, picking spots
as have-nots we struggle but we don't cave in
the battle's within, if I survive I fuckin win
I like what i see, I'm stayin alive, all the way in
nothing comes cheaply I'm on the earth and I spin
this is my re-al-i-ty, it's rooted you can't move it
overground underground it's in the way that you prove it
supersonic sound waves organize the move-ment
phonical genetical connectable improvement
to soothe is to suture the scars of the fighter
the future defender deflects the inciter
bright star Mars reppin night wars mythical
to slay the aggressor come stealth and centrifigal

12696, Gsquared
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Apr-06-04 06:49 AM
12697, Soulbrotha
Posted by Zin, Tue Apr-06-04 06:59 AM
he actually punched ...
12698, Soulbrotha
Posted by Instant Axis, Tue Apr-06-04 07:21 AM
SB took this too easy yo...it felt like Gsquared was just spittin and not even battlin in this...i didnt get a feeling of directness from him...i felt the knowledge was there and if you was teaching a cat i can feel that but as far as battling...G just didnt get it done in this so i gotta go with SB who at times was off in flow....still had some smooth punches to hold strong...peace.
12699, RE: Soulbrotha
Posted by cza_adonis, Tue Apr-06-04 08:23 AM
i gotta go with gsquared
12700, Soulbrotha
Posted by PG, Tue Apr-06-04 08:26 AM
yeah Gsquared had a nice verse but it wasn't a battle really all his punches were indirect... It was kinda like watching someone do the Tai Chi form while his opponent throws punches like he's hitting the heavy bag...

On it's own Gsquared had a nice verse and I really dug the content but it wasn't a fightin verse to me

Soulbrotha.. I like how you use your voice in your writing and break it up with the live action descriptions.. I like that style it gives it a live feel...
12701, Soulbrotha.....
Posted by KnowOne, Tue Apr-06-04 09:17 AM
nice to see a different side of G though. Hope to see more.
12702, Soulbrotha
Posted by Dash, Tue Apr-06-04 09:27 AM
There is a symbol that explains life....A DASH. The punctuation between the dates that represent one's birth and one's death represents their life. Your life, one punctuation. Everything you've done in your life from birth to passing is that. Read any obituary....look at any headstone....look at that DASH. That is those peoples lives. The dates printed are not them, they only explain the years. Its that DASH that divides those dates that is you. Your entire life reduced to this: -

I am the life line
12703, Soulbrotha
Posted by Frosted_Flake, Tue Apr-06-04 12:39 PM
this read like a one-way battle.

G... you got crazy talent, and I could feel the knowledge (specially towards the end),
but this is a battle, and as such you gotta rip on your opponent...

Soulbrotha... you had some nice lines in there (the Lady Liberty one most notably)
but next time, you might want to leave out the skits and the grand entrance.
it hit me as superfluous and generally took away from your battle lines.

with all that said, I'm going with Soulbrotha...
12704, nice job soulbro..
Posted by gsquared, Tue Apr-06-04 02:01 PM
good luck in the next go round
12705, RE: nice job soulbro..
Posted by Soulbrotha, Tue Apr-06-04 06:17 PM
>good luck in the next go round

Thanks for the battle. Great verse, much appreciated.

Thanks to those who voted for me too, much appreciated.
12706, RE: Soulbrotha?
Posted by BarTek, Tue Apr-06-04 06:41 PM

Soulbrotha, you started of wit some real creative ish that really got it goin, but, g's verse was too complex and hard hittin in ways beyond just dissin, and he made that known too.

if you used your method without sayin that g is done for, and a loser, you'd have to see that verse and actually think it was wack.

ain't happenin.

..you know what i mean? yo, this was a g classic, cause cat showed a human side wit a bite. too advanced is why the


yo, we need a judge. someone who got history on this artform. y'all know what i'm sayin? let's make this a real tourney, wit some real raps, and wit, showing the illness of your style, and the winner, is worth of some serious bragging writes, cause you know, it'll be ya art and flow instead of the WACKNESS THAT I BE READING.

in brotherly love tho,


12707, Soulbrotha
Posted by Phrenologist68144, Tue Apr-06-04 06:46 PM
I liked the portrait you painted-Pokeman shirt-i can see it
totally awesome

enjoyed the flows Gs, but as far as battlin', Soul killed
12708, yeah..
Posted by gsquared, Tue Apr-06-04 08:20 PM
the only way I can get in the mode of rippin into somebody is violent, even emotional violence not necessarily physical, and all my life I've had to try to transcend that...so I guess I could easily have done the same ol' but it just ain't for me...
12709, Ayo it has come to pass .....PG Jay and Kosher
Posted by Zin, Tue Apr-06-04 09:09 AM
Fam i appreicate the particpation but we trying to keep it moving ...so you all go to the next round ...

pg's verse

I sip scotch and you rock Zima
you spit zit talk and get cleared out by Noxema
Trying to touch PG
You scared like a kid with Ted Bundy on the other end of his ouija
You staying alive like a dead BeeGee
you a professional packing your squeegee
spit your bit you illiterate ya can't read me
A failed breakfall what your lead be
You roadkill Ima coyote so feed me
That's enough believe me
But I spit a few more lines in case you feeling greedy
Tie my write hand and I still got left hooks
My domepieces more compelling then the best books
I cleft rooks
Ya outta your league you pout and concede
Spit a verse you rehearsed cause ya freestyle's in need
In need of what?
But ya never will
Just like David Tua never learned what to move meant
Think you're clever still
But you ain't got art the proof is in the letter the Louvre sent
Heck even the Smithsonian Institute
Said this kids a phony as tinsel loot
Check ya skull you wreck ya hull against me your great barrier reef
Flexing ya puny 10 inch pipes amazing you can even carry your grief
Ya couldn't even cop ya own dick, ya tried the trick and buried the thief
How can you refute this unvaried belief
When ya can't help to puke and ya still got your underroos stuck in ya teef
Take a freakin hike you and your abolished manbits
The way this uncut diamond rips you like a hymen
Could you imagine one of my Polished Gambits?


My rap attacks wack stars
no holds barred
so hard that you collapse, like black holes
you think that you can grapple
but you dont know the half, yo
my lyrical lasso
is roundin up the wanna be's
the I could, I would, I should, and Soon I'm Gonna be's
line you up in front a me
float like a butterfly and sting like a bumble bee
run with me
if you can keep up, speak up
its just gettin hot and i'm about to turn the heat up
one by one ill run through
your whole crew
thinkin you can Just Do It because its Gotta Be The Shoes?
but real heads know this takes talent
so since you cant meet the challenge
you best to keep silent
i'm wylin'
goin off rippin the shit
while my rhymes hit the spot like clitoris's
you think you're Tek-zilla, but youre just a wildebeast
and I'm the lion from Zion, gettin ready for a feast
you got nothin, Bartek
I'm ahead of you by parsecs
fuck a light year
I'm the truth, right here
in other words - when you look at the stars, son
know that in any galaxy i'm the best, BAR NONE


i discombobulate and violate verballly anihilate
dominate im the predomianant tope rate emcee
opposition fleeds like iraqis who back talk saddam
i got trash talkin bombs dropped smart upon lawns
potholes to ya flows like bald spots to afros
cats close they rhyme books after my opening blows
this case is closed no more evidence rquired
Jay done rewired a poets circuits got his nervee endings on fire
demise of the medicocre im stomping like an ogre
shreck camel clutch you dragon breath emcees its over
tap out my raps make you doubt ya heart
consciencious objectors status whenever the battle starts
im slinging darts bullseye style while drinkin a brew
look like a ventriliquist sadist by what im doing to dude
confusing to crews enigmatic emcee energized
i euthanize these ancient rhyming hacks before they try
my patience goodness gracious! make otto do what mase did
retire refer to bible verses to get back in good graces
get him tickets to kanyes spaceship help him plan his escape
with his scrawny scorlls of played shit imaginationless papers
"you just gone take this?"- the crowd asks in amazement
his reply read after the fact like suicide staements....

12710, naw zin check ya email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by PG, Tue Apr-06-04 09:11 AM
CZA_Adonis sent it to your email not ya OKP inbox by mistake yesterday.. I don't want no default find it or give him the okay to drop his verse now.

12711, RE: naw zin check ya email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Zin, Tue Apr-06-04 09:15 AM
i checked it ..it's not there ...read responce up top
12712, RE: Ayo it has come to pass .....PG Jay and Kosher
Posted by cza_adonis, Tue Apr-06-04 01:49 PM
ayo i'll drop at 8:45 cause that cat zin don't wanna keep me alive
i got it though cause rhymes they come easy
thats why i'm the only cat to bring thr real heat feel me
got these lames trying to erase me cuase my shit didn't meet

the rules, fuck them i make my own
i'm number on this shit young i'll just take the fucking throne
so pit this against who ever ya want

and don't front cause i know ya ready to shit on me
but ain't nobody getting rid of cz's
and you can tell that to zin and that chick pg 13

yo i just put this up for the hell of it i see my other shit somehow got lost its cool though

peace out cza adonis repin mad kidz
12713, Round Two (info)
Posted by Zin, Tue Apr-06-04 09:27 AM
voting is over tomorrow at 4 pm and the new thread goes up for the next round ...please be ready ...i won't post the verses until 4 thurs cause a nukka got to work ...feel me... and the voting last will until 4 on fri.

MY INBOX means MY INBOX i have spam blockers on my Email so if you're not in my address book ...9 times outta 10 i won't get it ... not even in my bulk mail ...so if you start pointing the fingers ...start with yaself cause everybody else got it right ...and for those who just didn't make it sorry we gonna do it again when i get back off the honey moon!!!

oh yeah ...you got to write new verses even if you ...had a bye ...this is lyrical fitness...

12714, RE: King O the Ring (Round ONE)
Posted by BarTek, Tue Apr-06-04 02:50 PM
Yo, what kind of stupid shit tourney is this? Yo, drop a verse, and wait for the challenger to respond. I have been busy with work in the past few days, I had no time for internet duels.

12715, RE: King O the Ring (Round ONE)
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Apr-06-04 03:42 PM
Just post it now...
12716, RE: King O the Ring (Round ONE)
Posted by Instant Axis, Tue Apr-06-04 03:51 PM
honestly Tek.....Zin stated how it was gonna be ran and you signed up.....i signed up too and almost didnt drop but found some time....i know you a busy cat fam b ut maybe ya shouldnt have signed up...however you can still battle dude outside the thread...id like to see the verses...peace.
12717, RE: King O the Ring (Round ONE)
Posted by BarTek, Tue Apr-06-04 04:39 PM
nah ax, i wanna get in this tourney so i can teach you a few things.


2 days is not enough, that is way too little time considering my supervisor is in town holding me back from laying the law down. zin gave the rules, but the LAW just arrived.

12718, RE: King O the Ring (Round ONE)
Posted by Instant Axis, Tue Apr-06-04 04:42 PM
i gotta get out the 1st round before you can teach me a few things......lol
12719, RE: King O the Ring (Round ONE)
Posted by BarTek, Tue Apr-06-04 05:13 PM
Heh Heh...

12720, RE: I'm boycotting this tourney,
Posted by BarTek, Tue Apr-06-04 06:18 PM
~the competition is not ready yet.

yo koshersam, its over man, the pig been slain, and spillt on carrie ann,
i got tricks, in my bag of fits,
twisting kids, to small pieces, bit by bit,
so far, you a screen,
you battlin an elevator on the way into your spleen,
imma split you like a twig of wood for heat,
im coming,
for ax, hah, maybe im just kidding, or zin,
shit, we'll be seein,
maybe ric, but really,
who ain't on my target sillies,
pg willis,
hold up, back to my battle, the cattle, let loose,
bells ringing,
spitting cabbage cause that all he eating,
i ain't even read your raps,
this was supposed to be suspensful,
hah, zin, now i get that line, fuck, inspired,
i got you king,
who am i chasing,
the riddle twined, in ya spine, before i strike,
i give the sheep the shivers,
i'm a wolf believe it,
a watchful eye before you be
a mental strategy in motion,
i should be voted out,
already too much steady, on my approach,
approved before i junction,
cut the jugular,
im dracula,
in a cape made of you
in full character, or switch the grip,
of light, breathe tight, i ri.
12721, RE: I'm boycotting this tourney,
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Apr-06-04 08:17 PM
When you wrote that rhyme, i hope you did it in pencil
cause it was wack as fuck - I'm embarrased to be against you
so go back, erase it, start again and make it nice
cause i'd really rather not win by default twice
you gotta lotta nerve steppin into this rhyme bout
you got no skills - did you think we wouldnt find out?
you best to call a timeout
but like Webber, you aint got none
comin weak as fuck and thats everything you got, son?
bringin in that wack shit and callin it your best move
while i dropped science like butter fingers with a test tube
face facts - do something else to pay the bills
and dont ever enter a tournament again
my friend
this shit's gotta end
call it a boycott, retirement, whatever gets you through the night
just promise me youll think twice before you pick up a mic
now i spat two verses thats better than the one you stumbled through
so get the fuck out
you lost the bout
i'm done with you
12722, RE: I'm boycotting this tourney,
Posted by BarTek, Tue Apr-06-04 08:39 PM
sam, i should really call you pam, cause you on some,
dind't you hear me the first time man???


yah yah, i heard you,
pipe down scrapper,
you still young and anxious,
still skipping class pretending,
you really ain't a gangsta,
i mean, you kosher kid,
don't be a pranksta,

your lines are wack, your flow is,
must be in the rhyming words, i mean,
that's what you call it,
i dunno yo, gonna long way to go so,
why don't you fold those,
pages of ink,
put em in a sink,
and watch your dreams dissolve,
while you wait on the brink.
12723, Kosher
Posted by Frosted_Flake, Wed Apr-07-04 12:52 AM
by a landslide.

Kosher... your first verse didn't really hit me, but this second verse? damn
12724, RE: Kosher
Posted by BarTek, Wed Apr-07-04 04:52 AM
Lol..this is why voting doens't work. You are bitter duke.

Oh well. Peace to you.
12725, Inbox
Posted by Frosted_Flake, Wed Apr-07-04 05:02 AM

12726, RE: Kosher
Posted by MiracleRic, Wed Apr-07-04 10:52 AM
nah, tek, his verse was the best verse i seen in the tourney yet, that was fire Kosher, and u fam too, so u know i stay honest, that shit was nasty, that butterfingers joint almost made me shit myself
12727, lol word tek
Posted by Ezzsential, Wed Apr-07-04 12:43 PM

www.3kingsmusic.com < for spiritual hiphop
www.enneagraminstitute.com < for self-analysis
www.poetry.com < for haiku's/poetry contest, to copywrite your poems
www.hiphopinfinity.com < an awesome ughh site
I'm a H.E.R.B.
Holotyped Existance
Rhetoric Bound

You have the strength of Beowulf but cripple it because of your affinity for the monster
You have been sustaining yourself on the gruel of self-destruction for so long your stomach rejects the ambrosia of life
While the hero of your mind stands by without action while the monster of your emotions sever friendship like arteries under the knife~PG

"fingertips of sun
trace the edges of this room
I turn my face so
your leaving does not eclipse
your kiss on back of my neck"~Ambergirl

someday I won't have to tell myself the obvious
or pretend to be oblivious

"pain is usually the source of my work. the way i have dealt with mental adversity is by embracing it, and allowing certain ideals to wash over my consciousness so that i could purge my pain."-tek

The new me is like: A woman killed in ruffles; falling to the ground with her hair spread out; her wrist secreting ambiant neon blood
Juggling the moon and stars in palms; with the flecks in the eyes turning globes confetti like yearns of non-existant love...
Running in barefoot brooks; with the moon arching its reflection up the aching backs where he holds onto my hips and sways me
my dreams are:
Renewing again amoungst the mating mossrocks stay satiated coining a pith in a breathy palms; so so sappy drenching dreary destiny to bloody toned walls
my heart calls: callused and waving kites colors hues meshing, please feel me- I'm so-so soft- scratching like cat napes, round and female with sun-dresses blowing passion.. kiss the wind swiveling tears on cheeks, the light beams behind my curls, I pose and bleeeeeeed with pain on my sleeve...
engulf: anger,sadness, happiness changing to squared rolling wheels, penetrate the projections of emotional mattresses... I feel open.. constantly.. dream of my transparent body unzipping my skin and stepping out of me.. and I run to cotton-candy padded fields and glow with bliss, and he will wait with his arms open- like that of jesus and view me- patiently...cuz he knows I tripped on my way there and I'm all bruised... ~ me

12728, aight the votes are in ...let's keep it moving
Posted by Zin, Wed Apr-07-04 08:46 AM
Round two thread up !
12729, up n archive.. last post page 7 .
Posted by PG, Wed Apr-14-04 11:43 AM
12730, wow cats is really wack these days.
Posted by Aeon, Wed Apr-14-04 03:22 PM

12731, ARCHIVE bitches
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Apr-15-04 04:46 PM
im miraclerick james!!!
12732, ARCHIVE
Posted by BarTek, Tue Apr-20-04 06:59 PM