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Posted by blak_yukon, Tue Aug-31-04 02:12 PM
This one's a doosy, had to pull a sneak attack on this...kinda disrupts that whole close knit family post as you'll see. S'all good though, its just their opinions. On the brighter side...a first for the YM crew, a couple to shoot the ish with. This will almost topple Barbera Walter's interview with Bobby and Whitney. Lets hop into this shall we?...

blaze and frak...my,my...congrats once again. blaze, more or less...can you walk us through what it was like for you going through what you did, bringing in lil'munno into the world?

Blaze: Bringing baby boy into this world was difficult.As some folks know I had a miscarriage last September and that's when I dropped my last piece. It was a difficult time and Nick wasn't so sure about trying for another one and I was a bit gungho to try again. See I've always had a fear I couldn't have children and that miscarriage fucked with my mind a bit. When we discovered I was pregnant again it was happiness mixed with fear. I became very sick with this pregnancy where I was losing wieght, hair falling out, couldn't work. I was put on bedrest and meds. That was the main reason I had to move from Cali back to VA. Things progressed, but I was still very scared and I counted each milestone down till the end he was born. Labor was difficult and I had to have an emergency c-section b/c his heart rate was taking dips. I remember in surgery I told the doctors I don't care if the drugs aren't working yet, cut my ass open and get my boy out now. Now he's here and just as fiesty as his mama. We leos stick together.

alot of folks see this momentous occassion for both of you guys with the birth of your child(is this the first of many?). how did you two meet. what were the deciding factor(s) that made yall want to pursue this relationship...blaze, why frak. =)

Blaze: Well when Nick moved out here to VA with some of his boys from Cali we linked up on the friendship tip. I was playing the field not looking to get hitched. I had already gone through the dramas of relationships for a bit too long. We had already established a vibe from talking on the boards and on IM's. Shoot back in the day alot of freestylers were hookin' up and chattin' on the relationship or friendship tip. I think it was Christmas 02' that things started to evolve and we took it a bit further, but then he had to move back to Cali. So after I visited him for a week out there, I made the move out there that following summer. Why Nick? Cuz' he centers me, anybody who knows me know I have a temper and a bit high maintenance. He brings me down and cools me off. Also, he's honest and genuine and not all about himself. He has his flaws, but so do I. Lastly, the frist cat my mama ever liked that I brought home. She always said I brought "Pretty mutherfuckas" home. Don't be fooled Nick is handsome, but lowkey.

Frak: ima say this...she wants 2 more...i want one more...she better push a lil girl out on the next one but we taking our time on the next one...wanna make sure everything is right and we comfortable.....

ok, now i gotta get into this a lil'bit, how does being an 'inter-racial' couple affect and enhance your relationship? was it hard at first or did you guys just fit into your own groove and how?

Blaze: Shit, I don't think Nick has ever dated a white woman. Black women love his ass, you should see the looks sistas give him on the street. Now me I've always been equal opportunity, even though he's the first white dude I've dated. I've gone outside dating a couple asian cats and spanish dudes.

Frak:....lmao...im saying tho...i dont just date black girls..honestly id date any race but it just so happens that more black girls showed more interest as i was growing up where as other races like white girls thought i was trying to be black when i was just being Frak......everyone always said id end up with a black girl and id be like...."it doesnt really matter to me" but i gues they were right....i never have a problem being out and catching looks from cats but ive noticed some of the girls ive been with it had bothered them...i dont know...i just dont see shit like that...if you smashin you smashin...ya dig...its all about the vibe and if that vibe is coming from another skin tone...fuck it...you gotta enjoy life...too many cats restricting themselves because of what other people think

now that lil' marcello's here, how is his presence changing your lives? frak you moved from west to east. you're now both parents. what did you prepare for and is there anything you were unprepared for? will you move the fam back west?

Blaze: It's called lack of sleep, trying to keep up with school work and just making sure he's ok. You're never prepared for the impact of a little one no matter how much reading or advice you get. You're learning about them as they're learning about you. Move back west, who knows. We may just move somewhere in the middle where neither fam is to be fair. Right now we're just building our future to be secure

Frak: yeah...i moved back from the west to the east...caught flack from my boys but for the most part they all and family supported my decision...im the type of cat that can move across country and still be straight...i feel i can be anywhere and adjust and be comfortable...just a real laid back cat..maybe sometimes to laid back...but the adjustment for me wasnt hard except that i miss the fam and friends alot. As far as preparing for the lil dun....it was more mental then physical in the beginning...just gettin it in my head that ima be a father and truly enjoying it as it all came together...our son Marcello is a blessing and just a beautiful seed yo.....i wasnt prepared for all the shitting this boy does tho...lol...got damn he drop bombs and then smiles like its all good...lol..we learning on the job but its hands on experiance and its just lovely...

blaze, you haven't been around as much lately (baby 'n all), but when you write,your work's always on point and very 'feminine'. a glass manargie,remember? what motivates you to write and to share when you do? how do you think your's and frak's individual styles(on and off the boards) compliment, or don't, each other?

Blaze: For me I don't post unless I truly like something I've written. Even though I don't write on paper everyday I write in my head. I dream my poems and when the scene is complete it goes down for posterity. Also, I take writing breaks to clear my mind and go into different directions, I'll be back and you will see. Nick writes off the cuff, he doesn't do editing or rewrites. It doesn't take him weeks to craft a piece. Where me if it takes a yr so be it. He's teaching me to be freer and I'm teaching him how to craft.

frak, your a heavyweight here on the boards but for some reason. when it comes to tourneys you havent faired well. remember the "king o'the ring"?...where ric would go on to battle tek and win. yet i recall both of them citing your words. even before that one, there was another tourney, cant remember the name off hand. you battled ezzential and lost on a technicality. was it about some "baby momma" reference that the masses found offensive? overall, it seems like folks know your sick with yours yet refuse to hand over the crown, speak on it.

Frak: its like this Blak.....the shit with Ric and Tek...they had me in the rhymes so you know who they thinkin about and who was the bigger threat....Tek gets down but tends to drop novels of battles or gets waaaaay to out of hand where the punches dont seem to hit the target although recently...my lil bro been handlin biz like he did with DVS...thats the Tek i wanna see battling...i cant deny Ric's skills...kid gets off and reminds me of me at times....his wordplay is just be beasting over alot of cats...with that said...do i think i still won...hell fuckin yeah and from what i heard...cats was lobbying for votes in that tourney but i aint speak on it cause then Frak look like the hater but fuck it...ima hater regardless...i won that shit...yeah..yeah...i think i won but it just so happens.....once again...i got ousted in the joint...i feel cats miss alot of my disses and punches thinkin im throwing filler in when its not...cats just dont look into the lines like they should...and Tek...you might think the same thing as well and it could very well be tru with you but them novels turn alot of heads off especially in text my man....but fuck it

now the shit with Ezz...hmmmmmm....ima put it like this....this was the line of controversy....."and ya wonder why we have so much in common, "single mother", thats you, lil dun without a father/your fault!! your fault!!!!, you can handle it, your grown, cop ya son some scuba gear cause hes basically swimmin on his own"

daaaaaaaaamn...i still catch goose bumps off that line...ima beast when i wanna be yo!!!

now yeah...the shit was harsh and it dug into shorty and cats was ohhhhhhhhhhing and ahhhhhhhhhhhing.....and i feel Ezz noticed that...got mad about it...complained about it...watered the battle down with the bickering with Lax and she was already winning the battle to begin with despite taking a week to drop a verse every round....i was coming back but after that shit....Frak wasnt seeing votes mang...sympathy take a cat a long way and swaying to me is just blah.....its the net...you take it that serious...you look real suspect....im saying...we battling...everything go's...you cant catch a diaper rash off some bullshit i know i aint mean in the first place but i knew the shit was hot in battle....i aint get my ass itching when she called me a wigger...pulled some race shit out her ass...im like...aight...the gloves is off...we bare handing knuckles flying...the type of shit i like...but then i put my palm out and slap a cat and they get all flustered and shit...im whatever now tho...aint no thing...Ezz...you coo peoples to me....aint no anger over here...just disappointed at that time....same thing happened with my lil bro Tek but thats a whole nother magazine right there.

As far as me with the Crown...only Crown im holding is Royal son...and that shit sets me off into a world these cats aint touching....i know who respects me on the board...i know who has heard me and even rhymed with me off the comp.....you ask am i the King???.....fuck yeah ima King and my son is the Prince...the fuck....they aint seeing us!!!

and why isnt frak in the archives? i ask that so far as frak by himself, no collab, just a frak piece.

Frak: you know what Blak....ive had probably 2 or 3 pieces where a certain mod has came in and said they was gonna archive the joint...said it right there in the post and well...the shit never got archived...fuck it...Know One said that shit....he aint follow up...maybe he forgot...maybe he was like fuck'em....im guessin more so he just forgot...kinda like how your infamous joint somehow got forgotten....but then again...it might just be maybe these cats dont think my shit is really that good to begin with....but shit...i've seen some of the crap they archived and im like wtf????...i've killed shit 3 times 10 times nicer than that.....my Cassius pieces i dropped a while back which by the way was told to me it would be archived was smashing alot of shit in the AC mang....fuck it tho....Ax is gonna be Ax...im more of a random cat and i see more direct topical shit in the archives so thats probably the big reason....yeah yeah yeah....i had AOTM....shit was coo...i blew cats away with that shit to...appreciation for alot of people on the board in that thread....i aint see no pay check off that....it was love....cats miss alot of shit...im not as active as i used to but when i was...i was giving appreciation and bangers as much as Photo...but that ol..."you got to give to recieve"...fuck that overrated shit...i aint seeing alot of yall eye to eye..im only 5'6 but its still Knockout bitches!!!

frak,me and you came on around the same time back in 99. you know how folks go on about the so-called golden era,right. how do you think the boards have changed from then till now.

Frak: "what go's up must come down"...for real..aint that the fuckin truth....shit is more watered down now...i aint saying the talent aint there but we got alot of cats who get praise for garbage and it just in my eyes makes the board look worse then it was...cats dont give it to ya straight anymore and if you aint throwing baby powder on someones ass...you aint seeing daylight with them...its darker days but i still got my mans and them and ladies that i politik with...shit still poppin but it aint vintage anymore...cats is goin for thiers...i'll give them that but they aint seeing that ol classic auotmatic lay ya hands down and type the magic shit...ya dig...nah...they dont...

same question to you,blaze.

Blaze: So Blak you want to know my take on the boards- you sure you wanna go there with me? Alrighty then! To me you have genuine wordsmiths who create breathtaking work. Then you have the mofos who just want to be ego stroked and don't care about others' work on the board, and lets not forget folks who just need to burn the pen for the hot garbage they put on the boards. As long as I've been on the boards since 99'/00' I've seen some poets get the "God" like status and no matter what they put up even if it's mediocre get rave reviews. Have my ass thinking am I being too cynical b/c I just don't see the hype. These are the same individuals who pop up every blue moon and hardly reply to other cats work except folks in their own clique, but still get like platinum status. Half of the replies be from their own "fam" and others who feel they need to kiss ass so their work can be acknowledge. It's always been this way and always will- shit don't change. Don't get me wrong I'll always love this board, I grew up on this board developing my craft. Still I'm gonna call a spade a spade and folks get upset or think I'm being salty that's their opinion and entitled to it like I'm entitled to mine. If they have issues with what I said and want to address, my inbox is enabled.
Now on the tourneys the emcees have- some stuff just be irkin' me. First if you know that your written needs to be in on time, get it in on time. Secondly, if things aren't going your way, don't act bitchmade and start whinin'. Third stop stealin' peoples' lines and actin' like you haven't, buck up your skill level. Lastly, some of these rules where you can't say that, can't say this- if I wanted a watered down battle I'd turn to 106&Park. Alright I'm done with this question.

blaze, tell us about yourself in your own words.

Blaze: Boy you met me and hung out- you tell me. Well I can say that I'm fairly shy unless you really get to know me. I'm blunt, sometimes to a fault. I'm a fighter, tempermental wench, and don't ever want to be tamed. I can be selfish at times and will kill anyone who fucks with my loved ones.
i asked the mrs, now frak. in your words, what are some things we dont know about you.

Frak: shit...i dont know..i asked Blaze that shit and she said her mom said i coulda been a hippy in another life cause im just soooo laid back and i was like...got damn..my own moms said that shit probably 6 months ago....im sure alot of cats know but some dont...i do have a mom and an auntie who are lesbians...i have no reason to hide nor am i ashamed of them....family is family and they loved just the same...they both raised me and i aint no punk...lol..still a mommas boy tho....lets see...i snore....ive been reading alot more lately so the knowledge is only gettin stronger..watch the fuck out.....ima grumpy cat...kinda old man type grumpy....natural hater...love it or hate it...i probably carry a bigger chip on my shoulder than others for no reason....and i act like i do on the computer in real life....i dont play the role...im not gangsta...its Frak!!!

one last question,frak...how come you and mazin never battled?

Frak: maybe becuase we are the same person????????????.....lol...nah...couldnt be....we just never really beefed and the respect is always there...we sparred a few times but nothin serious and nothin for the books....plus dude be gettin ousted early in the tourney's!!!...hahahaha...so he dont make it to me...unless he's been under alias and ive battled him...i doubt that tho....it would be somethin to see tho....plus Zin is more of a person i wanna make music with more so then battle...not saying i wouldnt shit on my mans and all...lol..but id rather build music wise with him....with all that being said...Zin aint seeing me!!!!....but then again...i probably aint seeing him either...the boards aint ready for soemthin like that anyway...too many wet behind the ear up and comers that just wouldnt be able to grasp the power behind a battle like that...id be a constipated mofo with the grizzly face getting ready to shit on'em....i know you yourself Blak has always felt that me and him had a lil bit of a riff or friction i should say and just needed to let'em fly but honestly we been mellow smooth since day one...if it came down to it tho...it would be somethin to remember...id pull out the V in that pussy tho!!!...lmao!!!!

11003, Hats Off 2 U ALL --
Posted by PhotoSynthesis, Tue Aug-31-04 02:54 PM
First -- Blak

You've done it again -- Only more in depth -- & meaty! -- *smiles*

I ain't sayin' your other interviews were veggies, rice, gravy & potatoes -- But I tasted and CHEWED more meat in this pCe -- And yeah, some of it was tough to chew -- But it was mos' def' seasoned deliciously -- ;^)

This issue had my favorite couple on the cover -- "Blaze & Frak" -- So I'll be cuttin' & framing it later -- *LoL*

Good Job Blak -- GOOD JOB! -- (((Excellent Questions / Excellent Answers)))

Second -- Blaze & Frak

You guys really gave a sincere & heartfelt interview -- Laced with truth & honesty -- And I appreciate that! -- ;^)

Long time ago -- It took me a while to realize that Instant Axis & Frak were the same person -- It took me a lil' while to realize the "LOVE" relationship that you two had on the board -- (As well as off the board) -- Cuz if you don't watch & pay attention, you're liable to miss summthin' -- *chuckles*

But after doing that collab with you two -- I saw and felt the LOVE from both directions -- *smiles*

I miss you Ms. Winter Blaze -- And I wish you the best of luck with the baby, Frak & school!

Thanks for being candid & sharing your story with us! -- ;^)

Get your naps -- Take your vitamins -- Take care -- And come back to us when you're ready -- *wink*

Frak -- Leave the milk jugs alone!!! -- (They're s'posed 2 B 4 the baby!!!)

Again -- Nice interview guys!

11004, Oh But This --
Posted by PhotoSynthesis, Tue Aug-31-04 03:30 PM
"i was giving appreciation and bangers as much as Photo...but that ol..."you got to give to recieve"...fuck that overrated shit...i aint seeing alot of yall eye to eye..im only 5'6 but its still Knockout bitches!!!"

Aaaiight -- I ain't tryna mess up the rotation of this interview -- Or the love contained therein -- but I'mmma address this shit once & for all!

My philosophy has always been: Give Love / Get Love -- Give a little Love / Get a little Love -- GIVE NO LOVE / GET NO LOVE -- Please don't take this out of context aaiight? Cuz it applies to damn near EVERYTHING IN LIFE -- Jobs, Promotions, Relationships, EVERYTHING!!! -- (And I do make exceptions to this philosophy -- Cuz periodically I respond and comment to folks who don't NEVER say shit to any of my work, nahmean?)

Now the only question I have is this:

Why should ANYONE give ANYTHING to ANYBODY for ANY REASON -- If that person has NEVER given ANYTHING BACK TO ANYONE? -- (Or they give sparingly and sparsely -- Once in Blue Damn Moon During An Eclipse) -- *HuH?*

It works with everything, Axe -- Not just THIS board's poetry & freestyles -- But EVERYTHING & ANYTHING!

And when I speak of "Giving LOVE" -- I don't mean a bunch of empty props, praise, and accolades that ain't deserved -- (Unless the reader actually feels that props or praise is warranted) ------ But acknowledgement can be a form of LOVE also, yaknow?

So if you ain't been writin' on the board for awhile -- Been off on a sabbatical & shit -- And you come back on board kinda rusty -- I'm gonna acknowledge your presence & the fact that it's good to see you on board again -- But I might not even mention your flow ------ THAT'S LOVE!

~OR~ -- I might just mentioned the rust I see on your pCe -- Jokingly -- And give ya time to pick up yo game!

I've had folks tell me before -- I'VE SEEN BETTER FROM YOU! -- That's all they said. -- But they did acknowledge my work, never~the~less -- And sometimes it made me pick up my game and play a lil' harder -- (Cuz I ain't tryna WORK HARD at something I enjoy doing for recreation & therapy) -- But the fact is -- THEY ACKNOWLEDGED ME!

THAT'S WHAT I MEAN BY: Give Love / Get Love

Whether you give 2 cents worth of advice -- encouragement -- a detailed critique -- acknowledgment -- That's up to the comfort zone of the person giving -- And depends on whether the person receiving has a thick or thin skin -- So that's totally up to you -- But GIVING LOVE has never been overrated -- EITHER ON -- OR OFF -- The NET! -- *yaheardme*

And I'm 5'8 and I'll knock you the fuck out -- So you betta recognize!!! -- *wicked smile*

Love Ya! -- *wink*

11005, RE: Oh But This --
Posted by Instant Axis, Tue Aug-31-04 03:39 PM
ya see...thats the only prob i have as far as you responding at times is you feel im talking about you.....just cause ya name was lingering around the topic of convo doesnt mean im singling Photo out...that comment was to the board as a whole...and when i say its overrated i mean it in the sense that i see plenty cats get love and there is no love giving to them in return...thats the overrated part im pointing out...it was never to single you out cause believe me if i had something to single you out on....i would...i got no problem callin someone on they shit but it just so happens i aint got nothing to call on you lately...lol.....and dont mistake the 5'6 frame for not being able to knock that ass out...what...what...yeah...id hit a girl!!!...lmao...in that slap on the ass type of theme.
11006, Come On Now Boo --
Posted by PhotoSynthesis, Tue Aug-31-04 03:59 PM
You threw my name out there -- RIGHT NEXT TO "MY" -- Give love / Get Love PHILOSOPHY -- *chuckles*


"i was giving appreciation and bangers as much as Photo...but that ol..."you got to give to recieve"...fuck that overrated shit...i aint seeing alot of yall eye to eye..im only 5'6 but its still Knockout bitches!!!"

Now WHO more than me -- Preaches that shit on the regular? -- (Right, Wrong, Or Indifferent) huh? -- ;^\

If anything -- I'll take the blame for "ruining" the board for all you polished veterans -- Who don't care for this "GIVE LOVE/GET LOVE" Philosophy -- People who don't wanna SEE love -- Just Poetry & Freestyles -- Battles & Audios -- But NO LOVE!

Yeah -- I'll take the blame -- Cuz possibly some people -- (The Newbies in particular) -- MISUNDERSTOOD this philosophy and felt it was a -- "YOU SCRATCH MY BACK & I'LL SCRATCH YOURS PHILOSOPHY" -- And these philosophies ain't exactly the same thang by any means -- But it's kool Axe darlin' -- I ain't mad atcha -- And I know you ain't mad at me either -- *smiles*

It's ALL love!

I just wanted to set the record str8 for future reference -- Because I still feel that I'm the originator of this "HATED" -- "GIVE LOVE / GET LOVE" philosophy! -- *chuckles*

I just HATED to see so many nice pieces fall off page 7 with only 1 or 2 -- (if any) -- responses. It just makes sense that if you want some responses or comments -- Common sense should tell you to GIVE SOME, nahmean?

So when folks comment and say: Damn! -- I dunnno why folks are sleeping on this!!! -- (((THINK ABOUT IT!))) -- Cuz their lack of responses to others MIGHT just be the reason! -- (Right, Wrong, or Indifferent)

P*E*A*C*E & Love boo! -- ;^)

NOTE: I'mmma leave this thread alone now so that folks can give you the love & props that you deserve.

Please accept my apologies for the disruption -- And if you wanna continue in INBOX -- (Which I know you don't -- *hehehe*) -- By all means, I'll be there!

11007, Ayo ......
Posted by Zin, Tue Aug-31-04 08:57 PM
first i like to give all props to this nukka Blak ...for a smashing issue this month ....secondly the whole joint was hot ...thirdly the two of them together put a spin on the month .....

Lastly...i will Tear this nukka a new ASSHOLE!!!!!! lmao!!!
Nah ...on the real

it's like you my lil brother ....only cause i'm older ...you know how two brother's go to the same school and be fucking nukkas up ...on some shit like that ....music wise yeah i'm getting it right to build with you fam .......

man much respect to you and winter for taking an active part in you childs life and being parents together ...i hope that nothing parts you guys ...and i wish the best for you ...and i want you guys to get married!!!! madd love from Zin ....and i'll be up as soon as i can .....kiss my nephew for me!!!!!
Posted by Nowachaoticthing, Wed Sep-01-04 06:47 AM
it's cool to see that folks have the same take on interracial couples as i do... and I wish you both nothing but happiness in raising your son.

Congrats and keep doin yo thing!
11009, congratz to you both....
Posted by KnowOne, Wed Sep-01-04 10:21 AM
and my badd for the posts that were never archived. They were'nt the first & I'm sure they won't be the last.... I'm only human.

11010, very interesting famz....
Posted by jayare214, Wed Sep-01-04 11:56 AM
thanks for letting us in your minds....
and worlds
best of luck as parents.....

11011, =)
Posted by LaDeeDeF_99, Wed Sep-01-04 01:39 PM
*tips hat to Blak*

*congrats Frak & Blaze*

*waves bye bye*

Posted by soulchild, Wed Sep-01-04 04:38 PM
another interesting interview!
nice to meet y'all, up close.


Posted by AUS, Thu Sep-02-04 03:53 PM
Blak this was great. Ax & Blaze the first couple of the boards, thanks for keeping it right. one.

oh yaeh nukka we gotta get you in with the laziest oops hardest working man in Va.
11014, LMAO
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Sep-02-04 08:39 PM
"i wasnt prepared for all the shitting this boy does tho...lol...got damn he drop bombs and then smiles like its all good.."

thats funny, cause like father like dun, lol

im feeling this issue blak, these mofos like the neighbors i never see and shit, lol, ima get at em, and im the king bitches, lmao, fuck a tourney, this aint no monarchy anyway, shit, im just a powerful fuckin Senator and shit, and frak, u sure u as grumpy as me fam, im like the black walter matthou and shit, and blaze, i wanna collab...good shit blak
11015, i never really realized
Posted by paperdollpoet, Tue Sep-07-04 08:39 AM
how great these blak yukon magazines are..

it gives such an in depth view into the worlds of screen names..

the people behind them.

this was a cool edition. very personal&upclose...i dig that.

thanks to winter & instant for letting everyone get this close.

& of course i say this all with a smile.

→ → →

living my life like it's broken.
11016, i hope length hasnt scared folks off...
Posted by blak_yukon, Tue Sep-07-04 11:07 AM
watch for the red flag,bitches!

11017, RE: Dope Interview,
Posted by BarTek, Tue Sep-07-04 06:22 PM
Good work blak. Congratulations to Blaze & Ax, y'all sound just right for eachother. Peace.
11018, u know i love this magazine
Posted by clarion, Wed Sep-08-04 05:42 AM
& this issue was mad personable & inciteful...Congrats Blaze & Instant u both deserve happiness & blessings in ur life..take care of that boy...
11019, just to see blaze...
Posted by mindful, Wed Sep-08-04 06:17 PM
or... her handle perse', is a joy in itself. i'll have to agree with paper... these installments/editions give us the chance to see into others' lives more clearly, and perhaps understand who they are a bit more. a true okayplayer family... congrats to you both... good work blak~

and even tho
do all of these things
you ŠJill Scott


11020, nice double header :)
Posted by Natalie, Sat Sep-11-04 01:10 PM
thanks to blak for getting blaze and frak in this edition -- a job very well done. and thanks to blaze and frak for letting us take a trip through their day to day (lives and thoughts) with them. it was much enjoyed. 'nuff respect to you both and many blessings on marcello.


11021, Handlin biz like he did with DVS?
Posted by DVS, Tue Sep-14-04 03:49 AM
If you mean stepping his game up...then yeah...I agree. Tek impressed me that battle.

But if you saying he took me? *throws yellow flag*


I've been taken on more than one occasion....but Tek wasn't one of 'em. LOL!

Good interview, though.
11022, Also....that line was classic...
Posted by DVS, Tue Sep-14-04 03:51 AM
I hate I didn't see that in the context of the battle.

Lines like THAT are the reason that me and Lunch only battle once every 2 years or so...

We just got TOO much personal shit on each other...and we both battle the same way....bare knuckle boxing on glass shards.
Posted by Otto, Fri Sep-17-04 07:59 AM
Blaze: Shit, I don't think Nick has ever dated a white woman. Black women love his ass, you should see the looks sistas give him on the street. Now me I've always been equal opportunity, even though he's the first white dude I've dated. I've gone outside dating a couple asian cats and spanish dudes.


ur doing a good thing yuk...

11024, great read
Posted by delsbrothergeorge, Sat Sep-18-04 02:26 PM
i really feel like i know them now. i was marginally familiar with both before this post, but now i'm pretty well acquainted.

which, as i recall, is the point of the magazine.

the concept is excersized very well here. it makes me want to read both of them more closely in the future.
Posted by ASIEM, Wed Sep-22-04 06:21 AM
glad i decided to peep this lots of insight into this thing called battle as for the interview hey let's get you syndicated the ezine should do well mayyan keep up stay confident n do it when u don't feel like it...i'ma fan now gotta peep in more...i'ma old head so someztiemers is a condition lol

"Kuun fiyah Kuun" Quran
(Be and it is)
" A writer takes his pen to write the words again that all in love is fair" Stevie Wonder
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