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Forum nameFreestyle Board Archives
Topic subjectIt's cold in up in here...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=8560&mesg_id=8579
8579, It's cold in up in here...
Posted by Phenomenality, Tue Jun-04-02 11:33 AM
Cuz you strait FROZE a moment in time.. and messed around w/physics and stretched seconds out for us to linger in a feeling that came and went much quicker than we'd like it to.. LOVIN this.. fareal!! *big smiles*

Breath E.Z.
~Zhana Vee~
all work (c) Copyright 2002 (or as dated)

BlackPlanet ID: Phenomenality

~ Be humble, for you are made of the earth... Be noble, for you are made of the stars.. ~

~You are the product... of the Karma of your Soul~