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Topic subjectI Write (SLam edition)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=8540&mesg_id=8540
8540, I Write (SLam edition)
Posted by 3rd i, Tue Jun-04-02 02:07 AM
i write cuz i'm sick
cuz i got diseased infested words
that ooze like puz from my pen
see the reason i write is because
my vocal cords got cut by that
nigga that didn't want me to tell him
it was ova.
when i write i release all my demons that
constantly seek to sodomize my
It ain't all good. mainly it's pain.
hurting aching type pain. The type
pain that keeps u alone in the house.
When i write
my pen cries cuz i no longer have
the tears to shed. I am cracked like glass
vases dropped on linolum floors. Shattered

When i write
i die a thousand deaths seeking solace in
the stillness at the end of my poems.
Like china blossoms on spring days.
I fall effortlessly off a cliff into nothingness.

i wanted to taste of heaven
but instead i was served bitter fruit
on a bed of regret.

i can't keep shuffling backwards
over the same sour grounds
Suckling excuses like nectur from
the breast of misery.

So i wrote.

my head is pounding like
death knocking at the door
in Beethovan's 5.
So i write to silence that noise

infidelity is all he promised me
hidden lies, sequestered truth

See i know the uglier truth of what
shoulda been said.
This is not just a poem
this is part of the life i’ve led

Mainly i’m just a lazy ass nigga with a fetish
for poets and emcees and a talent
for writing

my path is littered with half-written love poems
and a mouth full of forgotten metaphors i called
out in my sleep

if u've ever read my writings then i'm sorry
cuz i aint that deep

i coulda been more but i aint
i was slashin wrists as i wrote

see...i told u i was sick


i simply want to be the love song dangling from her lips-Saul Williams
