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Topic subjectAntiDepressants
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=8516&mesg_id=8529
8529, AntiDepressants
Posted by DivineVersatile, Mon Jun-10-02 03:52 AM
Fingers scratching on chalkboards…
Trunks bubbling with Moltov Cocktails
Water hoses on backs of 8 year old children skipping…
Causes and connections swallowed by cultural vortexes…
My textbook…
Skipped a quarter century in favor of censored messages and “Leave It To Beaver” marathons …
So pardon me if I didn’t crack a smile and tap dance upon command…

Still wanna know how the fuck I feel?



Or just plain dissed to be gully with situations…

I lived an eternity on the fringes with my nose placed upon the window…
Panting like a Labrador…
Learned to nibble at scraps for a lifetime
Howling in black alleyways, menacing…
Drank my full from dirty sugar water puddles that mangled my coat…
And yellowed my irises with a film that muddles my perceptions…

Watching you and your like gathering a collage of snapshots and end results…
Feigning understanding…

It’s easy to show remorse when you own the casino, deal the cards and serve the intoxicants…
The inebriation wasn’t your fault…really it wasn’t…
Nobody forced me to walk inside those doors…

I wear your fear like a garment…it accentuates my attitudes…
Spicing this world with words that I’ve created inside of your own…
Mental bunkers that keep me safe from assassination attempts…
Riots by nightlight…
Imaginary peace…would you be mine…
Could you be mine…
Won’t you…

My natural reaction is to clutch your windpipe and affirm your fears…
I allow myself a chuckle as I imagine the headlines…
“Black Male Chokes America…Fingers Amputated when in a last act of defiance…
He refused to let go…”
But instead I just glare in your direction…
Because wtching you flinch comforts me…
For once I have something I can control…

While my soul….
Stews in….
Furious concotions that pour from my pen and soil the sheets…
See, I was tired of the stereotypical angry poet…
Until I realized that was the equivalent of self hatred…

And this is me when I succumb…

I hope I answered your question.


"I bless a mic better than most are leading theirlives/ All out ferocious spitting venom left hooks like land mines/ Never judge a book by the spine...I'm dipping inclined/ To elevate a mindstate like wind tunnels that freeze time" - DVS
