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Topic subjectBrightest Brown
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=8432&mesg_id=8432
8432, Brightest Brown
Posted by HottLykeFiyah, Sun May-26-02 07:03 PM
he makes me blush the brightest brown.
his words slide over me like sunlight
snaking down my spine
tonguing my emotions in a language
so sinful
that i pray for punishment by his hands
sentence me 700 years of
waking to the rhythm of his breathing
& putting words to every sigh
he's ever sighed
lynch me from the highest branch
of his smile
so that i can swing between his lips
& let my life drip
& roll slow from the corners
of his mouth
i'd let him bury me
in hot satin sheets of sweat
& silk
or burn me up w/ his fingertips
& swallow
my ashes

we're living
a biblical lust
he is my genesis
& when he makes his exodus
from my mind
& down my stomach
to feather my clit w/ seductive prayers
o, what a revelation...
i tried to be a church girl
but he makes me blush the brightest brown
w/ him forever at the tip of my tongue
i can't help but sing
orgasmic elegies for the little girl i silenced
the first time i sang out for him
a caged bird
who never knew
that she could fly
i landed in his lap & introduced him
to my center of gravity
spread wide my wings
& hovered low above his touch
teasing him w/ tacit promises
& whispers of secret kisses
in illicit dreams

we were destined to spend
our Sunday moanings
we'll wake the earliest birds
of every fantasy we've ever murdered
& for the resurrection
i'll dress him in the brightest brown
that our spirits
can conjure.
