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Forum nameFreestyle Board Archives
Topic subjectpost your best piece here!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=7693&mesg_id=7693
7693, post your best piece here!
Posted by paperdollpoet, Thu Jul-18-02 10:32 AM
calling ALL poets/writers/beings with pens:

this is OUR time to shine, as well as put our written talents to work! this post will serve as the the freestyle board's contribution to the okayauction that is in the making. the auction's proceeds will be donated to a charity that has yet to be decided upon. i'll keep this post up until august 28th! then i will attempt to find the best to way compile the pieces in a book format and send it in to Fireband, who is heading the project.

this is how this is gonna work:
- post your best piece here! ONE please! any style, any length, no censorship! check your own grammar..if it isn't important to you then don't!
- included title if there is none i'll assume "untitled"
- include a BREIF bio. 5 sentences or less.
- include the name that you want to be given credit to (screen name, real name, poet name)
- *include shoutouts (please keep short) if room is permitted i'll include a thank you page as the last page. please format as so----> paperdollpoet: anthony, amiia, etc etc.

take your time and search for that best piece this will be here until august 28th!

upon posting your piece here you are saying that you are agreeing that you have given me permission to print your poem and include in this "anthology" as well as aknowledging that this is your work.

for info on the auction:


1 out of 3 girls is sexually abused before she is 18.

save our daughters

"the more we learn the more we are, or ought to be, dumbfounded." © author unknow at this time.