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Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=7575&mesg_id=7644
7644, pay attention
Posted by Lunchboxxx, Mon Aug-19-02 06:20 AM
What is the look of...defeat in the eyes these meak/Feeble minded individuals who rhymes aint complete/If we were to meet in the street/Aside from ripping your notepads to mince meat/I'd autograph each one of the sheets/Any attempts of defeat is denied/Like my attempts of fucking UrbanCowgRRl who resides in Rock City/That's Detroit for those who not with me/And that goes said without exploiting the cat who signed 50/Yo Elz...Hi!! My name is "second meal of the day prefixed before the microsoft console scrambled"/Trained to handle large sticks attached to chains that hurt when they hit/Taught by Baatin in the Slum's dirty village/Whose Kiss of the Dragon feels like an Aerodynamic remix/My knowledge of applying it is tainted but decent/So when I apply it to emcees/Who told me/"I'll be back" around when Terminator one came out/Won't be around to see the visual effects in T3/Or comic strips on the silver screen Marvel© or D.C.©/My past present and future beings form a trinity/Coming together to complete a feared entity/...Me

Death to Smoochie "and" Anthea.