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Topic subjectRE: Slum Village Contest!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=7575&mesg_id=7596
7596, RE: Slum Village Contest!
Posted by ComplexSOUL, Tue Aug-13-02 07:09 AM
my lyrical scheme comes in a trinity
trifold, com plex soul
the dicast mold of one who rhymes bold
stay out detroit if you cant take the cold
cause ill freeze mics
so that you can press rewind
and play it back one time
for your well being and peace of mind
let the wax spin out
"And if you don't know, your shit is crucial
To all my people in the place if you need to know I
(Rock with the band) enough to say (watch ya man)
Do my shit on the dance floor
And if you need to call me (you know)
My number is (3 2 1) 1 8 7 7 "
or i might start baatin (beatin) you peons
for not giving respect to the one that
can't be broken or touched
matalic shape shifter
your weapons, tanks, and milatary funding
are not enough
arnold couldnt see it
even if this was T3
the grimy slum vill-
age beyond the calenders number of days
they'll be bowing down to pray
to the elzhi (all high...) elzhi
to get away
from that tainted...

-Bryan "ComplexSouL" Mercer