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Topic subjectAgain ...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=19509&mesg_id=19562
19562, Again ...
Posted by PhotoSynthesis, Mon Jun-23-08 07:10 PM
Sly and DVS were pretty much toe~2~toe in this round ...

There were verses in both flows that kinda jumped out at me -- BUT -- nothing really skurrred me -- :P -- or made me say: HOTTT DAMNNNNN!!!

Push come to shove tho -- I'd give it to the Sly, the Slick, & the WICKED WICKED WICKED! -- (I like the way he twists his verbage with wordplay trickery) -- :9

*Sly Stickum Trickem*