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Topic subjectI'm so glad so many of you are still here!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=18965&mesg_id=18974
18974, I'm so glad so many of you are still here!
Posted by guerilla_love, Wed Aug-09-06 04:21 PM
It's so nice to "see" y'all!

I just wrote something else that I'm dying to share (another mama kind of piece):

I pledge
that if I see you in the grocery store
trying to hack your way through a a forest of jumping weeds
that you gave birth to not realizing that they would need
quite as much attention when all you're trying to do
is find food to put into their little bellies

that I will not pass judgement on your methods of clearing the brush
Instead, like a noble ambassodor of one jungle country to its neighbor
I will offer to send out my peacekeeping force to your country
and pick up the damned noodles myself
or tell a knock knock joke in the language of your people
or, if the situation continues to progress
I will use my VooDoo magic
to pull pennies from my ears and (hopefully) silence out of chaos

not quite as romantic as the old stuff, but it's where I'm at.....

aahhhhhhh so nice to see two halves of one person connecting to make a whole again!

Thanks for reading and popping in-