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Topic subjectsenegal night
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=16115&mesg_id=16352
16352, senegal night
Posted by Whanoon, Thu Mar-03-05 02:36 AM
the lid lifted
from the calabash
so the contents steam
away, tucked underneath shoddy
street light glow
thick roadside dust settles,
eyes clear
and breaths are cool and black
under the sky
unoppressive but massive
the simple truth to the day's verbiage
now muted
as dakar reclines
back suitably scratched
no longer restless

yassa simmers and wafts
through square cuts in concrete
cool stone the night's accomplice
with a flip flop smack
a sidestepped coconut husk
i can lift by head
string to the stars
to reflect towards home
and walk slow
a taxi's hopeful honk
drenched in bliss