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Topic subjectAre you listening, My Son? (in your own words...)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=13037&mesg_id=13051
13051, Are you listening, My Son? (in your own words...)
Posted by soulchild, Tue Mar-02-04 04:21 PM
To my son... (zin)
I bared you to the world (Nathaniel)
and planned to exist in (zin)
endless fields of dreams, (k0la)
watching sunrise from mountains range (Asiem)
& vast rivers along which honey flows (k0la)
for the you that lives in my eye (delsbrothergeorge)

but how shallow i was (moenay)

from the beginning of creation, (HavoK07)
from the very start (HavoK07)
here on earth, (UncleClimax)
the tree that grows where the ground once opened (delsbrothergeorge)
its beauty has been neglected (UncleClimax)

in this same location, (tremahne)
once upon a time, slaves were sold. (k0la)
And now my soul re-lives the flash backs (Chaste_Souls)

this is the decadent land where (k0la)
my voice is an unheard neanderthal grunt (jayare214)
behind the hands, that penned books so potent (jayare214)
they were torched, (jayare214)
a glass of kerosene and lit a match. (otto)
crackle like bent leaves fallen (gsquared)

From the rich born to the street, (Black Tongue)
All sides have blood on their hands by default (tremahne)
hidden behind the walls of wealth (HavoK07)
Where the depraved hide their filth (Knowone)
With perfect smiles, picket fences, and neatly trimmed hedges, (Knowone)
For it’s a snow globe existence we live in (gypsyojos)

Poisoned by this hate filled world (CarNaVor)
we're growing up just to kill and fight. (CarNaVor)
the weapons of warfare (UncleClimax)
sparks all with tinges of paranoia (k_rockah)

To my son... (zin)
life is a knife serrated with jaded teeth (MiracleRic)
Your smiles will turn to tears (gypsyojos)
moments manifest into years, (gypsyojos)

someone like you, (Morehouse)
a dream, creeping into the real, (Morehouse)
I bared you to the world (Nathaniel)
The world and its chloroform around your nostrils (k_rockah)
my arms lay scarred and outstretched (3rd i)
because your life means more to me, (robynwildchild)
loss of all my blood is nothing (robynwildchild)
my redemption means nothing (RatpackSlim)
if i can't pass on the lesson (RatpackSlim)

To my son... (zin)
u must listen... (truth)
a beacon of freedom is a street lamp (MCEsher)
to change the world, (delrica)
You can pierce the sky (UncleClimax)
give life with your sword (UncleClimax)
and inspire no cries of agony (UncleClimax)

I hope you got a good poker face (zin)
showing the limitless potential of where the mind can reach. (jayare214)

To my son... (zin)
I bared you to the world (Nathaniel)

are u listening? (truth)


...The caged bird sings
with fearful trill
of the things unknown
but longed for still
and is tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom...

- Maya Angelou