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Topic subjectopen windows
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=12924&mesg_id=13004
13004, open windows
Posted by delsbrothergeorge, Thu Mar-18-04 06:58 AM
what good does an open window do?

when a breeze drifts in through it
to ease the oppression of the house,
is it not bittersweet?

when children laugh or cars honk
or some man in some uniform passes by with a package to be delivered,
is it not a tease of the world outside?

when a ray of sunshine warmly intrudes,
is it not a cold reminder of what could be?

so, then, what good does an open window do?

better to close it, draw the blinds

and go outside


stay inside and curl up
with the creature comforts