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Topic subjecteventually
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=12924&mesg_id=12987
12987, eventually
Posted by delsbrothergeorge, Thu Mar-11-04 08:03 AM
i don't have to tell you
what song these lines come from:

if it was meant to be
it would be
'cause we related
and mentally"

you know them better than i do
and i dig that about you.

always have.

i remember that first day
names exchanged
handshakes, smiles, soft caresses followed
but what stood out most
was the way you elbowed cats in the front row at the common show
making you the coolest chick i had ever met

and you were fine, too
still are
fine, that is
and (arguably) the coolest chick i ever met.

but that's not why i love you
matter of fact, i've loved you for so long
that i can't remember why i do
and i never question it.

it is what it is.

what has changed between now
and every moment before
is that my only thought of you is:

i want to strip you naked and make you howl
because i have nothing better to do
because there is nothing better i could do.

and that would be a good thing
if you were mine
but you're not
and i'm not sure that i want you to be
'cause the freedom you give me is not unique
and i know enough
that i cannot trust
you to stay in love with me
no matter how deeply you've already fallen.