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Forum nameFreestyle Board Archives
Topic subjectbroadcasting from the field
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=12556&mesg_id=12637
12637, broadcasting from the field
Posted by blak_yukon, Thu Apr-08-04 10:47 AM
This is blak yukon reporting live from the freestyle board um...KING O'DA'RING! freestyle tournament...and um, its getting pretty personal as most expected...lots of snide comments thrown about before and after verses have been submitted. This event has made the most humble come out of character ie,Gsquared...while the usual cats with a mouthful to say, Tecky and PG continue to serve up the most entertaining parts of this game.
Meanwhile, the always consistant Instant Axis gave his usual shrapnel filled verbal assault against a rather impressive upstart Frosted Flake,ha...no soaking that nucca in milk makin'em wilt,huh. Hey, listen this is y'man on the scene...Uncle blak for YUKON MAGAZINE...

always wash behind your ears...signing out

*oh yes,PS to big mazin on the gettin hitched right about now...