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Topic subjectRE: lol sure and neither of us is biased here at all
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=12556&mesg_id=12624
12624, RE: lol sure and neither of us is biased here at all
Posted by BarTek, Thu Apr-08-04 11:11 AM
PG, you are forgetting. Zin laid out the rules, but I am the LAW!


I have been playing the fiddle, you being the fiddle! I am preparing your mind, for our battle, which will occur in the next bout. You will write your verse, knowing, that my verse was a LANDSLIDE! ahead of yours. I am pre-conditioning your loss! Now, please excuse me Peasent Gnome, you are much too short and too poor, to speak in my court!

*Grabs cape and whirls away from the Peasent Gnome!*

*Court applauds the departure of the King, turns back on the Peasent Gnome and throws peanuts at him!*
