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Topic subjectRE: Jayare Vs Mric
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=12556&mesg_id=12592
12592, RE: Jayare Vs Mric
Posted by Instant Axis, Thu Apr-08-04 03:40 PM
this was tough yo.. i had J winning then this after i read his verse and then i read Ric's and this right here made me lean Ric's way

"threw hexes to, those whose chest is metal dude, tin man, I question ya heart, I bare flows on scarecrows that use rectal darts, hot shit like years of repressin farts"

that shit was just nasty mang!!!...damn...and nothin takin from j cause he dropped an ill verse but i felt Ric edged him on this...peace yall.