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Forum nameFreestyle Board Archives
Topic subjectKing O the Ring (Round Four)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=12485&mesg_id=12485
12485, King O the Ring (Round Four)
Posted by Decstar, Wed Apr-14-04 01:48 AM
since i know ya'll probably was ready to battle each other anyway, tha wait will be over. and as projected, ya'll all passed. this round should be interesting and ya'll all know what to do and how to do it. i'ma be a lil busy tomorrow, but verses still go in by 4pm EST. if tha verses are not posted at 4, they may be posted at 5. unless ya'll wanna get it over wit today. it's up to ya'll. if i get all 4 verses in today, it's on. a true king will be crowned properly by next monday or tuesday, no doubt. GOOD LUCK


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