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Topic subjectfor the baby boy.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=20&topic_id=9988&mesg_id=10039
10039, for the baby boy.
Posted by Aeon, Wed Dec-01-04 10:39 AM
my convenant

with that which is unseen

yet bearing my legacy, already written
deep within you

-all that i am will be yours
i am scuplted and shaped by the thought of you

i've already begun my deconstruction and rebuilding
hoping to erect your haven
within this frail structure of self

if only i could prepare you
for the crush of your preconcieved expectancy
it's waiting to taste your blood

crouching at the edge of your mistakes even before you make them
shadowing your regal stride
hungry for your missteps

because we are predestined to fall-

in this, my solemn swearing
to be your foundation

before & after they try to break you
relentlessly sacrificing you to their paper gods
branding you with calloused remnants of your struggle to stay alive

i love you

((para o menino do bebê))