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Topic subjectRE: So I listened to Building Block's beats and...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=4065&mesg_id=4206
4206, RE: So I listened to Building Block's beats and...
Posted by nbtnmwoltz, Tue Apr-06-04 04:59 AM
>i'll assume that this is directed at me (and others)...
i was addressing general sentiments with much of what i said, but part of it was directed to you as well...

>>but you're allowed to come with some immature,
>>disrespectful shit? constructive criticism is cool, but you
>>bitches talk MUCH shit then get your vaggies wet when
>>someone says something back?
>okay... in the two years that i have looked at this site, i
>have like 55 posts (30 in the past few months), so i am
>hardly the one that has the time nor energy to come on this
>board disrespecting people. if you look at all my posts, i
>always give clear thoughts on why i feel a certain way, not
>just "so and so sucks" like others. so if you were
>referring to me, i just don't fit into this category... stop
>boxing in everybody that posts on here... we all don't fit
>into one box...
ok....i'll reply to this after your next paragraph...

>i rarely post shit on here unless something strikes a
>nerve... my sarcastic remarks to skillz was simply to show
>that its usually big budget flossy niggas that act as
>immature as he did... just wouldn't expect that from an
>okayartist... so i still don't think i was "talking shit,"
>as much as i was just callin out somebody who was taking
>advantage of his priveledged status on these boards. until
>i put my post up, everybody was just going along with that
>shit like it was okay... i am just saying that it was

why was it cool for d'greg to come off like he did? my point was that why are you holding artists to a higher standard than BB? skillz sufficiently explained why he wrote publicly to the whole board. d'greg tried to shit on him on the board, but then wrote him a letter and shit on a much more humble tip, when he should have done that from jump. i don't give a damn if someone is or isn't established, has platinum plaques has lots of respect, whatever. people are people, you treat them with respect and you deserve to be treated with respect. bblock did not approach him that way, thus he left himself open for attack. that is on him. don't attack skillz for popping back, attack bblock for putting on two faces, one for the "boards" and one for skillz in private (PAUSE). my point is, skillz was no more wrong than bblock.

>>it's cool that
>>people can say unfavorable things and not be censored or
>>eliminated but DO NOT catch a fricking attitude when it's
>i don't see this as reciprocal at all. reciprocity is an
>equal exchange. so block comes out his mouth... okay fine.
>but when a nigga like skillz, who has a big following on
>this site, comes back with this drawn out joke on the nigga,
>and fills it with pompous statements, he is just ego
>tripping... period.
ok but it wasn't about ego tripping or skillz following....bblock is going to shit on his song publicly and say he can do better...that's some cocky ass talk for a kid who's never made a song in the business...where is HIS humility? like i said, come with respect, get treated with it...don't say "yeah bblock talked shit" then let him off the hook for however skillz responded...

if he wanted to get the nigga back, all
>he had to do post something like "i got your beats. i
>didn't like them. you talked a big game and i expected
>more. better luck next time. peace." that would have
>sufficed, and everybody would've been clowning block because
>he played himself. hardly reciprocal when your an
>okayartist... he took advantage... straight up...

again. bblock wanted to offer his production for skillz...was insulting him the best way to go about it? if not a private message, why couldn't he at least say "i have some beats that i'd like to let you hear, tell me what you think" or something like that....skillz didn't come LOOKING for block, block came looking for him...

>>really tho, the two stars of this shit aren't mad and have
>>no hard feelings and skillz i do give props for taking the
>>criticism well
>the funny thing is, my feelings with this have nothing to do
>with block. its more got to do with certain phrases skillz
>used like "you ruined the chances for the next three
>producers" and "That's how it goes most of the time though,
>someone tells me they have heat & I end up not liking the
>music. Its happened that way time & time again"... for
>real... its like... Who are you? I just think that as an
>artist, when you have a small following, there has to be a
>certain amount of humility. there just has to be. the
>reason why many niggas like (or used to like) okayartists
>becuase they don't (or didn't) come off as gassed up BET
>rappers who love looking at themselves in the mirror. those
>statements just dismiss and devalue his fans, which are
>those same niggas approaching him with beats. to take it a
>step further (which i did), its not like he put out 5
>classic albums or is on all-time top 10 emcee lists or
>sumthin... i just feel like he has no room to clown on
>niggas... what gives him the right? if block came at him
>wrong, you can dismiss the nigga without coming off like an
>arrogant rapper... unless you are, which its obvious he
or you can do what he did? what requires him to take the high road? are you the judge of all conduct? my problem is with the attitude that just because you're "Famous" or "an artist" you should take bullshit from people off the street and dismiss it....what for? i'd understand if skillz put bblock on blast w/out provocation, but we all know that's not how it went down...

>>"there's some hoes in this house, there's some hoes in this
>this is the exact shit that starts up shit on here. you
>don't here me calling muthafuckas names and shit. i just
>comment on what niggas are saying... do it intelligently...
>u sound like a teenager...
please, shit can be started up from absolutely nothing. all quotes and jokes aside, nobody can say i don't comment intelligently...you confuse me with your bredren.