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Topic subjectlike water for art.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=27744&mesg_id=27772
27772, like water for art.
Posted by guest, Thu Jan-20-00 05:03 AM
o.k players.<BR>the phrase "like water for chocolate", is one used in a moment of frustration, that you can't take it any more, you are at your wits end, confusion totally surrounds you. That being said-I personally think it's just Common being Common...asking people (white, black, hispanic...etc) to ask themselves if they are content with the present and to reflect on the past...and ask themselves if things are truly any different...OR maybe the frustrations of the past never really get solved and that it's still a struggle in 2000! That being said-for whatever it's worth/not worth, hip-hop as an ARTFORM is to raise questions...that's the foundation of all good art...art is also a means of education...for all (white, black...etc.)...it's not all about gold, diamonds and backin' your thang up.<BR>peace.<BR>