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Topic subjectIll logic.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=25943&mesg_id=26010
26010, Ill logic.
Posted by guest, Sat Mar-11-00 02:26 PM
>is your name eminem?... because you are <BR>>FUCKIN’ CRAZY!! Malik B is NICE! <BR>><BR>>I really hope that you are Rakim <BR>>posting under a different name if <BR>>you’re going to talk all that <BR>>shit! <P>Again, if Roger Ebert criticizes Denzel for his performance in Glory (he didn't, by the way, this is just hypothetical), does that mean that Ebert thinks he's a better actor than Denzel? Or that he could have played the role better? No. So again, stop with the "then you get on the mic" logic.<P>>Let me guess... You’re probably <BR>>one of the Talib Kweli haters <BR>>too, arent you? <P>No. Talib Kweli has lyrics. I'm not the biggest fan of his voice or flow, but he says some ill stuff sometimes. And I've NEVER heard him come on some simplistic Dr. Seuss nursery rhyme like Malik occasionally does.<P>>True, those few lines that you quoted <BR>>from Proceed (which I might add, <BR>>came out 6 years ago) were <BR>>a little simplistic, but you can’t <BR>>judge him by 4 lines. <P>If I had the time, patience or caring, I could quote a hundred weak lines from Malik B. The fact that I singled out those four does not mean those are the only four weak lines he's ever spit.<P>>You <BR>>could pick any MC and find <BR>>a few random lines that are <BR>>below par. <P>That's true, but usually you could also take that same emcee and find an equal, or much greater, number of lines that are way above par. With Malik you can't do that. Nobody on this board has posted an impressive verse from him yet. That's not to say he has none. I liked his performances on "Adrenaline" and "100% Dundee", but a couple nice verses (nice, not classic) do not cancel out years of bad lines. <P>---------------------------<BR>"when science finally locates the center of the universe, some people will be surprised to learn they're not it."<BR>- unknown<P>"words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them."<BR>- nathaniel hawthorne<P>"whatever happens it was written, meaning God meant it..." <BR>- nasir jones