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Topic subject?uestlove Produces New Musiq Track!!!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=17434
17434, ?uestlove Produces New Musiq Track!!!
Posted by BigWorm, Sun Apr-01-01 11:50 AM
Oh wait, he already did. It was called the Next Movement.

April Fools.


"You funny do, cuz really you think you can do me when you roll a 500 that's really a 320."

In the Deck:

Jay Dee - Welcome 2 Detroit
Binary Star - Masters of the Universe
Rufus Wainwright - (self titled)
Eleni Mandell - Wishbone
Dub War - Pain
Nick Drake - Bryter Later
Craig David - (a WACK album, never mind the title)
Stetasonic - In Full Gear
Biz Markie - The Biz Never Sleeps
Ghostface Killah - IRONMAN

17435, good one nm
Posted by atruhead, Sun Apr-01-01 04:05 PM
17436, RE: ?uestlove Produces New Musiq Track!!!
Posted by guest, Sun Apr-01-01 04:41 PM
I really can't understand why yall be hatin on Musiq so much . whether or not yall think he is ridin the roots or D dosen't make a diference, I think his shit is good . For a first album he did pretty well and musically he is going in the right direction. And for the record he is selling just as well as or better than most of the Okayplayer artist on here. Me being a part of the artsitic comunity I see this as a classic example of how the artistic community often turns it's nose up to anything and anyone who isn't catering to their every whim. If a musician is making music for musicians and artistic people then he better be ready to starve because they will be the first to turn there back on him or her . And if you are cattering to this group than are you really an artist person, because a true artist does what they want. So what Musiq sampled the roots who the hell are you to play judge and jury. I think what he did was well done and in that one song he was giving props to the people who influenced him . and last but not least the shit sounds good and that's all that matters.
17437, Musiq - is that YOU?!
Posted by guest, Sun Apr-01-01 05:08 PM
Don't front - April Fool's, right?

HA HA HA!!! Good one.


17438, cool down
Posted by BigWorm, Sun Apr-01-01 05:40 PM
It was a joke.

I got nothing against Musiq.

Bruh juswantstaseing.

I can dig it.


"You funny do, cuz really you think you can do me when you roll a 500 that's really a 320."

In the Deck:

Jay Dee - Welcome 2 Detroit
Binary Star - Masters of the Universe
Rufus Wainwright - (self titled)
Eleni Mandell - Wishbone
Dub War - Pain
Nick Drake - Bryter Later
Craig David - (a WACK album, never mind the title)
Stetasonic - In Full Gear
Biz Markie - The Biz Never Sleeps
Ghostface Killah - IRONMAN

17439, wrong..biting is biting
Posted by mellow, Mon Apr-02-01 04:47 PM
sorry, i disagree with you.
I'm not critiquing how good the songs "sound" or his lyrical content, but what irks me is his blatant use of other people's musical composition's. There's a difference between being "inspired" by other artist's works and straight jacking the work and layering some vocals over it.
To be inspired is to appreciate what someone has done, and in turn it can influence you in your music. Taking arrangement ideas, rhythms, lyrical delivery, etc..that's cool. But come on man, straight jacking the exact rhythm, beats, and sounds and looping it is not really cool in my books.
Your not any different than some dj who throws an accapella he likes over instrumental beats he enjoys. That technique is what makes mixtapes so popular and also keeps the clubs hopping.
But to do that shit on the scale of a major release to make money and gain appeal?? that ain't cool.
There was another track musiq also did that really irked me. Before people start pitching a fire to burn me, i don't know if this sample came from somewhere else, but there's a sample musiq used that i know was a track Beck had. I heard that Beck track at least 3 years ago. I can't remember the name of the musiq song or the one that Beck did. Either way, that was another Straight jacking of someone else's work.
Musiq might as well call himself "DJ Musiq" and throw shout-outs throughout all the tracks ala DJ Clue style. 'Cause there's no difference between what musiq does in his tracks than DJ Clue. The only difference is that at least DJ Clue isn't perpetrating like he's an "artist".
I'm not out to dissect Musiq per say. I'm saying this in regards to this reoccurring trend amongst hip-hop & r'n'b artist's regurgitating other people's popular material.
Shit, I totally wasn't cool with Erykah using the Beats from a Dr.Dre track. Thing about that was that dre's track was still fresh in people's minds when she dropped it.
So in regards to musiq, once and for all, call a damn spade a spade. Enough with the "angles" of what/who he is respecting.
I'm not hating on all his tracks, just the ones that are obvious
17440, RE: wrong..biting is biting
Posted by guest, Sat Apr-07-01 09:16 AM
Hey I agree with you on one point , Musiq is not half as artistic as he likes to put him self off as . The LOve video is a little too much for me . I mean why can't he just sing a song and get it over with . Also I think he is trying to hard to be down with the Artistic folks anyway little does he know that being himself is how he can be down. But still the album is good and he did his best and dosen't deserve half the criticism you folks give him. But then again I guess you leave yourself open for criticism when you decide to call yourself Musiq.
17441, RE: wrong..biting is biting
Posted by mintybinaca, Sat Apr-07-01 04:05 PM
I thought I was the only one that thought like that!!lol
17442, Two Snaps.
Posted by Petey Wheatstraw, Mon Apr-09-01 04:04 AM
******THE 2% NATION LIVES ON!!!*********
Homogenizing the world since 2000
*allow the M.I.L.K. to lead you
When all has been said and done, there's nothing left to say or do. --Daryl Dawkins

I ain't runnin, cause I ain't no damn track star! --Richard Pryor

Every negro is a potential black man. --Stokley Carmicheal

When I see green...I be thinkin... --Ghostface Killah

Do you think that's air you're breathing? --Morpheous

It wasn't me. --Shaggy

17443, RE: wrong..biting is biting
Posted by Kaorazen Obsidian Mojo, Mon Apr-09-01 04:06 AM
So, you're dissing him for doing something that everybody else has been doing for years? Did you think the Roots were bogus for using the same beat that Schooly D used i5 years ago? Or do you justify them just cuz they are the Roots?

AIM, Yahoo IM, & MSN IM:Kaorazen
HEY!!! Go and download some Krucible Kulture songs at http://www.rapstation.com/artists/artist.php3?artist_id=9397
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"Yeah, these fools push weight, but I never see 'em pushin' baby carriages
We all got street smarts, but we don't know shit 'bout our heritage
We devote more time to our hustles than we do to our marriages
Too much time gettin' high and drinkin' alcoholic beverages, we chug venom
And girls say they wanna brother wit' a little bit of thug in 'em
Who might end up wit' slugs in 'em, and traces of drugs in 'em"-Kaorazen Obsidian Mojo
http://www.kruciblekulture.com (Coming soon)
17444, Similar but different...
Posted by mellow, Mon Apr-09-01 03:13 PM
I'm not exactly sure which track the roots used schooly d's beat from, but i agree with u in one way, and disagree with you in another.
I agree that alot of artists take from other artist's and rehash shit up, sometimes they make things different or unrecognizable.
Everyone is taking something from someone, no one is free of influences. Everything is borrowed or has "interpolations" of (damn i hate that word..) something. Not much is really unique and fresh.
But what i disagree with u on is on the timing of the "biting".
From your message, you said that the roots sampled a schooly d track from 15 years ago. Sampling is sampling, your right. But musiq is biting tracks that were hot like 2 years ago. that's still fresh..
Schooly D's stuff was dated for that time period. So the Roots rehashing it was more of bringing something from the past they liked and working it in to their steelo. The roots & schooly d have no real link when it comes to production sound or technique.
But for musiq, it's different in my opinion.
why? because when your fucking with somebody's sound and not doing just one track, but basing your whole production style exactly like someone else's, then your no better than the dj scenario i pointed out-- Your just riding your vocals over someone else's instrumentals. And mind you, on musiq's cd, it isn't just one track that has "elements" of someone else's tracks. We're talking about almost the whole cd.
But what comes through over and over again is the sound throughout the whole lp--- same sound & style as the soulquarian's shit.
What would you think when you would hear people biting dj premier's sound. A few years back when primo was at the top of his game, a year or so later, you would see so many styles that emulated his sound and production techniques. Is that cool?? no, not really, because someone like me could spot it a mile away and would lose respect for those guy's who did that shit.
So what? those guys should take pride in cracking primo's formula's and saying "hey, look..i know what primo does and can do the same thing.." ---- big deal.
One thing's for sure, there is no shortage of biters in this world. Not just musically, but in every facet. just those type of individuals who don't get the whole notion of what it is to create and shine your own unique voice --to make your own imprint on who you are so others know what your about.
That to me is the esssence.
Musiq may be the coolest guy around, he definitely can sing, the tracks sound really good. there not cheesy. but all this gets defaulted because he didn't bring it on by creating his own unique sound.
i respect your opinion & see your point, but i still disagree.
17445, LOL...
Posted by los79, Sun Apr-01-01 06:56 PM
Did you guys see that commercial from Truth with "the Tobaco Chairman"...He was recalling all the cigarettes until they developed a safe tobaco product...then they was like "April Fools"

"Looking Good!"

Kevin Torres
17446, I saw that!
Posted by Divine Sheba, Tue Apr-03-01 09:35 AM
I was like "WTF?!? Cancer free cancer sticks???"...then they were like "April Fools"...they got me good on that one...peace...

---Real Sheba Quotes---

"fuck y'all, i'm soulful" (c) Binlahab

"If truth shall be my companion through the FAH-LAAAMES!!!...then so be it..." (c) Jade (Vanessa Williams "Cosby Show")

"Arrest him!! for impersonating a man!" (c) Jade

"...u just can't be any ol kinda way doin any ol kinda thing & be like "RESPECT ME NIGGA...I'M A QUEEN!!!" (c) Morpheme

Feb. 8, 1959-Jan. 14, 2001
"Everything I do is a monument to you and your memory..."

AIM: AFROdite529

okayoungins- giving you true youthful musical wisdom since 2000.

17447, we spoke yesterday
Posted by qoolquest, Mon Apr-02-01 12:45 AM
we will work.

no punchline.

for real.

april fools!


we will work.

april fool's again....

ok seriously

we spoke.

i'm stoooopid.

the source mic ratings 1990-2001

-edutainment (funny in the annivrsery issue they left this out...but i have the ice cube issue when they first started rating albums)
-people's instintive travels and the paths of rhythm
-amerikkka's most wanted
-let the rhythm hit em
-all for one
-de la soul is dead
-the low end theory
-life after death
-niggaz4life* (not reveiwed but in summer issue 92 they mentioned it as a 5mic classic)

-sex and violence
-buisiness as usual
-business never personal
-whut thee album
-breaking atoms
-death certifacate
-buhloone mindstate
-the chronic
-enter the 36 chambers
-life after death
-the infamous
-only built 4 cuban links
-illadelph halflife
-hell on earth
-bow down
-i am
-murder muzick
-life story
-classic limited edition vol 1
-guerilla warfare
-in my lifetime vol.3
-la rock familia
-ecleftic:two sides to a story
-moment of truth
-supreame clientel
-last of a dying breed
-the truth

the gag mics-
fear of a black planet-@@@1/2
da shinin-@@@
the beatnuts-@@@1/2**
mos def and talib kweli are black star-@@@1/2
the love movement-@@@1/2
fantastic vol 2-@@@1/2

*-source never reviewed, but mentioned in summer issue that it was a 5 mic classic.

**-the only record to change a rating after printing. in the next issue they printed (in fine print that it was a @@@@ mic album)

17448, A friend of mine...
Posted by khimes, Mon Apr-02-01 01:55 AM
told me on Friday that you guys (the Sooulquarians) were supposed to be producing Musiq's next album, as in he's now a part of the Soulquarian extended family. Is that true, or are you just on good terms with Musiq now?

"It's tough to go to war when you've got pistols and they've got grenades and bombs." - Stephon Marbury after posting 32 points, 9 rebounds, and 8 assists in a New Jersey loss to Minnesota
17449, well he ain't a soul-ar
Posted by qoolquest, Mon Apr-02-01 09:13 AM
but i wouldn't object to a thing like that.

the source mic ratings 1990-2001

-edutainment (funny in the annivrsery issue they left this out...but i have the ice cube issue when they first started rating albums)
-people's instintive travels and the paths of rhythm
-amerikkka's most wanted
-let the rhythm hit em
-all for one
-de la soul is dead
-the low end theory
-life after death
-niggaz4life* (not reveiwed but in summer issue 92 they mentioned it as a 5mic classic)

-sex and violence
-buisiness as usual
-business never personal
-whut thee album
-breaking atoms
-death certifacate
-buhloone mindstate
-the chronic
-enter the 36 chambers
-life after death
-the infamous
-only built 4 cuban links
-illadelph halflife
-hell on earth
-bow down
-i am
-murder muzick
-life story
-classic limited edition vol 1
-guerilla warfare
-in my lifetime vol.3
-la rock familia
-ecleftic:two sides to a story
-moment of truth
-supreame clientel
-last of a dying breed
-the truth

the gag mics-
fear of a black planet-@@@1/2
da shinin-@@@
the beatnuts-@@@1/2**
mos def and talib kweli are black star-@@@1/2
the love movement-@@@1/2
fantastic vol 2-@@@1/2

*-source never reviewed, but mentioned in summer issue that it was a 5 mic classic.

**-the only record to change a rating after printing. in the next issue they printed (in fine print that it was a @@@@ mic album)

17450, Good luck with that.
Posted by guest, Mon Apr-02-01 09:59 AM
I still haven't forgiven him for..


oh nevermind. You'd be doing him a HUGE favor.

17451, well.......judging by his soundscan reports
Posted by qoolquest, Sat Apr-07-01 09:57 AM
in about 3 weeks....

he'll be outselling us all...(jill too)

so he'd be doing me a favor.

just kidding.

yesterday i paired my "so called" beef to one person.

it aint music.

and it's none of the "vets" of touch of jazz.

however there is one upstart in that camp, who's sound is too fuckin close for comfort.

i wouldn't be half as upset if he wern't explaining his "sound" to some poor soul

"...thanks man, that's my shit....cause all these other cats are programming their drums all strick. so imma stick out and do offbeat shit....that's my thang!"

i burst into room.


thought so.

the source mic ratings 1990-2001

-edutainment (funny in the annivrsery issue they left this out...but i have the ice cube issue when they first started rating albums)
-people's instintive travels and the paths of rhythm
-amerikkka's most wanted
-let the rhythm hit em
-all for one
-de la soul is dead
-the low end theory
-life after death
-niggaz4life* (not reveiwed but in summer issue 92 they mentioned it as a 5mic classic)

-sex and violence
-buisiness as usual
-business never personal
-whut thee album
-breaking atoms
-death certifacate
-buhloone mindstate
-the chronic
-enter the 36 chambers
-life after death
-the infamous
-only built 4 cuban links
-illadelph halflife
-hell on earth
-bow down
-i am
-murder muzick
-life story
-classic limited edition vol 1
-guerilla warfare
-in my lifetime vol.3
-la rock familia
-ecleftic:two sides to a story
-moment of truth
-supreame clientel
-last of a dying breed
-the truth

the gag mics-
fear of a black planet-@@@1/2
da shinin-@@@
the beatnuts-@@@1/2**
mos def and talib kweli are black star-@@@1/2
the love movement-@@@1/2
fantastic vol 2-@@@1/2

*-source never reviewed, but mentioned in summer issue that it was a 5 mic classic.

**-the only record to change a rating after printing. in the next issue they printed (in fine print that it was a @@@@ mic album)

17452, A little confused...
Posted by khimes, Sat Apr-07-01 11:13 AM
Are you saying your so-called "beef" is with Musiq the artist, or a certain producer at ATOJ whose sound, compaired to that of the Soulquarians, is a little too close for comfort? Because the reason I don't listen to Musiq is a combination of both arguments. "L Is Gone" sounds like a baaaaaaad version of Brown Sugar (lyrically), and his song "You Be Alright" sounds like it was based on "Send It On" (sonically).


"It's tough to go to war when you've got pistols and they've got grenades and bombs." - Stephon Marbury after posting 32 points, 9 rebounds, and 8 assists in a New Jersey loss to Minnesota
17453, lemme guess...
Posted by BigWorm, Sat Apr-07-01 12:21 PM
Vidal Davis?

(not expecting you to answer).

I know it was either him or Andre Harris that did the drums on Jill's "It's Love". But whichever it is...

I bet most cats could listen to Aijuswanaseing and figure that shit out.


"You funny do, cuz really you think you can do me when you roll a 500 that's really a 320."

In the Deck:

Jay Dee - Welcome 2 Detroit
Binary Star - Masters of the Universe
Rufus Wainwright - (self titled)
Eleni Mandell - Wishbone
Dub War - Pain
Nick Drake - Bryter Later
Craig David - (a WACK album, never mind the title)
Stetasonic - In Full Gear
Biz Markie - The Biz Never Sleeps
Ghostface Killah - IRONMAN

17454, how much pull do you got?
Posted by UrbanCowgRRL, Mon Apr-02-01 10:02 AM
i'm talkin' like change his name pull *insertbigassgrinhere*

maybe even just drop the 'soulchild'...eyedon'treeleeknow

Much love,

We all know angie's about to be a rock star by way of book, right?
Just helping her on her way.

Need Posting help...Go here----->http://www.okayplayer.com/guidelines.html

Want that incredible deep post of yours or your friends archived, email me urbancowgirlll@yahoo.com
17455, RE: how much pull do you got?
Posted by guest, Mon Apr-02-01 10:17 AM

>maybe even just drop the 'soulchild'...eyedon'treeleeknow

i co-sign. that name is bullshit. i'll admit i own his cd and everything, but i definitely understand ?uest is being the bigger man on this one. rather than slam his ass, try to help the man out. give him some tips. he's got potential, he just needs to kill the ego, realize he's not the soul messiah, and make some decent music. peace, love, and soul!!!

COMING ???: BILAL, 1st BORN SECOND!!!!!!!!!

"I am fascinated by the history of our music. Jazz is a whorehouse. The original booty shake." -Bilal

17456, uh...
Posted by BigWorm, Mon Apr-02-01 12:49 PM
I've seen a couple interviews of him, and he doesn't seem to be on any 'soul messiah' type thing. in fact, he seems very humble. the only possible ego thing is in the name, and apparently his cats from back home gave him the name and it just kind of stuck.

My criticism is just that the album wasn't too great, not bad, not a stellar debut, but mediocre (that and the beat jacking, which probably wasn't his fault). and that's good considering all the crap that gets released now. His next album will probably be pretty damn good IMO.


"You funny do, cuz really you think you can do me when you roll a 500 that's really a 320."

In the Deck:

Jay Dee - Welcome 2 Detroit
Binary Star - Masters of the Universe
Rufus Wainwright - (self titled)
Eleni Mandell - Wishbone
Dub War - Pain
Nick Drake - Bryter Later
Craig David - (a WACK album, never mind the title)
Stetasonic - In Full Gear
Biz Markie - The Biz Never Sleeps
Ghostface Killah - IRONMAN

17457, RE: uh...
Posted by guest, Mon Apr-02-01 12:57 PM
he always just seems kinda smug. maybe i'm blowing it out of proportion. ah well. yep, his next album better be reeeeaall damn good! peace, love, and soul!!!

COMING ???: BILAL, 1st BORN SECOND!!!!!!!!!

"I am fascinated by the history of our music. Jazz is a whorehouse. The original booty shake." -Bilal

17458, ummmm
Posted by UrbanCowgRRL, Mon Apr-02-01 02:09 PM
did either of you see him on BET tonite?

Much love,

We all know angie's about to be a rock star by way of book, right?
Just helping her on her way.

Need Posting help...Go here----->http://www.okayplayer.com/guidelines.html

Want that incredible deep post of yours or your friends archived, email me urbancowgirlll@yahoo.com
17459, His next album?
Posted by guest, Mon Apr-02-01 05:26 PM
Bollocks to his next album!? Musiq's people knew the right people, who knew ?uest's people, and now even ?uest has taken a likening to him. He's nothing other than a Crishawn - with people.

Wait a minute - scratch that. Too much sugar. "Damned the cursed colonel and his chicken that makes me crave it fort-nightly!"

17460, stop!
Posted by BigWorm, Tue Apr-03-01 02:05 AM
Have you met Musiq?

Did he talk about your mama?

Did he steal ya lunch money when you were little?

Where's the hate coming from?

Let's not make assumptions about cats we don't even know.


"You funny do, cuz really you think you can do me when you roll a 500 that's really a 320."

In the Deck:

Jay Dee - Welcome 2 Detroit
Binary Star - Masters of the Universe
Rufus Wainwright - (self titled)
Eleni Mandell - Wishbone
Dub War - Pain
Nick Drake - Bryter Later
Craig David - (a WACK album, never mind the title)
Stetasonic - In Full Gear
Biz Markie - The Biz Never Sleeps
Ghostface Killah - IRONMAN

17461, It was a joke, money - just relax.
Posted by guest, Tue Apr-03-01 05:27 AM
Thought the harshness of my statements demonstrated precisely that. Not to mention the disclaimer in the second paragraph.

Aw, fukit. Bite me BigWorm. Just because ?uest has warmed up to Musiq doesn't mean I have to. Don't know nothing about the man, but I HATE his product. YEAH, I SAID IT! HATED IT!? That 'L' song is WACK!? This is the nature of my hatred.

Ya feel me now?

17462, aiight man.
Posted by BigWorm, Tue Apr-03-01 10:12 AM

"You funny do, cuz really you think you can do me when you roll a 500 that's really a 320."

In the Deck:

Jay Dee - Welcome 2 Detroit
Binary Star - Masters of the Universe
Rufus Wainwright - (self titled)
Eleni Mandell - Wishbone
Dub War - Pain
Nick Drake - Bryter Later
Craig David - (a WACK album, never mind the title)
Stetasonic - In Full Gear
Biz Markie - The Biz Never Sleeps
Ghostface Killah - IRONMAN

17463, oops
Posted by BigWorm, Tue Apr-03-01 10:14 AM
hit send too quick.

I meant aiight man: don't wet yourself over it. The last thing we need beef over is Musiq Soulchild. If you don't like him, or the album, or whatever, that's up to you.


"You funny do, cuz really you think you can do me when you roll a 500 that's really a 320."

In the Deck:

Jay Dee - Welcome 2 Detroit
Binary Star - Masters of the Universe
Rufus Wainwright - (self titled)
Eleni Mandell - Wishbone
Dub War - Pain
Nick Drake - Bryter Later
Craig David - (a WACK album, never mind the title)
Stetasonic - In Full Gear
Biz Markie - The Biz Never Sleeps
Ghostface Killah - IRONMAN

17464, No beef.
Posted by guest, Tue Apr-03-01 10:25 AM
Just defending myself is all. I wouldn't come back if I didn't care. It's love like that. Coupled with the fact that I indeed drive a 328 (Bob Marley &the Wailers), reading your sig quote just sent the bells a ringin'. Namean?

respect. seen?

17465, RE: how much pull do you got?
Posted by Silky1, Tue Apr-03-01 09:45 AM
>>maybe even just drop the 'soulchild'...eyedon'treeleeknow
>i co-sign. that name is bullshit.
>i'll admit i own his
>cd and everything, but i
>definitely understand ?uest is being
>the bigger man on this
>one. rather than slam his
>ass, try to help the
>man out. give him some
>tips. he's got potential, he
>just needs to kill the
>ego, realize he's not the
>soul messiah, and make some
>decent music. peace, love, and

Slam him for what ? Wanting to just.....sing?! And what ego ? Damn, everytime I've seen him he was on the humble. And he never ever said he was a soul messiah. Damn,pass the hateraid.

17466, RE: how much pull do you got?
Posted by guest, Tue Apr-03-01 02:59 PM
?uest is being
>the bigger man on this
>one. rather than slam his
>ass, try to help the
>man out. give him some
Yo I'm sure it's not that deep, in that one song he was paying mad respect to the people who influenced him (D. And the Roots). iT's not like he jacked that track like rappers did james brown back in the day, I am sure the roots are getting there far share of that song.
17467, scratch that..
Posted by UrbanCowgRRL, Tue Apr-03-01 06:19 AM
just change it to MusiQ SoulQuarian when the change happens...cool?

Much love,

We all know angie's about to be a rock star by way of book, right?
Just helping her on her way.

Need Posting help...Go here----->http://www.okayplayer.com/guidelines.html

Want that incredible deep post of yours or your friends archived, email me urbancowgirlll@yahoo.com
17468, Two Snaps again...
Posted by Petey Wheatstraw, Mon Apr-09-01 04:11 AM
>i'm talkin' like change his name
>pull *insertbigassgrinhere*
>maybe even just drop the 'soulchild'...eyedon'treeleeknow


...okay that's enough now

******THE 2% NATION LIVES ON!!!*********
Homogenizing the world since 2000
*allow the M.I.L.K. to lead you
When all has been said and done, there's nothing left to say or do. --Daryl Dawkins

I ain't runnin, cause I ain't no damn track star! --Richard Pryor

Every negro is a potential black man. --Stokley Carmicheal

When I see green...I be thinkin... --Ghostface Killah

Do you think that's air you're breathing? --Morpheous

It wasn't me. --Shaggy

17469, RE: I can't believe i fell for this...
Posted by MUSE, Tue Apr-03-01 05:33 AM
one love.muse

"Are You Down With DPP?"
--The Domepome Poets

"Damn-near Poetic Perfection"- Seven

"Everything has a Mover...What moves u?"

"Seek, and you shall find..." - JESUS

~Time should be experienced in Breaths...~ me...



Why hip hop got so damned pregnant she gave birth to spoken word
And that word became hip
And that hip hopped till hip hop transformed and became reborn
Claiming converts from canaan to Babylon

If hip hop was a woman
She would’ve been known as the shorty who snatched KRS-1



"There was no mold.... God just freestyled me..." ~Sinsualmind

"Who am I?"

I am the soul that exists beyond time and space
I am the beauty that has no face
I am the divinity that has no gender no nation no race
I am the words that hate can't replace



17470, Check Musiq live
Posted by Donn L, Tue Apr-03-01 03:09 PM
I was at the Greensboro Badu concert and Musiq live is way better than Musiq's cd. I like most of the cuts on the cd but it seemed a li'more r&b-ish than soulful if that makes any sense. Musiq live is packed wit soul. I never got to see Stevie or Marvin perform, but Musiq says he is following in their footsteps and I think he is doing a good job of it in his performance. He can only get betta workin wit Quest, but dont sleep Jazzy Jeff's camp did a good job on the cd.
17471, MUSIQ'S PRODUCERS......
Posted by applesz, Tue Apr-03-01 03:23 PM
But Jazz is not the only producer on the album -

POYSER did 2 tracks & SCRATCH did the intro + "speechless"

From CP:

Musiq actually shines brightest on songs produced by others. James Poyser delivers his faithfully funky organ on the album’s last track "You’re Alright." It immediately conjures up a D’Angelo vibe from Musiq’s vocal stylings to Poyser’s gospel tinged keys. Poyser also coaxes a certain funkiness from the artist on the uptempo track "My Girl."
Human beat-box Scratch, emerging from the legendary Roots crew, tackled production on the album’s intro and the tenth track, "Speechless." Teamed with Roots pal Hub, Scratch melds his vocal scratching and percussion with Musiq’s smooth lyrics. With a definite hip-hop appeal, "Speechless" is one of the album’s only pure head-nodders.

17472, as far as I know
Posted by BigWorm, Tue Apr-03-01 05:13 PM
Jazzy Jeff didn't produce any of the tracks on Musiq's album.


"You funny do, cuz really you think you can do me when you roll a 500 that's really a 320."

In the Deck:

Jay Dee - Welcome 2 Detroit
Binary Star - Masters of the Universe
Rufus Wainwright - (self titled)
Eleni Mandell - Wishbone
Dub War - Pain
Nick Drake - Bryter Later
Craig David - (a WACK album, never mind the title)
Stetasonic - In Full Gear
Biz Markie - The Biz Never Sleeps
Ghostface Killah - IRONMAN

Posted by applesz, Tue Apr-03-01 06:30 PM
......touch of jazz studios then, if u want to pick @ lil shit
17474, but really
Posted by BigWorm, Wed Apr-04-01 05:31 AM
Executive Producer and Producer is about as different a writer and a publisher.


"You funny do, cuz really you think you can do me when you roll a 500 that's really a 320."

In the Deck:

Jay Dee - Welcome 2 Detroit
Binary Star - Masters of the Universe
Rufus Wainwright - (self titled)
Eleni Mandell - Wishbone
Dub War - Pain
Nick Drake - Bryter Later
Craig David - (a WACK album, never mind the title)
Stetasonic - In Full Gear
Biz Markie - The Biz Never Sleeps
Ghostface Killah - IRONMAN

17475, i didnt say that
Posted by Donn L, Thu Apr-05-01 05:08 AM
I said jazzy jeff's camp, which meant the group of people under jazzy jeff.
17476, EVERYTIME I GET OUT, THEY PULL ME BACK IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by fire, Thu Apr-05-01 05:17 AM
Musiq live is
>packed wit soul. I never
>got to see Stevie or
>Marvin perform, but Musiq says
>he is following in their
>footsteps and I think he
>is doing a good job
>of it in his performance.




keepers of the funk:

"i'm joining morris' band" - appollonia kotero

albums of the week:
jon b- pleasures u like
shuggie otis - inspiration information
sleepy's theme - the vinyl roomj (revisited)
stevie - songs in the key of life (revisited)
kast -stankonia
17477, Well would you look at that...
Posted by guest, Thu Apr-05-01 08:17 AM
Fire - I don't think we've EVER been so on the same page before. But to take a step further, ANY comparison of Musiq to Marvin and Stevie is blasphemy.

yes, yes

17478, Lemme clarify
Posted by Donn L, Thu Apr-05-01 09:56 AM
hmmm...I'm saying that from what I know about Stevie and Marvin through their cds and performance on tape, i was gettin alotta good energy. I think that energy woulda been close to the same if I would've had the opportunity to Stevie and Marvin live. I really think that the heavy criticism that Musiq receives is unjust, b/c he is alot better than most. He may not be on a Stevie or D'Angelo level but I can only play Vodoo so many times. I know it is to each his own and to my own I'm feelin Musiq. I think a blasphemy statement would have to involve Tank or Tyrese, but not Musiq.

17479, slow down.....
Posted by aliSUPREME, Fri Apr-06-01 03:57 AM
I cannot even believe this is a subject, but anyway... I see it like this. Musiq is doing good music. And I am comparing it to what I have to listen to on the radio nowadays, @ least 25 songs being played---CONSTANTLY. Its monotonous. So, I cant hate that Brother for the type of music He is promoting. So, when He comes on the radio, be happy. It could be Destiny's Child.Peace


17480, For a Third time....
Posted by Petey Wheatstraw, Mon Apr-09-01 04:18 AM
Two Snaps.

> Musiq live is
>>packed wit soul. I never
>>got to see Stevie or
>>Marvin perform, but Musiq says
>>he is following in their
>>footsteps and I think he
>>is doing a good job
>>of it in his performance.
> i'm not even
>joking, but you're blaspheming!
I was just thinkin' the same thing. Oh well, who said it had to make sense?

******THE 2% NATION LIVES ON!!!*********
Homogenizing the world since 2000
*allow the M.I.L.K. to lead you
When all has been said and done, there's nothing left to say or do. --Daryl Dawkins

I ain't runnin, cause I ain't no damn track star! --Richard Pryor

Every negro is a potential black man. --Stokley Carmicheal

When I see green...I be thinkin... --Ghostface Killah

Do you think that's air you're breathing? --Morpheous

It wasn't me. --Shaggy

17481, Puhleez
Posted by Ape Redwood, Mon Apr-09-01 07:25 AM
>Oh wait, he already did. It
>was called the Next Movement.

In that case....

Schooly D produces for the Roots! (Without A Doubt/Saturday Night)

BDP produces for Blackstar! (Respiration/P is Free)

The Hitmen produce for Mos Def! (Brooklyn/Who Shot Ya)

If you guys are gonna get mad about jackin' at least be objective.

17482, "And the hating...
Posted by guest, Fri Apr-13-01 06:24 AM