16534, there's a LOT of step 16's Posted by DaFlashman, Thu May-10-01 01:40 PM
* Reading every "Tuesday Tip" from Skip and praising it. * Contributing to the "OkayActivist" board more than once. * Writing a review of something and posting it to the boards. * Saying something about the "good ol' days" of 1999 before everybody knew what an Okayplayer was constantly. * Lusting after at least one OKP and saying that you want to fuck his/her brains out. * and so on, and so on, and so on.. (c) 3rd Bass
-- "Besides, what is beer but steak in a glass?" --> shockzilla(OK) Webmaster: www.RapReviews.com, www.OHHLA.com Bust a rhyme! http://www.rhymerator.com/