16528, YEAH BRENDAN! Posted by SpecialLight, Wed May-09-01 11:47 AM
Hey Brendan after you get one get me one too. We Wake people have to stick together. Can I just vent and tell you I finsed 1 50 page report on an entire system I designed and built and then antoher 50 page report with a group of a system we intend to build with all the research and shit . . .DAMNIT CALLOWAY SUXS!
----------------------------------------------------------------- "the wackness is spreading like the plague"~guru
if it is truth that binds why are there so many lies between lovers?
if it is truth that is liberating why are people told: they look good when they don't they are loved when they aren't everything is fine when it ain't glad you're back when you're not.
Black people in america may not be made for the truth we wrap our lives in disco and sunday sermons while selling false dreams to our children.
lies are refundable, can be bought on our revolving charge cards as we all catch truth on the next go round if it doesn't hurt."~Haki Madhubuti