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Topic subjectwhere's angieee
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=16367
16367, where's angieee
Posted by logan, Mon May-14-01 03:03 PM
i've been gone for a bit...

what's her role here at okayplayer.com anyways now-a-days...

and what's the deal with malik b...?

- - - - - - - - - - -
and iiiiiiiiii.....
16368, *sobbing*
Posted by Brandard, Mon May-14-01 03:16 PM
I dont want to talk about it...
16369, ?uest fired her!
Posted by los79, Mon May-14-01 03:41 PM

"Looking Good!"

Kevin Torres
16370, she left
Posted by Mosaic, Mon May-14-01 03:49 PM
to snatch the pebble outta some bald guy's hand.
16371, she finally gave in
Posted by jose3030, Mon May-14-01 03:54 PM

and we got married, 5/5/2001...
she said that with my McDonald's job, that it was good enough to support her broke ways. :)

3030 show:
16372, RE: she finally gave in
Posted by guest, Mon May-14-01 04:25 PM
jose dirty dirty
wanna know what your girlfriend is doing when you're not around?

ooooh let me tell ya!

16373, like Jamal_Yall says...
Posted by jose3030, Mon May-14-01 04:37 PM


3030 show:
16374, She's Gone
Posted by clever79, Mon May-14-01 04:55 PM

My woman is gone (woman is gone), my woman is gone (woman is gone).
She had left me a note hanging on my door:(the Boards)
She say she couldn't take it, she couldn't take any more.(off yall crazy asses!!)
The pressure around me - just couldn't see;
She felt like a prisoner who needs to be free.
Fools have tried, yeah - wisemen have failed:(Jose3030)
Oh, listen to me, honey: life could never be another jail.
Still we know now: we'll never see smoke without (fire!!)
And everyone you see has a heart desire.

She's gone (she's gone), she's gone (she's gone),
she's gone (she's gone), she's gone, ye-ah!
Oh, mocking bird, have you ever heard,
Words that I never heard?
Oh, mocking bird, have you ever heard,
Words that I never heard?

She made it through the exit (she just couldn't take it);
She made it through the exit (she just couldn't make it).
And, oh, my children (okayplayers), if you see me cryin':
My woman is gone.
If you see me - if you see me - if you see me -
if you see me cryin' -
If you see me - if you see me - if you see me -
if you see me cryin':

She's gone (she's gone), she's gone (she's gone), she's gone, ye-ah!
Oh, mocking bird, have you ever heard,
Words that I never heard?
Oh, mocking bird, have you ever heard,
Words that I never heard?
She's gone (she's gone), she's gone (she's gone), she's gone
(she's gone) -

* sig dedicated to Papi AKA my father aka bitter old man!*

"56K Sucks!!", My 56 year old father after learning how to download from napster.

OkayHatin' since Jan-30-01, 01:50 PM (EST) :

"I am the okaypeasant and I don't give a f**k. I lurk and read the good sh*t, laugh at the funny sh*t and sh*t on the ignorant sh*t! " - me
16375, BOB MARLEY!
Posted by clever79, Mon May-14-01 04:59 PM
how the fuck could I forget to give credit! AHh shit.....hold onn.....spilt mah beer.....

* sig dedicated to Papi AKA my father aka bitter old man!*

"56K Sucks!!", My 56 year old father after learning how to download from napster.

OkayHatin' since Jan-30-01, 01:50 PM (EST) :

"I am the okaypeasant and I don't give a f**k. I lurk and read the good sh*t, laugh at the funny sh*t and sh*t on the ignorant sh*t! " - me
16376, Holding her hostage
Posted by Roi Boi, Tue May-15-01 03:04 AM
Please submit $300,000.00 dollars in large and she will be released.
16377, in her own words...
Posted by Hot_Damali, Tue May-15-01 03:14 AM

oh and some dude named Amoxamoxamoxtheloxmoxa is runnin thangs now...

Underground Railroad w/Jay Smooth
Sat 12-2am
16378, haha ... but it's not just me
Posted by aoxomoxoa, Tue May-15-01 03:40 AM
... yes, with Angie stepping down there is plenty that needs to be done. We all know that's some big hair (uhm, shoes) to fill. So, we are all working together (myself, Wreckk, BKyle,Tank, B,?uest) to keep things moving. We have some new things and some old things cooking and so far we think we are doing a good job ... we hope you do too!!



... you can stack it ... like a pyramid

16379, well just in case
Posted by Hot_Damali, Tue May-15-01 04:05 AM
no one here has said so...you all are doing a fabulous job...ah poor Tankie-Pooh...the only female around all that maleness now...y'all better be nice to her...don't make me come down there :-)

Underground Railroad w/Jay Smooth
Sat 12-2am
16380, It's all good...
Posted by Tank, Tue May-15-01 05:38 AM
I got supreme cunt power and anyway, I could knock them tech nerds out with my nipples...



http://www.tankgreen.com - Cunt's R Us

16381, cookies..
Posted by wreckk, Tue May-15-01 05:50 AM
i'm starting a new send the designer cookies contest... send em in.. i'll eat them and tell you if they are good.. :)

lets get them going

"yo.. he caught it... killer caught the wrath of the numbchucks....!!!!" (Scarface - Half Baked)
16382, I second that emotion.
Posted by Tank, Tue May-15-01 05:57 AM
And you better share, cuz otherwise...



http://www.tankgreen.com - Cunt's R Us

16383, *hiding under chair*
Posted by aoxomoxoa, Tue May-15-01 06:29 AM
oh no!, ... not the nipples again! ... Wreckk, we better share ... im scurred

16384, RE: where's angieee
Posted by Shelly, Tue May-15-01 05:52 AM
witness protection program :)