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Forum nameOkay Artist Archives
Topic subject Damn, I never knew...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=15248&mesg_id=15323
15323, Damn, I never knew...
Posted by truth0ne, Sat Aug-11-01 04:27 PM

Profile of a Tagger
Some indications that your child may be a tagger are:

Your child stays out until early morning or all night.
Your child frequently wears a large back pack or baggy pants.
Clothing may be paint stained.
Packs and loose clothing can be used to hold paint cans or carry graffiti tools.
Your child carries tools used for etching glass like hole punches, rocks, glass cutters, screw drivers, awls, metal scribes or other sharp object. (Your child may not be able to explain exactly why he or she has this in their possession.
Your child has taken up the hobby of ink making.
Your child has large quantities of magic markers, shoe polish containers, or other devices used for drawing.
Your child sleeps during the day and is active outdoors at night.
Your child has paint on the tips of his/her fingers.
Your child frequently has permanent marker stains on his/her hands.
Your child has graffiti magazines, flyers, a "piece book," or other portfolio of tags.
Your child possesses large quantities of "My Name Is" stickers or other large stickers used for "sticker tagging."
Your child is in possession of graffiti paraphernalia such as markers, etching tools, spray paint, bug spray and starch cans. The bug spray cans are used to make tags that will only show up in the rain.
Your child is in the age group statistically associated with tagging, ages 12-18 (sometimes older).
Your child has graffiti displays or tags on clothing, binders, backpacks, and the underside of the bill of their hat.
Tags you see on the walls of your neighborhood are seen on your child's walls, books, and clothing.
Your child is frequently deceitful about his/her activities.
Your child has quantities of paint in cans but does not have the income to afford it.
Your child associates with other children with the traits described above.
Your child's Internet web browser has bookmarks to graffiti advocate web sites.
Your child has photographs of graffiti and tags on walls that look familiar to you.
Your child actively reads the alt.graffiti newsgroup.

Remember that taggers come from every race, religion,
social group, as well as from every socioeconomic status.