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Topic subjectThe next track should beeeeeeeee......
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=13971&mesg_id=14094
14094, The next track should beeeeeeeee......
Posted by guest, Thu Feb-10-00 10:06 AM
In my all my experience with marketing(and thats what I do)I have found that the expected response is the one that gets the least counter-response. But seeing that D's marketing is the least of Cheeba/Virgins concerns (i.e 67 release dates and what not) I would have to say that either "Feel like making Love" or "Greatdayinthemonin" would be the best decision. Both are mid tempo songs that are at their best in the spring/summer time. Peeps are finally able to go outside without fear of frostbite and just the thougt of the sun being out instead of snow flurries makes everyone look to have a great day in the monin. On the other hand "Feel like makin love" appeals to those feelings that everyone gets when the weather starts to break. I think people underestimate the power of seasonal marketing. D'Angelo has proven that he can tap into the feelings of the masses with his music and his performances. When "Lady" dropped I can remember riding in my car, windows down, radio on 10 , with my girl and feelin the vibe that D' was spittin. Without a doubt that feelin will be recreated if either one of these cuts get dropped.<P>One.<P>"My people perish for lack of knowledge" -Jesus (nuff said)