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Topic subjectRE: can't win em all
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=13188&mesg_id=13212
13212, RE: can't win em all
Posted by guest, Fri Jan-25-02 11:14 PM
kudos, ?uest!
I've been in bands since I was 17. Touring since 18. There is nothing more annoying to me than seeing someone night after night pulling the same shit. That's one of the reasons I won't go see any number of bands. Never mind the same schtick every night, it's the same as six months ago! Live music is a forum where anything could and should happen. Different town, different show.

To RiG Money:
It's always best to see a band at one of their own headlining shows. Club shows are by far the best. Festivals are cool for the variety, but they are meant for fans to see a lot of great bands in not a lot of time.
There is no comparison b/w a Roots club show and a festival show. You get more music, and more displays of musiciansip at the club. Plus you have the pleasure of getting to see your favorite band without 5000 of your smelliest friends to ruin your vibe.
