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Topic subjectRE: what happened with dude who wanted to meet u?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=7999&mesg_id=8063
8063, RE: what happened with dude who wanted to meet u?
Posted by Fehsmai, Mon Jun-30-03 10:11 AM
Micheal Bay! I >know this lil intern chic wont know who he is. But the other
>two names she'll know. so i say it with sheer confidence"
>Micheal Bay..I didnt have this problem earlier..this is
>ridiculous" " Oh I'm sorry sir..your here plus two"
>Hahahahahahaha...yeeeeeah niggaaaaa..Who's the man? " If I
>could just see some ID"? Huh? Think fast lil virginia Boy! "
>It's in my wife's purse..she's inside..I'm down for plus
>two..this is my friend & my wifes atmy table" " Oh OK..yall
>g'head,,here's your stamp." Yeeeeeeah..we walkin and and my
>man goes"Who's Micheal Bay" " He produces the BAD Boy movies
>kid..I'm sick aint I"? He laughs and goes "How you know that
>nigga?"" Cuz I subscribe to Entertainment Weekly fool!"

Your ass is crazy dawg....ha ha. Classic!