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Topic subjectRE: what happened with dude who wanted to meet u?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=7999&mesg_id=8062
8062, RE: what happened with dude who wanted to meet u?
Posted by Skillz, Mon Jun-30-03 08:58 AM
Part 3= So I roll outta the Kodak theater and hop in the car with my man's an em..who happens towork for the label & he says" So yo u know we gotta roll past Power 106 and do Felli's show" And I'm like"Huh?..we gotta do it now?" So I think to myself"hmmmmmm..that might not be bad..everyones stuck in traffic on Sunset anyway" So we go to the station and soon as i walk in he's doin a commercial break & he looks up at me & starts beatboxin. So I start spittin..so anyway they play the single and then do a commercial break. so i tell the Dj" play the Beyonce instrumental..and just start it from the top ..dont back it up" So he does & I spit this joint that I wrote to her beat & murdered it. I mean really...so the whole time I'm thinkin"I hope she's stuck in traffic hearing this joint" So we roll out and head the the Skybar.So its a madhouse out front and security's tryin to play me. But its cool I've been in this position before. Whip out the cell & make a call..5 minutes later my manager comes to get me. He's a guest in the hotel so they have to let his party in. So I'm in ...the hotel...not the party. You have to have a stamp on your hand to get in the actual party. So my manager gets me a stamp & I go in. soon as i walk thru the door I see Sanaa Lathan..whoa..hold up..I'm ready to challenge her to a game of strip b-ball. But all i could think about was how I played myself with Kelly. So I didnt say shit..I just looked. So then I see my man Damani..he's from Inglewood & we talkin building and all that. He goes" Lemme introdude you to my man Fish" So I look up & and its Derek Fisher from the Lakers. So he goes" Yo!! You smashed it on the radio my nigga" So I'm like" Good lookin..thats wassup" He's like " who you signed to..I'm bout to start my own label son" I'm thinkin to myself" Maaan whatever...the way you was cryin on the bench..I'm cool" But my mouth says" I got a deal dog..I'm cool" Then Damani goes" There's Kobe's sister" So from the feet up I start to check here out...mmmmmmm...feet cute..calfs strong..dress is nice..nice back out biege short skirt..nails is on point...nice neck..OH MY GOD! What the fuck? she looks just like Kobe before he cut his hair. I swear I was standin beside KOBE Fuckin Bryant in a cot daamn dress. I said it outloud like Pharell" Cooooooot Daaaaaaamn its's KO BAY"!!! So I felt like Freeky Zeeky in the Hey Ma video. i made an ugly face & keep it moving. Then I see Vivica Fox walk by screaming" I told them mothafuckers..I aint never weird" !! What? She jus like 5 cool points. Then in comes the Knowles clan..all of em..B..Daddy..Momma..Sole..Oh my bad Solange..that sound likes something your grandma catches on her feet. " Granny you comin to church" Naaaan baby my Solange acting up" Anyway..Kelly's with em & So is Michelle & Got Damn Shawn Carter. It's alotta other people too but yall dont care they are do you? Didnt think so lets K.I.M it. So B sings solange Happy Bday..it was her actual bday. And I get a page from my man sayin ' Son come get me..I'm outfront" So I get my managers room key & go to the front and get him in. But he has to have a stamp to get in the party. So i walk over to the desk & explain that my guest wants to get in the party & that I've already been in. The lady goes " No he has to have a stamp" So I start thinkin of this show i saw on VH1 where this guy sneaks into parties using this method that I'm about to try. Fuck it. the upside down guest list read. But I'm not seeing a name with a plus one beside it. And she's flippin thru the B's. Bill Bellamy? NO. Tyson Beckford? Hell no. then I see it. Micheal Bay! I know this lil intern chic wont know who he is. But the other two names she'll know. so i say it with sheer confidence" Micheal Bay..I didnt have this problem earlier..this is ridiculous" " Oh I'm sorry sir..your here plus two" Hahahahahahaha...yeeeeeah niggaaaaa..Who's the man? " If I could just see some ID"? Huh? Think fast lil virginia Boy! " It's in my wife's purse..she's inside..I'm down for plus two..this is my friend & my wifes atmy table" " Oh OK..yall g'head,,here's your stamp." Yeeeeeeah..we walkin and and my man goes"Who's Micheal Bay" " He produces the BAD Boy movies kid..I'm sick aint I"? He laughs and goes "How you know that nigga?"" Cuz I subscribe to Entertainment Weekly fool!"
So we back in & everyone is crowding Beyonces section. So I slide over for a second..Musiq comes in the party.And I look over the velvet rope & see Doug Banks talkin to Beyonce. And a hot ass girl is standin beside me & I'm checkin her out and she just says...in a real dissapointing voice" Poor Jay Z!" I'm like "Why you say that?" " I mean...look at him.he looks so uncomfortable around her family" So I look over and we both sigh in unison"awhhhhh..Poor Jay Z!"