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Topic subjectRE: Some of you keep talking about the voices. Do you forget
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=34056&mesg_id=34119
34119, RE: Some of you keep talking about the voices. Do you forget
Posted by theBoondocksGurl, Tue Nov-08-05 07:38 PM
>these are little boys? Little boys typically don't have deep
>cynical voices. They usually sound like girls which is why
>Regina King is perfect.

Huey is young, but he criticizes everything, he's pretty cynical about many issues. I imagine him with a cynicale tone and a voice not at all high. Yea he is like 10 but still, I know everybody here imagines him with a slightly deeper voice than the average little boy. Maybe its due to the fact that Huey isnt the average 10 yr. old, but nonetheless I still believe his voice should be slightly deeper.

cynical ofcourse

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