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Topic subjectHey...plants need love too!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=27611&mesg_id=27649
27649, Hey...plants need love too!
Posted by Yella, Tue Feb-01-00 02:07 AM
>no one asked you to dick ride <BR>>voodoo. <BR>>but, "mr sony/columbia" you could water donnie's <BR>>plants for all i know (what <BR>>is your position at sony, since <BR>>you were "in the office"?). well <BR>>while you were chilling with donnie, <BR>>i was actually on the phone <BR>>with D and Lauryn. i was <BR>>at the studio with d and <BR>>lauryn. i know the real reason <BR>>why she declined to do this <BR>>record. and trust me it was <BR>>not the label (perhaps they would <BR>>resist if she at least did <BR>>it, but she didn't.) <P>I don't work at Sony or Columbia. And I definitely don't water plants. But if you'd like to ask Dom or Stan about the Lauryn track, they might give you a different version than your story.<P>This is a fan-driven site. I didn't really expect to see much dissension about the project here. <P>Again, I think it's a good album. Sorry that's not good enough for you.