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Topic subjectim sayin' ... DSN alone
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=2645&mesg_id=2658
2658, im sayin' ... DSN alone
Posted by aoxomoxoa, Thu Aug-19-04 12:41 PM
you think anyone ever thought DSN alone was going to carry TTP to 1 million? DSN was designed as a lead-in single, one that ji hand picked himself... not the roots. DSN did well for what it was designed to do but it peeked and fizzed before the record hit shelves. that wouldn't have been a problem if there was some sort of follow up. i personally think there are songs on the record that could have made an even greater impact on radio and seen more love on MTV than DSN with the right video. it's my understanding that many months ago, this WAS the plan. Albeit, a plan dictated to the artist and management under the guise of rule 4080. This is nothing the roots aren't use to. the difference this time being that it was coming from the horses mouth, the source of 20% of last years record sales. a much different scenerio than what the roots were used to on MCA where they were at least constantly being told the truth, which was "no." Im hearing that the same smoke screen was blown up Kweli's bum too. Obviously, I can't say that I have all the facts or know about everything that has gone on. I definitely don't. I did clear this info with roots mgngmnt many weeks ago but just never got around to posting it amidst the many questions we've seen about who picked the first single and what the second single is gonna be, etc.

while im at it. to answer a question posed by okp habits a while back. no existing beats were played for black thought when he went to visit Scott Storch. the beats were for DSN and Duck Down (and at least one other) were made on the spot in BTs presence. habits had asked how many beats black heard before deciding on the ones that ulimately made the record ... perhaps as opposed to a beat like "lean back" which had fat joe and terror squad at the top of the charts (but hasnt sold them shit for records.) so there ya go.