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Topic subjectis common's album really that good
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=26506&mesg_id=26506
26506, is common's album really that good
Posted by guest, Thu Feb-24-00 10:26 AM
my friend just down loaded the unmastered version of common's album from this wonderful web site.<BR> i like common. i like him a-la.<P>he is right up there with my generations super emcee MOS DEF. <P> but goddamnit! i don't know why but i expected this album to be so much better. WHAT'S WRONG YOU ASK?<BR> 1. IT SOUNDS TO MUCH LIKE A ROOTS ALBUM<BR>what's wrong with that? it's not really common. com's albums had very unique sounds to them. but now it sounds like common tied thought and malik to a log cutter and took over the band.<BR> 2."PAY BACK" WASN'T NECESSARY<BR>stolen moments 1 2 & 3 were great. the most innovative theme for a song. why do it again? if it ain't broke don't fix it.<BR> 3. PAPA DUKE<BR>i guess it's cute, but damn! End the album with a song it makes me feel better. after listening to common's father ramble on, i forget what the fuck i was listening to.<P> i'll buy the album anyway. i just had to get some things off of my chest.<BR> <BR> -naeem j.