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Forum nameOkay Artist Archives
Topic subjectwhy are you even on this website? n/m
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=19&topic_id=25788&mesg_id=25824
25824, why are you even on this website? n/m
Posted by guest, Thu Mar-23-00 11:00 AM
"I'm on my own jock still, cuz if I don't say I'm the best tell me who the hell will." - Phife Dog<P>"What I say is the gospel!" - Triple H.<P>"One's for the money, Two's for the show, Three's for the ladies, but all they wanted was One." - Ras Kass<P>"Hip-hop to me is like an underground railroad, and it was always at its most potent and most effective when it was underground." - D'Angelo<P>